Caffeine Withdrawal Benefits: What happens to our body when we give up coffee?

A morning without coffee? For most of us this is simply unimaginable! The caffeinated drink wakes us up, smells wonderful and tastes simply delicious. If you can't even trust yourself to say the word "decaf," then you're definitely not alone - believe us. While consuming coffee in moderation is certainly good for our health, there are also some important caffeine withdrawal benefits that you should be aware of. And no, we don't just mean your morning cup of coffee. Just think of all the other caffeinated drinks you usually consume. Why is it worth giving up caffeine and what does a caffeine detox do to our body? We will explain the answers to you in our article.

What exactly is caffeine?

According to a survey, per capita consumption of caffeine in Germany is around 168 liters per year. Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in tea, cola and energy drinks. All of these drinks are real stimulants and help us start the day with energy. Caffeine is a type of stimulant that occurs naturally in various plants. Even in small amounts, it can have an effect on the nervous system and increase our concentration by stimulating the release of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. The effect begins after just 15-20 minutes and the stimulating effect lasts between 2 and 6 hours. In addition, caffeine has a habituation effect and the more we consume, the faster the body gets used to it and the effect wears off over time.

How much coffee a day is healthy?

The average German consumes around 200 mg of caffeine every day - this corresponds to approximately 2 cups of 200 ml filter coffee. How muchHealthy coffee a daydepends on various factors and it is difficult to give a clear guideline. According to the WHO, daily rations between 200 and 400 milligrams are considered safe for adults. If you are sensitive to caffeinated beverages, even moderate amounts can cause insomnia, restlessness, and heart palpitations. Pregnant women and people with cardiovascular problems should also keep an eye on their caffeine consumption and reduce it. And here's an overview of how much caffeine some of the most popular drinks contain.

  • 1 cup of filter coffee – 100 milligrams
  • 1 cup of espresso 30ml – 3 milligrams
  • Latte Macchiato – 50 Milligramm
  • Cappuccino – 50 Milligrams
  • A cup of black tea – 80 milligrams
  • One cup of hot chocolate – 10 milligrams

The most important caffeine withdrawal benefits at a glance

A cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up. Then another latte during the lunch break and another cup around 3-4 p.m. for the final boost of energy. Caffeine acts on our brain like a drug and, as with most foods, the same applies here: the dose makes the poison. No matter whether you want to give up the popular stimulant completely or simply want to keep control over your consumption - here are the most important caffeine withdrawal benefits that you should know.

You feel happier and less stressed

Caffeine consumption stimulates the release of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. This leads to a boost of energy, but as soon as the effect wears off, we feel tired and weak again. Do you sometimes struggle with anxiety? And did you ever think that the cup of coffee could be to blame? One of the most important benefits of caffeine withdrawal is that you will feel more relaxed and happier again.

You will sleep better

Depending on how often and at what times of day you enjoy your coffee, this can have a huge impact on your sleep. According to scientific studies, caffeine consumption 6 hours before bedtime negatively affects sleep quality, leading to fatigue and restless sleep. So if you avoid coffee, you'll get a deeper night's sleep and you'll fall asleep faster. So anyone who usually has problems sleeping can benefit enormously from the benefits of caffeine withdrawal.

Caffeine withdrawal benefits: Better absorption of vitamins and minerals

Excessive caffeine consumption prevents the body from absorbing important vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and iron, as it should. In fact, caffeine could lead to vitamin B6 deficiency. Caffeine withdrawal has a positive effect on health, especially for women. According to a scientific study by “American Research of Clinical Nutrition”, 2 cups of coffee a day can lead to increased estrogen levels. An imbalance in estrogen levels increases the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometriosis.

Caffeine withdrawal benefits: Healthier and whiter teeth

Healthy and white teeth are also one of the most important caffeine withdrawal benefits. After all, we all want to have a beautiful smile, right? It's no secret that coffee can stain almost anything, and our teeth are no exception. The reason for this is the high content of tannins in all caffeinated drinks, which cause discoloration and deposits on tooth enamel. Additionally, the acid content in coffee and cola can cause tooth enamel decay.

What's the best way to avoid caffeine?

You already know the most important caffeine withdrawal benefits. But now the question arises: What is the best and most painless way to avoid caffeine? You have two options to choose from: you can either reduce your consumption gradually, or you can go cold turkey. However, with the second option, the withdrawal symptoms will be much more severe and you will most likely have to deal with headaches, mood swings and fatigue for the first few days. To ensure that the waiver goes smoothly and successfully, we have a few helpful tips for you.

  • Slowly start replacing your regular coffee with a caffeine-free drink.
  • If you feel sluggish when you wake up, drink a cup of hot water with lemon or try herbal teas.
  • If you drink coffee just for the taste, then you couldsome alternatives, like trying chicory.
  • For more energy in the morning, start the day with a protein-rich breakfast.