Make your own fitness advent calendar: With these 24 exercises you will stay in top shape even in December!

Juicy cookies, aromatic mulled wine and crispy roast goose from the oven – can you already feel Christmas in your nose? But as wonderful as the Christmas season is, it often puts us to the test when it comes to our diet and fitness. Of course, Christmas is all about having fun and enjoying time with our loved ones. A few sweets definitely won't kill us and we won't get fat in 1-2 weeks. But just because it's the holidays doesn't mean we should just lie on the couch and stuff everything in. A fitness advent calendar is a great way to enjoy the upcoming holidays while making physical progress. Whether you want to help yourself or someone else reach their fitness goals, the following 24 exercises will help you stay fit and healthy in December.

What's the point of a training plan as a fitness advent calendar?

An Advent calendar is always a nice gesture and shortens the waiting time until the holidays. We all know and love the typical chocolate Advent calendars full of goodies. Who can say “no” to chocolate? But how about giving away a fitness calendar this year for a change that will ensure you stay fit and healthy? You know how it is - many people often lack the initial impetus and with a training plan with 24 exercises you can finally get things rolling.

If you know the recipient very well and know what they like, then you can easily put together the exercises for the fitness advent calendar yourself. Does he like yoga? Or would he be over oneeffective shoulder trainingbe happy? But if you are a newbie in the fitness world, then you are well advised with our training plan. And the best part? The Advent calendar consists only of bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere and at any time, so there are no more excuses. What is the reward for completing the Healthy Holiday Challenge? Strength. Endurance. Flexibility and maybe a little common sense. You will learn to love your body and enjoy all the deliciousness in moderation and without feeling guilty.

24 exercises and ideas for the fitness advent calendar

To help you stay in shape in December, you will find strength, endurance and stretching exercises in our fitness advent calendar. Do the challenge on the assigned day and have fun doing it. If you miss one, simply complete two challenges the next day - or pick up where you left off. We're sure this fitness advent calendar will help you stay motivated this holiday season and start the new year stronger than you are now.

December 1st and 2nd

  • December 1st –Do side plank for 1 minute on each side and lift the top leg for the last 15 seconds of the exercise.
  • December 2ndis for a stretching exercise for the back. Lie on the floor with your legs extended and pull your knees toward your chest. Hold your knees with both hands and pull them as close to your chest as possible. Hold for 15-20 seconds and return to starting position. Repeat the exercise for a total of 2 minutes.

December 3rd and 4th

  • AmDecember 3rdit's about relaxation. Treat yourself to a massage to relieve stress or treat yourself to a spa day at home.
  • December 4th– Get into the Christmas spirit by doing the wall sit exercise to your favorite Christmas song. To do this, lean your back against the wall and turn your feet slightly outwards. Slide down the wall with your back straight until your upper and lower legs form a right angle. Hold the position the whole time and try not to move!

December 5th and 6th

  • AmDecember 5thLet's train the stomach with a plank workout. To do this, do low plank, left side plank, shoulder tapping plank, right side plank and high plank for 1 minute each with 10-15 seconds rest between exercises.
  • December 6this cardio day. Do high knees, jumping jacks, and butt kicks for 1 minute each. Repeat the sequence once for a total of 6 minutes.

December 7th and 8th fitness advent calendar

  • December 7th is Cooking Day –Plan and prepare healthy lunches throughout the week. You can find a few ideas in ours, for exampleMeal prep plan for weight loss.
  • December 8th– Do 8 star jumps and 8 tricep dips and repeat 8 times in total.

December 9th and 10th

  • AmDecember 9thit's time for stretching. Place your feet hip-width apart and point your toes outward. Squat deeply and grab the ends of your toes with your hands. Then extend your legs while still holding on and hold the position for 5-6 seconds. Squat again and repeat for a total of 3 sets of 9 reps.
  • December 10th –Our fitness advent calendar is much more than just exercises. Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself. Physically, mentally – everything is allowed.

December 11th and 12th

  • December 11th –Do 11 lunges in one direction, then 11 squats and 11 lunges in the other direction. Add weights to increase difficulty.
  • AmDecember 12thLet's count down the 12 days of an abdominal workout. Do 12 crunches, 11 sit-ups, 10 standing crunches, 9 pelvic raises (glute bridge), 8 bicycle crunches, 7 push-ups, 6 Russian twists, 5 leg raises, 4 mountain climbers, 3 burpees, 2 planks. Hip dips and 1 minute low plank.

December 13th and 14th

  • December 13th –Have a 10-minute Christmas carol dance party and don't stop moving your feet! Not a dancer? Instead, alternate between butt kicks, high knees, and skater jumps.
  • December 14th –Limit yourself to just ONE treat this weekend. These could either be deliciousWeight Watchers cookiesor a cocktail – both are not possible.

December 15th and 16th

  • December 15th –Do 5 burpees, 10 deep squats, and 15 standing crunches. Repeat 3 times.
  • December 16th –Do 3 sets of every 16 push-ups.

December 17th and 18th

  • December 17th –Do a digital detoxand put your phone away at 5 p.m. and don't touch it until the next morning.
  • December 18th –Go outside for 18 minutes of jogging or power walking.

December 19th and 20th

  • December 19th –Avoid all added sugar for 24 hours and see how you feel.
  • December 20 –Do 20 jump squats for a total of 3 sets.

December 21st and 22nd – You’re almost done with the fitness advent calendar

  • December 21st –Do plank up-downs 21 times per arm. To do this, get into plank position and place your forearms on the floor with your elbows under your shoulders. Stretch your legs back, keep your back straight and push yourself up with one arm. Pull your other arm along and then support yourself with both arms off the floor.
  • December 22nd –Get at least 15,000 steps while running last-minute Christmas errands.

December 23rd and 24th – fitness advent calendar done!

  • December 23 –Hold the cobra pose for a total of 23 seconds. Lie on your stomach and lift your upper body off the floor as much as possible. Point your head upwards and hold the position.
  • December 24th –Do a total of 24 squats with lunges and enjoy the evening with your family!