Olive leaf extract effect – tips for the right dosage with health benefits

People in the Mediterranean region have long known that olive leaf extract is effective against gastrointestinal complaints and many other health problems. This brings with it several potential health benefits such as:Lowering cholesterol levelsand blood pressure. Although scientists have conducted much of the research on animals, the extract also shows promising results in some human trials. As a dietary supplement, olive leaf extract can act as a natural source of well-being and have therapeutic properties. Just read on to learn more about its health benefits as well as possible risks and dosage.

As mentioned above, the use of olive leaves has long been a part of the Mediterranean diet and traditional medicine. These contain several important polyphenols such as oleacein and oleuropein. Polyphenols occur naturally in plants. Research suggests that these active ingredients may help protect against a number of diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Additionally, polyphenols may underlie some of the potential health benefits of olive leaf extract. These properties mean that olive leaf extract has positive effects on weight loss, heart health and even...the occurrence of herpescan. For example, the oleuropein contained in olive tree leaves can help prevent weight gain.

In a 2016 study, researchers orally administered oleuropein to laboratory mice with obesity. The test animals were put on a cholesterol-rich diet. After 8 weeks they had a lower body weight, less fat tissue and an improved metabolism. Another 2014 study found that oleuropein supplementation reduced body weight and weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet. These results therefore suggest that olive leaf extract shows action through oleuropein. Additionally, this has the potential to reduce weight gain and reduce the risk of obesity. However, more studies are needed to confirm this possible health benefit in humans.

There are no official guidelines on how much olive leaf extract a person should take. According to reports, the daily nutritional supplement from the extract is 500 to 1000 milligrams. Accordingly, you can divide the amount into a few doses per day. However, start with a smaller dosage when taking olive leaf extract for the first time. Then increase this gradually as your body allows. This is usually available in the form of olive leaf extract capsules, tablets and tea, although you should first discuss taking it to treat certain illnesses with a doctor. Taking olive leaf extract can also be helpful for the following problems:

  • reduces cardiovascular risk such as arteriosclerosis
  • lowers high blood pressure
  • helps treat type 2 diabetes
  • supports weight loss
  • eliminates free radicals
  • strengthens immunity
  • fights herpes
  • reduces inflammation
  • prevents cancer

When purchasing olive leaf extract, you should carefully read and follow all instructions provided on the package of the brand you choose. Strength and dosage can vary between manufacturers. It also doesn't hurt if you read reviews about the possible effects of olive leaf extract. Some claim that the extract's nutrient oleuropein contributes to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You may also have heard that theMediterranean diethas been linked to a decrease in chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease. However, the focus is mostly on olive oil, while the leaves are somewhat “neglected”. These have been a part of traditional medicine for centuries in countries such as Greece, Morocco and Tunisia. For example, to treat herpes with olive leaf extract, put 1 to 2 drops on a cotton ball and then place it on the wound. Its antiviral and antimicrobial properties prevent the herpes virus from penetrating surrounding cells.

It has been shown that oleuropein may also provide protection against Alzheimer's disease. Olive leaf extract also has an antioxidant effect, which prevents the loss of dopamine neurons. These are also linked to Parkinson's disease. Researchers believe that olive leaf extract may have positive effects on atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, which is the highest risk factor for heart disease. High levels of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol are other risk factors for developing this disease. Animal studies from 2015 examined the effects of olive leaf extract on cholesterol levels. In laboratory mice that took the extract for eight weeks, cholesterol levels were significantly reduced. In addition, olive leaf extract can help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A study from 2017 provided successful results in this regard. Accordingly, low blood pressure can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

In addition to its heart-healthy benefits and the protection it offers for type 2 diabetes, it is worth noting that olive leaf extract is also effective in losing weight. A 2014 animal study examined the extract's prevention of high-fat, diet-induced obesity. Olive leaf extract has been shown to prevent obesity by regulating the expression of genes that influence existing weight gain. Additionally, this can also help in reducing food intake. Olive leaf extracts even appear to stop the growth of cancer cells. Research suggests that the extract has strong antioxidant properties and could therefore act as a natural anti-cancer drug.

Reduce high blood pressure

Olive leaf extract could also apparently help with high blood pressure. In a 2011 study, researchers randomized people with stage 1 hypertension to take either 500 milligrams (mg) of olive leaf extract or 12.5-25 mg of captopril, an anti-hypertension medication, twice daily. After two months, blood pressure was significantly lower for both groups. The team concluded that olive leaf extract was as effective as the drug in lowering blood pressure in people with stage 1 hypertension. In another 2017 study, researchers randomized people with stage 1 hypertension to take either an olive leaf extract containing 136 mg of oleuropein per day or a placebo. After 6 weeks, people taking the extract had much lower blood pressure than those taking the placebo.

Affect cholesterol levels

Preliminary study results suggest that olive leaf extract may help improve cholesterol levels. In a 2015 study, researchers fed laboratory mice either a high-cholesterol diet or a regular diet. They also added olive leaf extract to some of the animals in both groups. After 8 weeks, the cholesterol-fed mice had higher levels of total cholesterol and lipoprotein, as well as low-density LDL cholesterol. These values ​​were significantly lower in the animals that also consumed the olive leaf extract. These findings may also apply to humans. A 2008 study compared the effects of olive leaf extract supplementation with lifestyle changes in 40 identical twins with high blood pressure. After another 8 weeks, the team found that olive leaf extract significantly reduced LDL cholesterol levels within the twin pairs in a dose-dependent manner. This means that larger doses of it could have a greater effect.

cause type 2 diabetes

Olive leaf extract may also help reduce a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In a 2013 study, researchers randomized 46 overweight middle-aged men to take either olive leaf extract or a placebo. After 12 weeks, people in the olive leaf extract group showed significant improvements in insulin sensitivity and pancreatic reactivity compared to those who took a placebo. Doctors consider reduced insulin sensitivity and pancreatic reactivity to be important factors in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Drug regulatory authorities consider olive leaf extract more of a dietary supplement. For this reason, they cannot recommend a dose or combination with other medications. As seen so far, there is also limited scientific data on possible side effects or long-term safety. Some reports show that experiences such as muscle pain or headaches are possible with olive leaf extract. People who experience serious side effects should therefore stop taking the extract as quickly as possible and speak to a doctor about it. It's also not clear whether olive leaf extract can interact with other medications. If you are taking prescription medications, we recommend that you seek medical advice before taking the extract. If you are taking blood pressure medication or blood thinners or have diabetes, you should also consult a doctor before taking olive leaf extract. It is possible to develop severe allergic respiratory reactions as a result.

Above all, it is important to seek advice from an expert before trying olive leaf extract. Additionally, remember that some changes may be subtle and gradual over time. There may be no difference in health status at all when using it. This is not a panacea, but it can be helpful in your goals of losing weight, improving health, and boosting immunity. So, most preliminary studies suggest that olive leaf extract may provide several health benefits. This also includes lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes. However, scientists still need to conduct larger human studies to confirm these results and determine the long-term safety of taking olive leaf extract.