Abdominal workout in bed: The best exercises to get six pack abs without the gym!

Who doesn't know it - the extra 10 minutes in the morning that we would all stay in bed for even longer. In the early hours of the morning it is so comfortable and warm under the covers that we don't want to get up. But sport and exercise are actually important too. If only it weren't for the annoying getting up. And here’s the good news – we don’t have to! How about a quick one, for exampleMorning workout in bed? It's an excellent way to activate our muscles and do something good for the body. But can you also get a six-pack at home? With our exercises, which you can do at any time while lying down, almost nothing stands in the way of your flat stomach! And got curious? Then read on and try our exercises for a quick and effective abdominal workout in bed today!

Butterfly crunches for an effective abdominal workout in bed

Yes, we know - crunches aren't much fun and are a real love-hate relationship. But the classic is undoubtedly one of the most effective exercises for youflat stomach. The butterfly crunches target both the rectus abdominal muscle and the pyramidal muscle, making them ideal for a quick ab workout in bed. Lie flat on your back on the bed and tense your abdominal muscles. Next, bend your legs and let your knees fall outwards - the soles of your feet should touch in the middle. Then slowly lift your upper body and bent legs off the bed at the same time until your elbows and knees almost touch. When performing it, make sure that your lower back remains completely on the bed. Slowly return to starting position and repeat. Do a total of 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.

Reverse crunches exercise

Please don't hate us! If you thelower abdominal musclesIf you want to exercise, then you should definitely add reverse crunches to your abdominal workout in bed. However, for this exercise, “slower is better” and you should focus on core stability. Lie on your back with your hands at your sides. Bend your legs slightly and slowly lift them towards your face using your abdominal muscles until your knees lightly touch the headboard. Then slowly lower your legs again while keeping your stomach tense. Here, too, you should make sure that your back remains on the bed. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Leg scissors for a quick six-pack workout in bed

With the leg scissors exercise, also known as scissor kicks, you train the entire abdominal muscles with a single movement. Perfect for an effective ab workout in bed! Lie on your back with your hands under your hips and palms down. Extend your legs and lift them slightly. Tense your stomach and then guide your right leg further towards the ceiling and cross it over your left one. Quick page change. Do a total of 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions each.

Russian Twists Übung

If you want to do an effective abdominal workout in bed, you can't ignore the Russian Twists. The exercise is extremely demanding and uses not only the front abdominal muscles, but also the side and back extensors. Sit on the bed leaning slightly backwards and hold your hands in front of your chest. Bend your legs slightly and lift them off the bed. Then tense your stomach and back and turn your upper body to the left side and touch the bed with your fingertips. Make sure that your upper body remains as stable and motionless as possible. Slowly return to the starting position and turn directly to the other side. Do a total of 3 sets of 10-15 reps per side.

The folding knife for a toned stomach

Would you like to tone your lower abdominal muscles with a six-pack workout in bed? Then you are in good hands with the good old folding knife! Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended. Tense your stomach and stretch your arms and legs towards the ceiling at the same time. Briefly touch the tips of your feet with your hands and slowly return to the starting position. To get the most out of the exercise, you should perform the jackknife without momentum and using only the strength of your abdominal muscles.

Do a walking plank in bed

And what would an abdominal workout in bed be without at least onePlank Variant? The walking plank is an excellent full-body exercise that not only works your abdominal muscles, but also your shoulders and back at the same time. Start in the classic low plank position and position your elbows directly under your shoulders. Keep your head straight and tense your stomach. Then support your right hand and push yourself up onto your hands. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position with as little hip wobble as possible. Then repeat the movement with your left hand. When doing the walking plank, it is important that you keep your body straight the entire time and not tilt in your pelvis. Do a total of 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Abdominal workout in bed: beetle abdominal exercise

The Beetle, also known as Criss-Cross, is undoubtedly one of the most difficult but also most effective exercises fora flat stomach. Since you train the rectus and lateral abdominal muscles at the same time, it is ideal for a quick ab workout in bed. Lie on your back with your legs extended and position your hands at the back of your head with your elbows facing outward. Then alternately stretch one leg forward and pull the other knee towards your chest and touch it lightly with the opposite hand. When performing it, make sure that your lower back remains on the bed. Do a total of 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per leg.