Increase serotonin: How to boost the production of the happiness hormone

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Regardless of whether you suffer from a serotonin deficiency, or not - helping the happiness hormone something is good for everyone. We give tips on how you can of course increase your serotonin level with the right lifestyle and the right foods and thus improve your mood.

What is serotonin?

Serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter (messenger substance) that is responsible for signal transmission in our body. He docks in the body to serotonin receptors and affects our intestine, among other things, and thus the digestion, our sleep quality and our mood.

Because the neurotransmitter has a significant impact on our mood, serotonin is often popularlyHappiness hormonedesignated. But it is also known as a feel -good hormone, because serotonin not only has a mood -enhancing, but also reduces stress. As you can see: A sufficient production of serotonin is important for the function of our entire body.

How does a serotonin deficiency express itself?

In the case of a serotonin deficiency, there is too low a concentration of the messenger fabric in the brain, which disrupts the signal transmission in the body. This can trigger different symptoms. Common physical symptoms in the case of serotonin deficiency include:

  • Drivelessness
  • exhaustion
  • Anxiety
  • irritated to aggressive mood
  • Change of appetite and libido
  • increased sensation of pain
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depressive moods

Since the symptoms are rather unspecific in the event of a serotonin deficiency and can indicate many physical disorders, there is oneSerotonin deficiency often undetected. In addition, the defect cannot be detected by a blood count. As with many other messenger substances, no conclusions about concentration in the brain can be drawn from the concentration of serotonin in the blood.

Most of the time, a serotonin deficiency is determined using the exclusion process and the trials of serotonin tablets, so-called serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIS). If the symptoms quickly resolve while taking SSRIs, there was in all likelihood a defect and the serotonin level, or the known symptoms should be kept in mind.

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Serotonin deficiency and depression

Serotonin is often also mentioned in connection with depression, since doctors assumed for a long time that a concentration of the neurotransmitter is responsible for depression for a long time. However, this thesis is increasingly questioned in science.

In this context, the use of antidepressants for the treatment of depression is also considered more critically. Because the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which belong to the group of antidepressants, aim to increase the concentration of serotonin in the tissue fluid of the brain. More active neurotransmitters in the brain should then contain the depression.

However, studies have shown that in many cases people who have a depression have no lower serotonin levels than healthy people. SSRIS or antidepressants in general seem to have a (great) effect, especially in slight depression.

For depressive mood, i.e. apressed mood, however, a serotonin deficiency can be responsible. However, this condition should not be confused with acute depression. In doubt, talk to your doctor if you are not sure how your symptoms can be classified.

In the video: 11 symptoms thatcould be

What blocks serotonin?

But how does a serotonin deficiency arise? The trigger for too little happiness hormones in our body are often chronic stress or other persistent psychological stress, for example throughOr strikes of fate.

In turn, constant stress can lead to sleep problems. However, since serotonin is mainly formed in sleep, the deficiency further increases, which in turn leads to poor sleep - a realVicious circleSo. To break through this, sleep -promoting medication with melatonin can be helpful.

But the wrong diet can also be to blame for the defect in the serotonin. Because of sugar -rich foods, fluctuations in blood sugar are triggered, which in turn lower the serotonin level in the body.

Similar to vitamin D, a serotonin deficiency occurs more often in winter. The short time, which we are exposed to in winter, is simply not enough to boost the production of serotonin sufficiently.

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What to do with too little serotonin?

If the symptoms apply to you, you ask yourself now: How can you increase serotonin? If you want to save yourself to the doctor and take medication for now, you can of course increase your serotonin to a certain extent.

This works best with sport, a balanced diet and by changing the stress of stress, or things that strain you in everyday life. In some cases, sleep -promoting medication with melatonin can also be helpful to break through the vicious circle already explained. Most of the time, natural remedies without any noteworthy side effects help for good sleep.

If the symptoms do not subside despite a transferred lifestyle, but a doctor should definitely be consulted. In this case, other causes must be excluded and, if necessary, psychotherapeutic advice may be necessary.

Increase serotonin with sports

The best way to increase serotonin naturally is sport. Because of physical activity, the body is increasingly available to the body. Serotonin is formed from tryptophan and released in the brain. Endurance sports are best suited for the conversion of tryptophan. If you train about three to five times a week for 30 to 40 minutes, you not only do something good for your serotonin level, but also the entire body.

Tipp:If you do sports outside, you form a double serotonin, because daylight also increases serotonin levels. It works on a cloudy day in winter.

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Nutrition: Where is the most serotonin included?

In addition to regular exercise, you can of course increase your serotonin with certain foods. But be careful: although there are some foods that are naturally serotonin -rich (such as kiwi or pineapple), its consumption does not automatically lead to an increased absorption of the messenger. Because serotonin itself cannot be absorbed through the food and therefore has no effect in the brain.

If you want to increase your serotonin level through your diet, you have to fall back on food that contains a lot of tryptophan - i.e. the amino acid, from which Serotonin Sport is also formed. This is especially with animal products likeMeat, fish, eggs and cheesethe case. But alsoNuts(which contain many omega-3 fatty acids) andLegumesCan help increase serotonin levels.

The body also needs carbohydrates so that the tryptophan also arrives in the brain and can be converted there. If you want to increase your serotonin level, of course, you should therefore avoid low-carb and eat foods with a lot of tryptophan with potatoes, pasta, rice or cereals.

By the way:It is a myth that chocolate has a positive effect on our serotonin level. The enjoyment of sweets triggers feelings of happiness at short notice and improves our mood; However, this has nothing to do with serotonin and the effects do not last long.

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How long does it take for serotonin to be filled again?

How long it takes for your serotonin memory to be filled back after a defect depends on whether you take serotonin tablets or try to get the whole thing under control with a change in your lifestyle. Also interpretStudiesIt is that the duration depends on gender. However, it can be said in general that it usually only takes a few days to a few weeks for the effect of a higher serotonin level.

If you have no shortage, you want to help your serotonin with movement and the right foods simply help, every single sports unit in combination with a healthy meal is sufficient to feel effects.

Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or acute complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice in the pharmacy. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.