During the spring and summer seasons, many people prefer to go for walks in parks or outdoors without carrying any tick or insect bite medication with them. However, dangers lurk everywhere, especially from blood-sucking parasites. In addition, such insects can cause many infections, one of which isThe most dangerous is Lyme diseaseis. So while you're enjoying the sun outdoors, you or your pet could be bitten unnoticed. Ticks are small spider-like insects with a dark brown color that feed on mammals, birds and humans by sucking blood. For this reason, reducing the risk of a bite is especially important in the warmer months. Here is some useful information and tips for combating such pests.
Is a natural tick remedy effective?
To protect themselves from ticks, people often use pharmacy repellents that contain chemicals. However, you can also find recipes forhomemade remedies for tickstry. However, in some cases these also contain quite strong ingredients that can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. For this reason, it is recommended to use such protectants on your clothing first. This way you repel ticks and don't let them get on your skin. These parasites do not typically infest the interior of homes. However, if they manage to cling to you or your pets, this can also allow them to get into your home. In addition, ticks can hide almost anywhere inside the house. So if you find one in your home, it's a good time to take preventative countermeasures. The easiest way to get rid of individual ticks is to vacuum pet bedding, floor cracks, and under furniture.
Also, make sure to dispose of the dust bag immediately after cleaning. If everything is clean and tidy, natural tick remedies, such as an essential oil concoction, may be able to help keep ticks away. Examples can include mixtures of lemongrass, peppermint and garlic against ticks. You can kill ticks that are on laundry, bedding or clothing in the dryer. However, do not put them in the laundry beforehand as washing temperatures can have different effects. For example, researchers from several universities and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that black-legged ticks can survive underwater for long periods of time. However, the dry heat of the tumble dryer according to the manufacturer's instructions should dehydrate and kill them quickly.
Protection against ticks in humans
For example, if you're looking for remedies for ticks in the garden, home remedies may be able to help. However, if ticks are present in your yard, you will most likely need to resort to pest control. This will allow you to have your home individually inspected and possibly have a treatment plan drawn up. However, if you are looking for effective ways to get rid of ticks yourself, you can take some preventive measures. Ticks typically live outdoors where they can easily find and attach to hosts. What helps prevent ticks? To avoid a tick infestation if you live in a house, the following measures are recommended:
- Remove the foliage.
- Trim tall grasses and sweep around your home and along the edges of the lawn.
- Place a 3-foot-wide barrier of wood chips or gravel between your lawn and wooded areas to limit tick migration to recreational areas.
- Mow the lawn frequently.
- Stack wood neatly and in a dry place to keep rodents away.
- Keep playground equipment and patios away from your garden edges and trees.
- Remove old furniture, mattresses, or bulky trash that can give ticks a place to hide.
As mentioned above, ticks can bite painlessly and stay on your body for days without being detected. Once they're full, they drop off and hide in your house. To prevent a tick from entering your home, it is recommended that you shower and inspect your children and pets after spending time outdoors. If you find that a tick has bitten, quickly remove it with sharp tweezers and drop it into a container with alcohol. You should also make sure that the head of the parasite does not get stuck under the skin.
Coconut oil against ticks
Coconut oil is another natural way to repel ticks. It has hundreds of uses including use as an insect repellent. So, this can be used as another natural tick repellent as the scent of coconut oil irritates the senses of insects and ticks. This makes it difficult for pests to find their next victim. The main benefit of coconut oil is that you can apply it directly to your skin. When using pure, natural coconut oil, there is no risk of overdose and there are no known side effects. The oil is also a good moisturizer and offers other additional benefits in addition to repelling insects.
Coconut oil is a purely natural insect repellent. Lauric acid, which deters insects, is produced by the palm tree to protect itself against plant pests, among other things. If you are treating your dog or cat with such a tick remedy, rub a small amount between your palms and gently stroke your pet. You only need very little oil for it. The animal's fur should not appear wet, just shiny. A cat will continue to spread it while the animal cleans its fur. For a homemade insect and tick repellent, use coconut oil as a base oil and mix it with essential oil. All you need are the ingredients and a wide-mouth bottle with a screw cap. Apply this mixture to your skin several times a day outdoors to repel ticks.
Black cumin oil against ticks in humans
Nigella sativa oil (black cumin oil) consists mainly of unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, a variety of vitamins and other trace elements. The substances that give this oil its repellent properties are the naturally occurring terpenes carvacrol and thymol, which are found in many plants and deter insects. Terpenes are organic compounds produced by a variety of plants to deter herbivorous insects and parasites.
Carvacrol and thymols in Nigella sativa have a toxic and repellent effect against ticks and mosquitoes. Nigella Sativa essential oil can be easily applied topically to clothing and skin to repel ticks andto repel mosquitoes. These can be effective as natural remedies against ticks. However, please also note that essential oils and tarpenes can be toxic to pets.
Nigella sativa oil can therefore be used as an organic alternative to synthetic insect repellents. Black cumin oil is traditionally used for a variety of applications. It is considered safe and there are no known serious side effects. However, remember that there is no such thing as 100% protection. Depending on where you are and especially if there is a high risk of contracting a tick-borne virus, it may be advisable to resort to more effective protective measures. It is best to do a test on a small area of skin before first use. This way you can determine whether hypersensitive skin reactions could occur. So do not use it if itching or other allergies occur. In rare cases, topically applied black seed oil can cause allergic reactions.
Garlic against ticks
There are many products on the market that offer protection against these pests, but most contain a variety of chemicals. It is possible to make a homemade repellent formula with garlic that is not harmful to humans. With a few common household items, you can successfully protect your family and garden from potentially dangerous ticks and other annoying insects.
Garlic tick remedy recipe
- Finely chop 85 g garlic.
- Add 2 teaspoons mineral oil to a small bowl.
- Mix the garlic into the mineral oil and let it soak overnight.
- Fill a spray bottle three-quarters full with tap water.
- Add a squirt of dish soap to the spray bottle of water.
- Add the garlic and mineral oil mixture to the spray bottle.
- Cover the opening of the spray bottle and shake it well.
Squirt into the sink for a test. If the minced garlic clogs the openings, you can strain the liquid and return the remaining solution to the spray bottle. Spray the repellent on your skin to kill and repel ticks. This repellent also works forRepels mosquitoesand other insects. However, also be careful not to spray the repellent near your eyes, nose or mouth. This is especially true for pets, as garlic can be dangerous for them.
Tea tree oil for ticks on dogs or humans
There are a few theories about how tea tree oil works against ticks. On the one hand, the oil is applied directly to the parasites. There are YouTube videos and online articles on various natural healing websites that claim that drops of the oil directly on the ticks will eliminate them almost immediately. Since tea tree oil is toxic when ingested, this may be the case, but it requires ticks on your body and adding drops directly to insects that feed on you. The other outdoor use for the oil is as a repellent. The idea here is that the strong camphor smell of tea tree oil is something that repels ticks. However, using pure tea tree oil can be dangerous due to toxicity. For this reason, there are numerous recipes online that people can mix with the oil to create a spray or lotion to repel ticks. Try this easy recipe. Mix the ingredients and simply apply them to exposed skin before going outdoors:
Recipe for tick repellent with tea tree oil
- 9 drops of lemon essential oil
- 6 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 6 drops of peppermint essential oil against ticks (also effective)
- 1 tablespoon almond oil or jojoba oil
Brewer's yeast against ticks on dogs
For dogs, a daily dose of brewer's yeast in kibble helps ward off ticks or fleas. You can also add brewer's yeast to cat food but leave out the garlic. Onions and garlic are poisonous to cats. Ticks are also known to be repelled by citrus fruits. A freshly squeezed orange or lemon can be rubbed into your pet's fur without harm if licked and will leave it smelling fresh.
Proper technique is important for removing ticks. Therefore, make sure you are comfortable before doing this yourself. Now that you know some alternative remedies for tick control, you can be confident that you and your pets will stay parasite-free all year round.