Sometimes it is difficult to take the right measures to combat leg cramps. The cramps in the muscles often occur when a muscle contracts involuntarily. As a rule, you can then feel a hard knot at the point of pain - this is the contracted muscle. Leg cramps or thigh cramps usually happen because some muscles in the affected area are fatigued or overused. Another reason for muscle tension can be a dehydrated body. So, in this post, we will focus on some tips and tools that you can use to combat leg cramps.
Causes of leg cramps and how to prevent them
For example, if you don't get enough electrolytes like potassium or magnesium, your muscles refuse to work with the rest of your body. These minerals helpthe smooth functioning, while the fluids help your body process the minerals.
In most cases, the muscle cramps do not indicate a worrying underlying condition. However, there is a greater risk in people older than 65 years. Seizures can also be related to alcoholism, hypothyroidism, or diabetes. If leg cramps occur frequently, it is of course advisable to inform your doctor about it. However, there are now several remedies that you can try for yourself.
Make your own tools
Nighttime leg cramps, cramps in the calves or feet can happen to anyone. Sudden calf pain is intense and can stop you in the middle of a workout, wake you up at night, or disrupt you while you work. As mentioned above, muscle strains are dehydrationand vitamin and mineral deficienciesthe most common causes of a thigh cramp or even cramps in the toes.
In addition to staying well hydrated, you can prevent muscle cramps by paying attention to your intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Instead of taking any medication for leg cramps, you can carry out self-therapy following a few simple rules.
Use magnesium and relieve spasm
If you have regular leg cramps that are not related to a more serious condition, you can try adding more magnesium to your diet. Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of magnesium. It has been suggested to treat muscle spasms in pregnancy, but further studies are needed. It's best to talk to your doctor before taking magnesium supplements if you're pregnant.
Dehydration is a cause of leg cramps that are due to an irregular electrolyte balance. Magnesium is an important electrolyte in this regard because it is involved in transporting calcium and potassium in and out of cells, which influences actual muscle contractions.
For this reason, a magnesium deficiency can affect the balance of electrolytes, which can lead to leg cramps. The regular oneconsumption of foodlike almonds and cashews, spinach, beans and avocado can ensure you get enough magnesium.
Calcium for cramps
Calcium is also an electrolyte, but it plays a very important role in nerve function, muscle contraction and relaxation. Cramps can also occur when the muscles contract if there is not enough calcium to relax them. So if you eat calcium-rich foods like milk, yogurt and cheese, you can be sure that they will meet your daily calcium requirements.
Potassium is also an electrolyte responsible for conducting nerve impulses in the body. It plays a key role in muscle contraction and potassium deficiency or hypokalemia can lead to muscle cramps. Eating meat, certain types of fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and beans helps keep potassium levels normal and prevent muscle cramps. Popular potassium-rich products include bananas, citrus fruits, tomatoes and potatoes.
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Sodium works together with the other electrolytes potassium, magnesium and calcium to produce proper nerve impulses and muscle contractions. When sodium levels are low due to dehydration or excessive sweating, muscle cramps may occur. While low-sodium diets are encouraged for overall good health, if you're experiencing muscle cramps, you may be able to do a little moreSalt with your mealsadd.
The B vitamins are involved in many biological processes ranging from the production of red blood cells, the generation of energy, to proper nerve and muscle function. Recent research suggests that vitamin B deficiency can lead to a range of problems, including leg cramps.
A study published in the journal Neurology concluded that a vitamin B complex reduced muscle spasms in 86 percent of patients studied. B vitamins can be found in meat, eggs, dairy products, whole grains, beans and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin D is important for bone and muscle health. If you have low levels of vitamin D in your blood, you may experience muscle cramps more often. Vitamin D is made by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight and is also found in some foods. Food sources of vitamin D include fortified milk and some types of fish. But even with proper diet and time in the sun, you can still be deficient. A doctor can check your vitamin D levels to determine if supplementation is necessary.
Stretching for leg cramps
Relax your sore musclesby avoiding any activity that may have triggered the seizure. Stretch the muscles slightly by holding the stretch gently. You can even massage the area while you stretch or shortly after.
After stretching, apply a heating pad to the area. If the calf muscles cramp in the middle of the night, stand up and slowly move the affected leg to press the heel down and stretch the muscle. Another way to stop leg cramps is to hydrate. It might take a little longer to relieve your pain, but once you drink water or a sports drink with electrolytes, you can prevent another cramp.