The flu is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Flu symptoms usually last about a week, but the most severe symptoms only last two to three days. Fatigue, weakness, and cough may continue for another week after recovery. In areas with a tropical climate, influenza activity remains relatively constant throughout the year. In the Southern Hemisphere, influenza activity peaks between April and September. It's important to know that travel can play a role. For example, a person in Europe is more likely to get the flu in the summer if they were recently infected while traveling to a country in the southern hemisphere. You have summer flu: Find out what can help quickly from our article!
The flu can cause mild to severe symptoms, such as: E.g.:
- Nasal congestion
- Cough
- Sneeze
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Fever
- chills
- fatigue
- Flu infections can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, and these symptoms are more common in children than adults.
Natural remedies for summer flu: What helps quickly?
Mild to moderate severityFlu infections mustusually not treated. With adequate bed rest, most people who are otherwise healthy recover within a few days or weeks. For more severe symptoms, there are some natural methods to relieve your symptoms. Try these!
Stay at home and get plenty of rest!
Pay attention to your flu behavior. The first day you have symptoms, call your work or school and say you won't be coming in for a few days. You are sick – and very contagious! Staying at home not only helps you recover, but also prevents the flu from spreading to other people around you or at your place of work. TheFlu viruses in summercan be particularly dangerous for older people and small children. Therefore, be sure to avoid contact with others while you are contagious. Take advantage of the time out and give your body the much-needed rest. Curl up on the couch and read, watch movies, or just take a nap while your body battles the virus.
Sleep as much as possible!
Sleep is your body's best medicine when fighting the flu. Curled up on the sofa, watching TV isn't a bad idea, but you shouldn't binge-watch your favorite Netflix show all night long. Go to bed earlier than usual and sleep in. Rest and sleep also reduce the risk of serious flu complications such as pneumonia.
Drink lots of fluids!
Make sure you have moreDrink fluids. It doesn't have to be just water—fruit juice, sports drinks, and broth-based soups (like chicken noodle soup) count, too. You can also drink herbal teas or tea with honey. These can have a relieving effect on your symptoms while keeping you hydrated. They keep your airways hydrated and help turn that nasty, sticky mucus into a thin liquid that you can cough up and spit out. This is good because when the mucus builds up in the lungs, it can lead to an infection. You should avoid alcohol and caffeine during your illness.
Sit in a steamy bathroom!
If your nose is still stuffy, sit in the bathroom with the door closed. Run the shower hot until the room fills with moist steam. Sit away from the water to avoid burns.
Summer flu: What helps quickly? Salt!
Saline nasal drops or sprays are available without a prescription at any drugstore or grocery store. They work and are safe – even for children. Place a few drops in one nostril and gently blow out the mucus and saline solution. Repeat the process on the other side.
Run the humidifier!
If the air in your home is dry, a humidifier or vaporizer can moisten it to relieve nasal congestion and coughing. Do not use warm mist as it can promote the growth of bacteria and mold. Also be sure to keep the device clean to prevent mold growth.
Take a lollipop!
Sucking on soothing lozenges moistens a scratchy throat. It can also calm your cough.
Ease your breathing!
It can be difficult to sleep with a stuffy nose and cough. Try these tips to breathe easier and sleep better:
- Use an additional pillow to support your head and reduce pressure on your sinuses.
- Sleep with a humidifier or vaporizer in the room.
- Take a hot bath or shower before bed.
Summer flu: What helps quickly? Healthy eating!
You may be tempted to drown your sorrows in a bowl of ice cream and a bag of potato chips, but your body needs better nutrition tofrom the fluto recover. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that strengthen your immune system in the fight against the virus. Even if you don't have a big appetite, it's important to eat regular meals to stay strong.
Take elderberry for summer flu!
Elderberry has been used to treat colds and flu for hundreds of years. In a placebo-controlled study, flu patients who took elderberry lozenges four times daily experienced a decrease in fever, headache, muscle pain, nasal congestion, and cough after 48 hours. In another study, 60 people with flu-like symptoms who consumed 15 milliliters of elderberry syrup four times daily experienced improvement in their symptoms four days earlier than people who took a placebo. Elderberry capsules, lozenges, and syrup are available in stores or online. You should not eat raw elderberries as they can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Ginger helps against a sore throat!
Many peopleuse ginger as a home remedyagainst colds and sore throats. It has antibacterial properties and can help relieve pain and inflammation. According to a report from Trusted Source, there is evidence that ginger:
- Prevents colds
- Prevents or relieves a sore throat
- Constipation reduced
- Relieves inflammation
Take honey to relieve cough!
Honey is a common natural remedy for relieving sore throats and coughs. Mixing honey into tea is a great way to keep yourself hydrated and at the same timeTreat flu symptoms. In a Trusted Source study, researchers found that a dose of honey was more effective at suppressing a nighttime cough than traditional cough medicine in children ages two to 18 with upper respiratory tract infections. However, keep in mind that you should not give honey to children younger than one year old.
Increase your zinc intake!
The mineral zinc is important for your immune system. This nutrient helps your body produce white blood cells that fight viruses. You have summer flu: what can help you quickly? Research shows that zinc can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. You canduring flu seasontake a zinc supplement or a multivitamin with zinc. You usually get plenty of zinc from a balanced daily diet. Foods high in zinc include:
- red meat
- Shellfish
- Lenses
- Chickpeas
- Beans
- Nuts
- Together
- Dairy products
- Owner