Fit in summer 2022: Benefits of mountaineering exercise and how to do mountain climbers correctly

The mountaineer exercise or the so-called mountaineers are a great way to add a bodyweight cardio workout to your strength training program. However, it is about the correct body position as well as variations and common mistakes. Climbing a mountain would be a daunting workout for most, but what if the mountain is the ground? That's the concept behind Mountain Climbers. Performed from a plank position, alternately bringing one knee to your chest and then back again, increasing speed each time until you're running into the floor. Here are some tips that can help you stay fit during the summer season.

This is how you can build muscles with the help of the mountaineering exercise

Mountain Climbers is an explosive onemultiple muscle groups are stressed at the same time. This helps improve balance, mobility, coordination, strength, flexibility and circulation. A compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups throughout your body, the mountaineer exercise is an effective way to strengthen your arms, back, shoulders, core and legs. Perform this by getting into a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart underneath you. Engage your core to keep your upper body and lower body in a straight line. Lift your right knee under your body toward your chest before lowering your right foot back to the floor. Repeat this movement with your left knee, switching sides with each repetition.

Another benefit of using multiple muscles at once is an increased heart rate. This will help you through the mountaineering exerciseto enable calorie consumption. This makes this a great workout if you want to train your abdominal region. In addition, the mountaineers can also improve your reflex speed, joint movement and overall stability. The good news is that you don't have to hike to the nearest mountain to try this exercise. In fact, you don't need any equipment at all as you can do mountaineering tours anywhere and at any time. Read on to discover the step-by-step guide to performing a mountain climber.

Perform the mountain climber exercise correctly

While the move sounds simple, mountain climbers work almost your entire body and increase your heart rate. You can easily add this to your morning routineTraining at homeor add at the gym, while traveling in a hotel room, or even in the break room at work. The basic movement is great for beginners, but professionals can take it up a notch with variations.

For mountain climbers, start with 2-3 sets and 10-20 reps on each leg. Choose your sets and reps based on your ability to maintain good technique throughout each. As you perform the movement, your shoulders, arms, and chest work to stabilize your upper body while your core stabilizes the rest of your body. As a driving force, your quadriceps also get an incredible workout. And because this is a cardio exercise, you'll reap heart health benefits andburn calories. If you're just starting out, try the classic version of the exercise:

  • Get into a plank position, making sure to distribute your weight evenly between your hands and toes.
  • Check your form – your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs tight, and head aligned.
  • Pull your right knee toward your chest as much as possible.
  • Switch legs, pull one knee out and bring the other knee in.
  • Keep your hips down and run your knees in and out as far and as fast as you can.
  • Breathe in and out alternately each time you change legs.

Avoid common mistakes

There are a few common mistakes that can make a mountaineering exercise less effective or even unsafe. Hopping on your toes is one of them. You need to train with proper form to not only maximize effectiveness but also prevent injury. For example, a common beginner mistake is hopping on your toes while performing the movement. The hopping may feel like aharder trainingfeel, but it actually requires less use of your core muscles. So don't let your toes touch the ground.

Another positioning mistake you may make, especially as the movement speeds up, is not completing the movement completely by letting your toes touch the floor as you bring your knees to your chest. If your toes don't touch the ground, you won't get the full benefit of the exercise and could injure yourself. Shifting your weight backwards can also be wrong. If you're not used to this movement, it's easy to shift your weight backwards, causing your body to end up in a slouched type of movement. Keep the weight balanced and your shoulders over your wrists.

Modifications and variations of the mountaineering exercise

Use these variations to tailor the exercise to your level and ability. If you are a beginner, start with a low impact version.

  • From a plank position, bring your right knee to your chest and keep your right foot elevated.
  • Then move your right foot back to plank position with your toes touching the floor.
  • Quickly reverse the movement, this time bringing your left knee to your chest and keeping your left foot off the floor.
  • Start by returning your left foot to plank position, toes touching the floor, and immediately lift your right foot to repeat step 2.
  • Quickly switch sides for a minute or for the number of reps you choose.
  • If you feel like you need to take some weight off your arms, shoulders, and hands, try modified mountain climbers on a step.
  • To do this variation, raise your upper body on a step or block. This can be helpful if you're starting to exercise again after an injury or are still working on developing your upper body strength.
  • Once you've mastered the basics, challenge yourself with a more advanced variation.

Mountaineer exercise with foot switch

This variant is more of a footswitch than a barrel. It has more impact and the potential to really get your heart rate up.

  • Again, start from a plank position.
  • As you bring your right knee in, touch your big toe to the floor.
  • Alternate your feet, simultaneously taking your right foot back and your left foot forward.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps or length of time.

Sliding Mountaineers

If you have a sliding disc or towel and a hardwood floor, try using that to change the basic movement.

  • Place your disc or towel on the floor and then position your foot on top while assuming a plank position.
  • Start slowly with a basic rep, using your other non-sliding leg and your upper body to stabilize yourself.
  • As you speed up the movement, you will feel that this variation works your quadriceps more than the basic version.

Mountaineers doing sports exercise while standing

Add some extra cardio to this move by performing it standing:

  • Start by raising your knee to hip level, then drop to the floor, holding a plank position.
  • Perform the basic movement, bringing your knee to your chest and then pulling it back out.
  • To get your heart rate up, try counting to 10 before switching to the other side.
  • You can also try slowing down the movement to intensify the stretch.

Prevent injuries with precautions

When you try all variations of exercise during mountaineering training, you rely heavily on your ability to assume and maintain a correct plank position. This includes checking whether:

  • Your arms and hands are positioned straight down from your shoulders
  • Your back is straight and flat, not curved or arched
  • Your hips are not lifted (your butt should not be in the air).

To ensure your workout is effective and safe, check the correct planking position. Performing a plank with incorrect body position can put you at risk of injury and will significantly reduce the benefits of the workout. Additionally, you should avoid the mountaineer exercise if you have injuries or instability in your shoulders or pelvis. It's a great workout for your knees, but if you've had surgery or need surgery, you should talk to your doctor or physical therapist before incorporating these moves into your routine. If you have recently been pregnant or had certain types of abdominal surgery, you may have a condition called diastasis recti, in which the muscles of your abdomen are separated. Until this condition is completely healed, you should avoid this type of core training.