Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. 30% of our proteins are collagen. It's the oneMain component of connective tissue, including tendons, ligaments, skin and muscles. Collagen has many important functions and gives strength to many parts of the body. There are several foods you can eat to increase your collagen intake, including pork skin and bone broth. But in recent years, taking collagen as capsules and powder has become very popular. Taking collagen can have a variety of health benefits, from joint pain relief to improving skin health.
1. Take collagen for beautiful skin
Collagen is a main component of our skin. It plays an important role in improving skin texture and can also promote skin elasticity and hydration. As we age, the body produces less collagen, which leads to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.
However, several studies have shown that collagen peptides or supplements containing collagen may help slow skin aging byReduce wrinkles and skin dryness. In a 2014 study, women whoA dietary supplement containing 2.5-5 grams of collagen for 8 weeksthose who took the supplement experienced less skin dryness and experienced significantly improved skin elasticity compared to women who did not take the supplement.
Another study found that women whoA collagen drink every day for 12 weeks(liquid collagen) had increased skin moisture and a significant reduction in wrinkle depth compared to a control group.
The wrinkle-reducing effects of collagen supplements have been attributed to their ability to stimulate the body to produce its own collagen. Additionally, taking collagen supplements can promote the production of other proteins that support skin strength, including elastin and fibrillin.
There are also many claims that taking collagen helps prevent acne and other skin conditions, but these are not backed by scientific evidence.
2. Helps relieve joint pain
Collagen helps maintain the structural integrity of cartilage. This is the rubbery tissue that protects our joints. Because the amount of collagen in your body decreases as you age, your risk of developing degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis increases. Some studies have shown that taking collagen can help reduce the symptoms ofImprove osteoarthritisand to relieve joint pain overall.
In one study, 73 athletes experienced the10 grams of collagen daily for 24 weekstook a significant reduction in joint pain when walking and at rest, compared to a group that did not take it.
In another study, adults took2 grams of collagen daily for 70 daysa. Those who took collagen had a significantReduction in joint painand were better able to engage in physical activity than those who did not take it.
Researchers have theorized that extra collagen can build up in cartilage and stimulate the tissue to produce collagen. They have suggested that this may result in lower inflammation, better joint support, and less pain.
If you want to try taking collagen for its potential pain-relieving effects, studies recommend starting with aDosage of 8 to 12 grams dailyto begin.
3. Collagen against bone loss in osteoporosis
Our bones are made primarily of collagen, which gives them structure and keeps them strong.
Just as collagen in our bodies decreases with age, bone mass also decreases. This can lead to diseases such as osteoporosis caused by alow bone densityand is associated with a higher risk of bone fractures.
Studies have shown that taking collagen can have certain effects on the body that help inhibit bone loss that leads to osteoporosis.
In one study, women took either a calcium supplement combined with 5 grams of collagen or a calcium supplement and no collagen daily for 12 months. At the end of the study, the women who took the calcium-collagen supplement had significantly lower blood levels of proteins that promote bone loss than those who took just the calcium.
Another study showed similar results in 66 women whoTake 5 grams of collagen daily for 12 months. The women who took the collagen showed an increase in bone mineral density (BMD) of up to 7% compared to women who did not take collagen. The BMD value also indicates bone strength. Low BMD is associated with weak bones and the development of osteoporosis.
These results are promising, but more human studies are needed before the role of collagen supplements in bone health can be confirmed.
4. Collagen helps build muscle
Between 1 and 10% of muscle tissue is made up of collagen. This protein is necessary to keep our muscles strong and functioning. Studies suggest that collagen supplements help increase muscle mass in people with sarcopenia. Sarcopenia refers to the increasing loss of muscle mass and muscle strength with advancing age.
In one study, 27 men took part15 grams of collagen daily for 12 weekswhile participating in an exercise program. Compared to men who exercised but didn't take collagen, they gained significantly more muscle mass and muscle strength. Researchers have suggested that taking collagen can promote the synthesis of muscle proteins such as creatine and promote muscle growthstimulate after trainingcan.
Further research is needed to investigate the potential of collagen to increase muscle mass.
5. Promotes heart health
Researchers have theorized that taking collagen may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Collagen gives strength to the arteries. These are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Without enough collagen, arteries can become weak and fragile. This can lead to atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by the narrowing of the arteries. Atherosclerosis can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
One study involved 31 healthy adults16 grams of collagen daily for 6 monthsa. In the end, they had a significant reduction in arterial stiffness compared to the levels seen before they started taking the supplement. In addition, they increased their levels of “good” HDL cholesterol by an average of 6%. HDL is an important factor in the risk of heart disease, including atherosclerosis.
Still, more studies are needed on the role of collagen in heart health.
Collagen supplements may have other health benefits, but these have not been widely studied.
– Hair and nails.Taking collagen makes nails stronger and promotes their growth. Collagen also ensures beautiful, healthy hair.
– Gut health.Although there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, some health experts advocate the use of collagen supplements to treat theIntestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome. So canCollagen the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract"seal".
– Brain health.No studies have examined the role of collagen supplements in brain health. However, some people claim that they improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety.
– Weight loss.Some believe that taking collagen supplements can help with weight loss and promote a faster metabolism. There are no studies to support these claims.
Although these potential effects are promising, further research is required before formal conclusions can be drawn.