Post-Holiday Syndrome is defined by professionals as feelings of anxiety and stress that occur around holidays and vacations and may be due to unrealistic expectations or memories associated with the holiday season. It can be a feeling of sadness, anxiety, or depression that has the characteristics of seasonal affective disorder. Sleep can be affected, energy levels and even the ability to concentrate, because after all, the holidays also offer a break from the monotonous everyday life and work. After the holidays, returning to everyday life can be stressful and cause anxiety. What can be done to manage this condition? Read on!
Signs of the post-holiday blues
How can you tell if you're actually experiencing the post-holiday blues? Rest assured that while the signs may vary, each of these signs is unlikely to last too long.
After the adrenaline rush of the holidays, you'll feel:
- fearful
- unmotivated
- stressed
- depressed
- irritable
- in a bad mood
- You may suffer from insomnia.
- Maybe you're worried about money.
- You may ruminate excessively.
How to overcome post-holiday syndrome
Returning to your usual routine and probably quieter workplace can dampen your mood because there are no exciting things to do to look forward to. Look to your past experiences to find out how you typically feel after the holidays. Fall afteralways during the holiday seasoninto a low? If you spent the period after the last two holidays in despair, there's a good chance you're also in despair during this post-holiday period. Take a close look at what you did last time and what relaxed you. And realize that this is generally a phase that can be easily remedied.
Continue to spend time around people
Post-holiday syndrome could be related to the fact that youover the holidayshave spent a lot of time with people and then suddenly find yourself surrounded by people you don't know very well, or even by no people at all. Boost your mood by staying in touch with friends and family and doing activities that bring you into contact with other people.
Do things that give you something to look forward to
Rekindle the excitement by organizing fun activities, such as: E.g. dinner with friends, taking a new class in a hobby or interest, regularly attending a sporting event, going to the movies, etc. Keep listening to your favorite music. This will definitely bring you back the good vibes. Choose activities that fit your budget and interests and that you know you will enjoy.
Alleviate post-holiday syndrome: Keep moving
Exercise gives you the mood boost you need. Training in the gym would be a good option. You can also stay indoors and exercise on an exercise bike if you have one. For those who live in a hot climate, swimming, hiking and water sports are ideal mood boosters.
Make healthy choices
After all the funduring vacation timeYou often no longer feel quite as fit and are nutritionally weakened. Make sure you eat healthy again, drink healthy drinks and get enough exercise. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will boost your mood and help you get back in shape and fit. Eat your blues away. Eat foods that stimulate your serotonin neurotransmitter (feel-good factor). Suitable foods that contain tryptophan (the building block for serotonin) include bananas, poultry, dairy products and peas.
Spend more time in nature
This way you can also recharge yourself with positive energy. Walksin naturehave a relaxing effect on the body and mind.
Coping with post-holiday syndrome: plan your finances
If you haven't planned well for the holidays and are deep in debt, you should seek advice immediately and get your finances in order sooner rather than later. This might limit enjoyment for now, but this is probably the best time to feel least deprived!
Expect to enjoy the next few months
Having a positive attitude and planning interesting and fulfilling events throughout the year is a good way to ease your current depression. Think about the changing seasons and the things you would like to do throughout the year and the activities and events you would like to participate in. The first step is to tackle the things you want, and once you get into the planning and implementation, you'll be too busy to fret.