The human body is made up of approximately 70% water and adequate hydration is crucial for essential body functions. Water plays many roles in your body, including maintaining electrolyte balance and blood pressure, keeping joints flexible, regulating body temperature, and promoting cellular health. Would you also like to have more beautiful skin? With enough water, the skin gains elasticity and appears firmer. If you drink enough pure water, you will have fewer pimples, wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Although everyone knows thata sufficient oneHydration is important, it can sometimes be difficult to pay attention to it on a daily basis. Here are 10 simple tricks to help you drink more water.
Understand your fluid needs
Before you decide, moreto drink water, you need to understand your body's fluid needs. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the guideline for daily water intake for healthy adults is two to three liters.
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) recommends that men drink 3700 ml and women about 2700 ml of liquid per day, including liquid from water, other drinks and food. However, the NAM cautions that it is not ideal to give general recommendations on fluid needs as this depends on personal activity level, location and health status. For example, you need more fluids if you exercise regularly, work outdoors, or live in a hot climate.
Set a daily goal
Setting a daily water intake goal can motivate you to make positive changes in your lifestyle and also help you drink more water. To be effective, goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Record your water intake with a realistic target value. For example, a goal might be to drink 3 ounces of water per day. It can also be helpful to track your progress, which will help you stay motivated to achieve your goal and also make drinking a habit.
Always have a water bottle with you!
If you keep a water bottle handy throughout the day, you will drink more water. Whether you are at home, in the office or at school, always carry a water bottle with you. This can also serve as a visual reminder. Seeing the bottle on your desk or table will be a constant reminder to drink more. It is also better for the environment to avoid single-use plastic water bottles.
Use a marked water bottle
Seeing your progress really encourages you to keep going. No matter what you're working on. So a bottle marked with hours could help you reach your personal water goal each day. This is just as much fun as the progress itself.
Set regular reminders!
You can also set reminders about when to drink water using an app or the alarm on your smartphone or smartwatch. For example, try drinking a few sips of water every 30 minutes, or set a goal to finish and refill a glass of water every hour. These reminders can be very helpful, especially when you are forgetful or too busy.
Replace other drinks with water
Another way to drink more water - and therefore improve your health and reduce your calorie intake - is to replace other drinks, such as energy drinks and cola, with plain water. These drinks often contain a lot of added sugar, which can be extremely harmful to your health. It's best to limit your added sugar intake to less than 5% of your calorie intake. Even one 240 ml can of soda per day can exceed this limit.
Diets high in added sugar have been linked to obesity and other diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Replacing these sugary drinks with water is an easy way to save calories, which will also help you lose weight.
Drink a glass of water before every meal
Another easy way to increase your water intake is to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water before every meal. If you eat 3 meals per day, this will increase your daily water intake by an additional 3 cups (720 ml). Additionally, your body can sometimes mistake the feeling of thirst for hunger. Drinking a glass of water before eating can help you tell if you really feel hungry. This will also help you eat less at the following meal and therefore save calories.
Add more flavor to your water
If you don't like the taste of water or just need a bit of flavor, you have many options. It's best to get a drinking bottle with a fruit insert. It has an extra container into which you can put fruits (grapefruit, strawberries, lemon), vegetables (cucumber, ginger, celery) and herbs (basil, mint, lavender). The drinking bottle is then filled with water.Popular combinationsare cucumber-ginger-lemon, peppermint-cucumber and strawberry-basil. The longer you let it steep, the tastier each cup will be. It is best to leave it in the fridge for at least two hours.
Plus, you automatically drink more with a straw. But ditch the single-use plastic straws and get some cool, reusable straws. Who doesn't want a nifty accessory to make their task a little more fun? Try some colorful twisted straws or sleek looking stainless steel straws.
Herbal and fruit teas are also suitable as thirst quenchers
Tea is nothing more than deliciously flavored water. This not only replaces fluid, but also provides the body with additional antioxidants. The flavonoids that occur naturally in tea can also prevent heart disease and certain types of cancer. As long as there is no sugar in it, there is nothing wrong with moderate consumption of three to four cups of tea per day.
Drink a glass of water every hour at work
If you have a normal 8-hour workday, you can drink one glass of water (240 ml) per hour, increasing your daily water intake to 8 cups (1920 ml). Fill your glass as soon as you get to work, drink it at the end of each hour, and then refill it. With this method, your water intake remains consistent throughout the workday.
Eat more foods high in water
An easy way to get more water is to eat more foods that have a high water content. These usually include fruits and vegetables, such as: E.g.:
Lettuce: 96% water
Cucumbers: 96% water
Celery: 95% water
Zucchini: 95% water
Tomatoes: 95% water
Cabbage: 93% water
Cauliflower: 92% water
Strawberries: 92% water
Grapefruit: 91% water
Spinach: 91% water
Watermelon: 91% water
Cantaloupe: 90% water
Honeydew melon: 90% water
The water content of these foods is 90 – 96%. This means that if you consume 250 grams of the fresh product, you will consume about as much water as if you drank a large glass (220 ml). In addition to their high hydration content, these fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that promote your overall health.
Drink a glass of water when you wake up and before going to bed
Simply drink one glass when you wake up and another before bed. A glass of cold water in the morning can help wake you up and increase your alertness. Additionally, drinking water before bed can prevent you from waking up with dry mouth and bad breath.