Outdoor workout: With the right exercises, you can turn the great outdoors into your own gym

It's hard to bring yourself to work out in a dark gym when the sun is shining outside. Especially since you can build muscle just as effectively with your own body weight as with lifting iron. All you really need is something to push or pull and a little space to move your body and activate all the muscles you normally only work indoors. Get toned, strong and improving your tan at the same time with this outdoor workout that you can do at your local park.

Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

Strength or endurance training outdoors brings a whole host of benefits, including burning more calories and giving you a big mood boost. The main reason for the first benefit: training outdoors challenges your muscles with inclines, declines and obstacles. Plus, you'll improve your mood and self-esteem when you exercise outdoors.

Spice up your usual routine by completing this outdoor workout circuit. Try it in your backyard or a local park—these outdoor exercises will burn calories and build muscle at the same time. So if you're looking for something that's fun, fresh and gets you moving, read on to learn a unique outdoor workout that you can do alone or with a group.

1-hour outdoor workout: sample program

This classic form of training is idealto stay fit and healthy.

  • 5 minute warm up
  • 20 minutes of endurance training
  • 30 minutes of strength training
  • 5 minute cool down/stretching

For this workout, all you need is your body, a jump rope (optional), a timer or clock, comfortable workout clothes and shoes, and a place where you can move safely.

Start with warm-up exercises

Before you start your outdoor workout, warm up dynamically for at least five minutes - for example with power walking,light jogging, jumping jacks, arm circles or leg swings.

Cardio training outdoors

If you want to improve your cardiovascular system, here is an excellent high-intensity outdoor workout:

  • 100 jumps with the skipping rope at an easy pace - then take a 1-minute break
  • 100 jumps with the skipping rope at medium speed - then another 1 minute break
  • 100Jump with the skipping ropeat a fast pace and 1 minute break
  • Fast Jumping to Failure - as many jumps as you can until you can't do it anymore

Other endurance training ideas include:

  • 100-meter sprints: Use the distance between streetlights if you're not sure how far that is
  • Flexibility exercises
  • Sprints on the soccer field: Sprint on the short side, jog on the long side
  • Stair Running: Find a long flight of stairs to run up and down
    Mountain running
  • Lap around the park: Incorporate sprints to get your heart rate up

30 minutes of strength training – legs, arms and core

Bodyweight exercises are an excellent way to build muscle. Remember that individual fitness level is always extremely important. Good form increases the performance of your workouts and prevents injuries. Take your time and do as many laps as you can in 30 minutes.

  • 10 Side Jumps: Targets thighs, quads, calves and glutes

Stand straight with your feet together. Bend your knees and hop to your left side as far as you can, landing on the ball of your foot. Make sure your core remains tense. Keeping your right leg elevated, bend your left knee and hop back to your right side as far as you can.

  • 10 Lunges: Works the quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves and core

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a large step forward with one leg while keeping most of your weight on the front foot and lower your hips. Lower yourself until your back knee almost touches the floor (90-degree bend in both knees). Push yourself back up.

  • 10 Squats: Works the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and turn your toes slightly outward. Drop hips back and down with knees behind toes. Make sure your knees don't tip inward and use your glutes to lift yourself up.

  • 15 push-ups: Trains chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders and core

The exercise can be done on the grass, a park bench, or on your knees if you prefer. Place your hands flat on the floor or on a park bench, directly under your shoulders. Your feet should be slightly wider than hip-width apart on the floor. Legs are straight behind you, toes bent. Keeping a straight line from head to heels, lower your chest to the floor with your elbows close to your body. Extend your arms and push your body away from the floor and back.

  • 15 Dips: Trains triceps, shoulders and core

ThisExercise with your own body weightcan be done on a park bench or a sturdy chair. Sit down and place your hands on either side of your hips. Lift your butt forward off the chair while supporting your weight with your hands. Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle and then return to the starting position.

  • 12 Hanging Knee Raises: Targets the abdominal muscles

Hold onto a sturdy, low tree branch, climbing frame, or other elevated handle with your palms facing forward. Keep your arms fully extended and exhale as you bend your knees and slowly bring them toward your abs. Breathe in as you slowly release.

Outdoor workout: cooling down

Finally comes the 5-10 minute cool down. For example, you can take a walk through the park or stretch the muscles that are being used. This will also allow your heart rate and muscles to return to normal.