Visit to the world of herbs and medicinal plants – horehound is the focus in 2018

It helps with the everyday problems that exist today and yet it is a big unknown. We are talking about horehound, which is said to help with indigestion and colds and received the award as “Medicinal Plant of the Year” in 2018. The plant has its home in the Mediterranean region, but the plant also thrives in a sunny spot in the home garden.

Medicinal plant and medicinal plant in a short portrait

Teas are usually made from the leaves of the horehound plant, which have two effects: they relieve respiratory diseases and help the bile to digest fat. The only problem with the plant is that horehound is not particularly popular. The teas brewed from it are too bitter. Mixed with other herbs, the tea is quite tasty and horehound could experience a revival in this mixture.

Better known is the root that leads to “Medicinal plant of the year“ was chosen: the ginger. The tuber is native to Asia and it is no secret there that the tuber has pain-relieving, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. The list of other uses for ginger is long:

– works for motion sickness
– optimizes the processes in the digestive system (acts against feelings of fullness)
– has a pain-reducing effect (e.g. for rheumatism, back pain, migraines, menstrual cramps)
– has an antispasmodic and tumor-inhibiting effect

What gives ginger its special active formula is sometimes the essential oil that is found in the root. Practical tip: To avoid accidentally peeling off this essential oil, only the cork layer should be carefully scraped off. The secretion is directly underneath. Shogaol and gingerol, two substances that are responsible for the spiciness of ginger, are well hidden in the tuber.

What is good is what feels good – on the skin or from within

Regardless of what is particularly popular at the moment or even receives an award –in the world of herbs and oils, which all websites, shops and of course “herbal witches” deal with, what is good for the person in question is good. The effect can be evoked in very different ways:

– Essential oils provide soothing relaxation – both in aromatherapy and when used as a massage oil.

– Processed into tea or as a soothing tea mixture, the herbal variants ensure a pleasant feeling as soon as you consume them. Some mixtures also serve to purify, calm or strengthen the immune system.

– Another component of the world of herbs is human care, for example with natural cosmetics. Processed into creams, lotions and other products, the herbs can have a positive effect on people - and it shows.

Excursus: Kitchen herbs are particularly suitable for consumption

Of course they are not medicinal herbs, but culinary herbs taste at least as good and - even if they have not received any special awards for it - are good for people.

Practical tip: Of course they taste best straight from the bed. How best to implement the idea of ​​your own herb gardenthis post shows. Some modes of action have already been outlined. In addition, there are a variety of herbs that help with the desireto reduce weight.

Figure 1: © stux (CC0 Public Domain)
Abbildung 2: © Andrey Zharkikh (CC BY 2.0)
Image 3: © Couleur (CC0 Public Domain)
Figure 4: © Nawalescape (CC0 Public Domain)
Figure 5: © donterase (CC0 Public Domain)
Figure 6: © congerdesign (CC0 Public Domain)