While you might think that varicose veins are a problem typical of women, statistics show that this is not the case at all. For example, the American Department of Science and Human Health states that those affected by varicose veins would be 50%-55% women and 40%-45% men. 50% of all people over 50 are said to suffer from varicose veins. In addition to the unpopular look, the dark blue to purple colored veins also cause health problems that usually worsen throughout the day and become more severe in the evening. What are typical symptoms and how can you get rid of them with simple means if, after a thorough consultation with your doctor, you decide not to have them treated surgically straight away? What are varicose veins symptoms and how can you get relief? We have put together 7 tips for you.
Varicose veins symptoms: Varicose veins with pain and tingling, how do the varices manifest themselves?
Hormones can cause varicose veins to form in pregnant and older women. Or even over time, when the veins lose their natural elasticity due toincreased inflammatory processeslose. They are noticeable through several, possibly non-specific symptoms.
- They worsen throughout the day into the evening and also in warm spring and summer weather.
- It gets worse if you stay in a fixed position, standing or sitting, for several hours throughout the day.
- They do not improve with conventional analgesics or anti-inflammatories.
- Varices cause swelling that is not always clearly identifiable.
- Patients, especially female patients, often complain of “heavy legs,” which typically become particularly pronounced shortly before menstruation.
- Itching, predominantly around the ankles, in severe cases with local discoloration of the skin around the ankles.
- Although pain is not an inevitable symptom of varicose veins, it can occur during development and indicate a local complication such as phlebitis, an inflammation of the veins.
- Cramps, mainly nocturnal, after a long day on the feet.
Home remedies and what they can do for us
If you have already spoken to your doctor, he has made a diagnosis and suggested treatment options, but you want to support treatment with natural remedies, we have the following tips for you.
Apple cider vinegar
In a new study, an experiment examined the effect of external application of apple cider vinegar on symptoms of varicose veins. In the experimental group that applied apple cider vinegar externally to the varicose veins daily, it was found that this application together with conventional treatment methods provided a slight, but still statistically significant, improvement in the symptoms. The symptoms examined in the study by theNational Library of Medicinewere cramps, pain, the perception of leg fatigue, edema, skin pigmentation, itching and heaviness in the legs. Apple cider vinegar improves blood circulation in the blood vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
An improvement in blood circulation and an anti-inflammatory effect are just some of the positive effects of regular exercise. Sitting for long periods of time, especially in oneincorrect postureor standing cross-legged and standing for long periods of time without much movement are associated with an increased risk of varicose veins. Make sure you get enough exercise. Enroll in an exercise class or yoga class, do leg exercises, or go for regular walks.
Positioning the legs and vein stockings
Even simple and well-known things have an influence on better well-being when you have varicose vein symptoms. Make sure to elevate your legs, especially in the evening, to relieve pressure on your blood vessels and give yourself a break. Support stockings also provide relief because they provide stability to the slack blood vessels in the legs and allow the blood to circulate better.
Essential oils
Many essential oils are useful for improving blood circulation while also having anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing effects. One of the oils most suitable for treating symptoms of varicose veins is considered in natural medicineessential oilcalled the cypress. It has the property of improving blood circulation and supporting circulation. Another oil that is also said to provide relief is lavender essential oil. Before using essential oils, remember that you check in advance whether you have any sensitivities or allergies, that you only use the oil in very small amounts, drop by drop, and that most oils are in carrier oils such as coconut oil, sesame oil or linseed oil need to be diluted. Only use essential oils externally.
Varicose veins symptoms: natural remedies and dietary supplements
From a traditional perspective, blueberries and products containing horse chestnut or its extract are known to be used for varicose vein symptoms. They help relieve swelling, heaviness in the legs, itching and nighttime leg cramps. You can eat blueberries several times a day without any problems. The horse chestnut is available in many forms in drugstores and pharmacies.
The collagen
Is a natural part of the diet and is offered in the form of dietary supplements. If you want to make it yourself, you can make a nice bone broth that you can add to broth or sauces.Collagen gives the tissue, including that of the blood vessels, elasticity and thus helps to make them more supple again.
Varicose veins symptoms: diet
Some foods have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve blood circulation. This helps to alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent or minimize their future development. A poor diet, on the other hand, consisting of lots of processed foods, trans fats, sugar, caffeine and alcohol, has a negative impact on health and can promote the development of varicose veins and other health problems. Therefore, pay attention to a healthy diet consisting of many anti-inflammatory healthy nutrients.
Weight management
People who are overweight are particularly at risk of developing varicose veins. Especially women and people of older age. The higher weight creates more pressure on the blood vessels and can lead to varicose veins and inflammation, especially in the larger superficial leg veins. Here, too, it would be advisable to take a look at possible healthy diet changes and incorporating more exercise into your life. An anti-inflammatory diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lots of fresh vegetables and fruit is a good alternative.