There are several ways to start the day healthily, but should you actually drink warm water in the morning on an empty stomach? This recommendation has now become a rule of thumb when following weight loss diets and a healthy lifestyle. In addition, most people associate this morning routine with numerous health benefits that can have a positive effect on the body and general condition. A home remedy taken in this way can, for example, relieve flu symptoms, help with constipation and even prevent cancer. But is there actually something to it, or does this Ayurveda work more like a placebo? Here is some information and tips that can help you use this method correctly and avoid possible risks.
Many people usually start their day with a cup of coffee orin better cases with tea, which help them wake up. Since you are usually thirsty and hungry in the morning, a glass of cold water is the most common choice to fill up your stomach. Although these are habits, they might be worth revisiting. In fact, there is scientific evidence that drinking warm water on an empty stomach can be much more beneficial than your usual morning routine. Nutritionists and doctors recommend getting into the habit of eating it. You can also add a slice of lemon or ginger to reduce the activity of free radicals in the body. In this way, drinking warm water increases the toning of the intestines, which can promote digestion and, accordingly, regulate bowel movements.
This practice has already proven to be helpful and health-promoting, with the body benefiting from it especially in the morning. Additionally, adequate hydration has several science-backed benefits for skin, muscle, and joint health. Clear water can also help the body's cells absorb nutrients and fight infections. This also has a positive effect on gut health and digestion, with warm water offering even more benefits. Drinking warm water regularly also helps break down food much faster than drinking cold water. So if you are not yet used to drinking lukewarm water in the morning, below are some of the main health benefits and possible disadvantages of this Ayurvedic practice.
Can hot water act as a rejuvenator?
Premature skin aging is not uncommon these days, and there are many factors that can influence it. An example of this is theAccumulation of toxins in the body, which can lead to faster aging. The presence of such toxins in the body's system accordingly makes it more susceptible to diseases, which can ultimately promote faster aging again. As a simple and natural antidote, warm water can go a long way in detoxifying the body. In addition, you can repair your skin cells faster by drinking warm water in the morning to achieve an effect of increasing skin elasticity.
Would drinking warm water in the morning make you lose weight?
For most people affected by this, excess weight is often linked to their eating habits. Scientists and nutrition experts agree that drinking warm water in the morning prepares your stomach for the day. This contributes to weight loss by emptying excess fluids through contractions in the intestines and can even prevent bloating. Also, consuming warmer or even hot water increases your body temperature and causes sweating. This, in turn, can help expel toxins and cleanse the pores. Increasing body heat also uses more energy, which accordinglyBoosts metabolismand helps to lose weight.
In addition, you can also drink warm water in the morning by adding lemon slices to the glass. This helps the body break down fatty tissue, also known as body fat. In addition, warm water with lemon regulates the desire for food and can reduce food cravings. The citrus fruit contains fibers with pectin, which can have this effect. In medicine, doctors also recommend combining warm water or tea with lemon to enhance the antioxidant effect of the drink.
Hot water to relieve pain and other symptoms
AnotherBenefit of drinking in the morningof warm water is its beneficial effect on pain symptoms. It can act as a kind of natural remedy for pain relief from menstrual cramps as the warmth of the water relaxes the abdominal muscles. In addition, warm water can be an effective antidote for any type of cramps as it improves capillary circulation and thereby also prevents muscle tension.
An example of this is achalasia, in which the muscles of the lower part of the esophagus fail to relax and prevent food from entering the stomach. In such cases, hot water can help ease the effects of this condition. In contrast, cold water can actually make such contractions worse, with food also making the condition worse in achalasia. For this reason, it would make sense to take warm food or water to relax, which could also prevent any stomach pain.
Stimulate digestion and prevent constipation with warm water
You can also help your digestive tract if you drink warm water in the morning. This stimulates your digestive system and helps your body digest and eliminate food better. In this case, too, cold water after eating has exactly the opposite effect, as it can solidify oils and fats in the food you have just eaten. In this way, fatty deposits can form that would make the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract more difficult. The simplest solution is to replace cold and especially carbonated drinks with warm tea or water.
All of these can help prevent constipation and avoid experiencing many of its unpleasant and irritating effects. Nowadays, this can be a serious stomach problem that occurs when you have little or no bowel movements. One of the most common causes of this is a lack of water in the body. It is therefore best to start your day with warm water before you have eaten anything. This way you can improve your bowel movements and thus reduce the effects of constipation. This can be even more beneficial for women, as many of them deal with more hormones than men, making constipation more of a problem.
Are there any disadvantages or risks to drinking warm water in the morning?
It is advisable to check the water temperature before consumption, as water that is too hot could cause injuries to the mouth and digestive tract. Immediately after waking up, there is also a risk of burning your lips and face, which can lead to accidents. There is also a risk of burns to the taste buds or tongue, which is why you should test the water with small sips or with your fingertips before drinking it. If you don't like the taste of warm water, flavorings or lemon, ginger and honey can easily be added. You can also replace it with tea to benefit from all the extra tannins and antioxidants.
Additionally, some disadvantages of drinking hot water include its diluting effect on digestive enzymes. However, this is more likely to happen at lunch if you drink too much water, increasing your risk of reflux. However, this can vary from person to person and should be taken into account during meals if symptoms arise. If you have digestive problems or are prone to heartburn or reflux after eating, you should be more careful when drinking water. Do not overdo the amounts and pay attention to body signals to prevent possible complications.