This is what happens when you drink tap water every morning

The body should be supplied with sufficient fluids every day. Tap water seems to be the most cost-effective and, above all, easiest option for everyday useto meet fluid needs.As long as there are no lead pipes in the house, the water from the tap can be enjoyed without any concerns. After all, drinking water in Germany is subject to strict controls that ensure that no large amounts of harmful substances can be found in drinking water. I'll explain to you in the article why you should drink tap water every morning.

Drinking tap water: Is additional filtration necessary?

To be on the safe side, you can use tap water to use onewater filterbe processed. It is also advisable to let the water run for a while before drinking it. If the water is in the pipes for a long time, pollutants or metals can migrate into it. Accordingly, the tap water should be run for some time before drinking so that these pollutants are washed away. But what exactly happens in the body when tap water is drunk every morning?

Drink tap water: an energy boost for the entire body

The entire organism can benefit from drinking a glass of tap water every morning immediately after getting up. If the water is lukewarm, this can stimulate digestion, among other things. But your metabolism can also benefit from that morning glass of water. This is especially true for cold water. Because this has to be warmed up by the body first. In this way, the first calories are burned immediately after getting up. Drinking cold tap water right in the morning can also wake you up quicker. But be careful: not all people can tolerate the cold water on an empty stomach.

The body is supported in detoxification

During the night, the body not only loses a lot of fluid, so the corresponding depots can be replenished with a glass of water in the morning. The organism can also be positively supported in terms of detoxification and purification if the first thing you do after getting up is directly to the tap. After all, during the night the body was busy breaking down any toxins and pollutants in the body. But these also have to be excreted so as not to harm the body. A glass of water in the morning can help transport these harmful substances out of the body more quickly.

Drink tap water: This prevents stomach problems

Many people suffer from nausea or heartburn as soon as they get up. This phenomenon is not only observed in pregnant women, but is often a problem that can be found in different age groups. If those affected drink tap water immediately after getting up, the stomach acid can be diluted. In most cases, this is precisely what is behind typical complaints such as nausea or heartburn. Morning discomfort can be quickly alleviated thanks to water.

Drink enough water: beneficial for skin and hair

If the body is not supplied with enough fluids, this can quickly lead to various health problems. But your appearance can also suffer from a lack of fluids. This promotes, among other things, the formation of wrinkles, while skin blemishes etc. also have an easy time of it. But the hair also suffers if the body is not supplied with enough water - it becomes brittle and dull. In addition to good skin care, it is therefore important to drink enough every day. This is especially true forWomen over 40. With increasing age, not only does collagen production decrease, but the elasticity of the skin also changes negatively. A glass of water in the morning provides lasting care from within, while at the same time optimally promoting blood circulation in the skin and scalp.

Prevent possible illnesses

Many women in particular suffer from bladder infections from time to time. In addition to warmth, it is also recommended to drink a lot in this case. This makes it easier for pathogens to be flushed out of the body. But if you drink enough water in advance, illnesses such as cystitis or kidney stones can be avoided. Even drinking a glass of tap water in the morning helps to flush the bladder better so that bacteria cannot accumulate in the first place, which can later trigger inflammation or promote the formation of a kidney stone. The latter clinical picture is primarily due to too many minerals in the kidneys. However, if the body is supplied with enough fluids in the morning, the various minerals cannot be deposited in the kidneys.

Drink tap water: The absorption of sodium is reduced

Although the body needs sodium for various functions and processes, too much is actually harmful. Far less can be found in tap waterSodiumthan, for example, in purchased mineral water. Added to this is the fact that a lot of sodium or salt is consumed through our diet. Reaching for a glass of tap water ensures that you don't consume more than is absolutely necessary. If the amount of sodium is too high, the body cannot utilize it at all, so in the worst case scenario, there is a risk of various problems such as high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems.

Drink tap water: It’s good for the environment

Anyone who grabs a glass of fresh tap water early in the morning will be more likely to prefer the tap over the glass or plastic bottle throughout the day. Not only can you save a lot of money this way, but you can also make a big contribution to the environment. There is no need to buy mineral water etc., so that plastic waste is also avoided, for example. Drinking tap water is not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment.

Losing weight is easier

Unfortunately, it happens far too often that hunger is confused with thirst - especially after getting up. The strange feeling in the stomach is attributed to the fact that nothing has been eaten yet. In most cases, however, the body wants to signal in this way that the fluid depots are empty. Not only can you optimize your metabolism by drinking a glass of tap water in the morning, but you can also satisfy any supposed feelings of hunger. In addition, it is advisable to have a glass of water every now and then, especially if you want to lose weight - especially before meals. In this way, the stomach can be filled so that far less food has to be consumed. But even hunger, which is often not hunger at all, can be satisfied throughout the day in this way.

Drink tap water: Natural absorption of lime

It sounds a little strange at first, but it is of relevant importance for our bodies. Lime is used, among other things, as an important mineral, for example for teeth and bones. So instead of supplying the body with any supplements, you can use good, tried and tested tap water, at least with regard to lime.

It is easier to meet your daily fluid needs

Open the tap, let the water run and then drink – it can be that simplebody with fluids every dayto provide. There is no need to go to the supermarket and lug countless bottles of mineral water home. Tap water is available all the time and is easy to consume. This means that your daily fluid needs can be met quickly and easily.