Salt plays a big role in our everyday life. The small white grains are what give our food its taste. However, not all salt is the same. There are different types available on the market: from cooking salt to sea salt and rock salt. However, the so-called precious salts, such as black and Himalayan salt, differ from this. In this article you will find interesting facts about pink salt, its effect on our bodies, and other uses of the popular rock salt.
What is Himalayan salt and why is it so popular?
This type of salt is a pink rock salt that is created by the deposition and evaporation of seawater and is broken down without the use of chemicals. However, the name of the pink salt is misleading. The salt does not come from the Himalayas, but is mined by hand in the Khewra salt mine, Pakistan. It is called Himalayan because it is offered untreated and is therefore very pure. Other names include: Alexander salt, imperial salt and Hunza crystal salt.
You may still be wondering where the pink color comes from. The reason for this is the high iron content, which turns the crystals pink. The color is due to the natural rust.
In recent years, the popular pink crystals have morphed into a healthy living trend that has its supporters and detractors. Followers swear by its positive effect on health. The salt was supposed to...Lower blood pressureand contribute to detoxification. According to opponents, this type of salt is just as (un)healthy as the usual table salt.
Himalayan salt ingredients
Alexander salt is an unrefined rock salt that consists of around 97 percent sodium chloride. Various minerals such as sulfates, gypsum and potassium chloride are also among the ingredients of pink salt. Other elements such as iron and magnesium are also among the substances contained in Himalayan salt. In percentage terms, the content of the popular salt looks something like this:
- 95-98 % Natriumcholorid
- 2-4% bulk elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur)
- 0.01% Iodine
- 0.01% fluoride
- small amounts of various trace minerals
Compared to other salts, the pink salt is not cheap at all. You should expect 10 to 20 euros per kilogram. In comparison, a kilo of ordinary table salt costs around 40 cents. Himalayan salt is commercially available in three different forms: as ground table salt, in the form of granules or halite chunks.
Which salt is healthy?
When shopping for household needs, we all want to buy the best for ourselves and our families. So you often ask yourself which salt is actually healthy? It is important to mention here that too much salt is unhealthy and can lead to many health problems. Doctors therefore recommend using salt as sparingly as possible when cooking and eating. The recommended amount per day is a maximum of 6 grams, which corresponds to a level teaspoon. However, this also includes the hidden salts that you consume in the form of various foods.
However, it is not possible to determine exactly which salt is the healthiest. As a rule, “pure” salts are recommended because they do not contain any additional substances and are broken down naturally. These include Himalayan salt, evaporated salt (often called table or branded salt), rock salt and sea salt.
Effects of salt on health
The health benefits of pink rock salt remain controversial. Nevertheless, its alleged effects should not be ignored, as the promised health benefits are impressive. So it doesn't hurt to swap the regular salt with Himalayan salt. The trendy seasoning is said to have the following benefits:
- strengthen the immune system
- help with sleep disorders
- Prevent muscle cramps and help improve muscle tension
- regulate blood sugar levels
- be good for diabetics
- Relieve asthma
- Reduce high blood pressure
- Cleanse lungs
- Increase libido
- strengthen the bones
- have positive anti-aging effects
However, it is important to know that the attributed effect of this salt on health has not yet been scientifically proven. Critics are of the opinion that Himalayan salt is just as healthy as other natural mineral and sea salts.
The wide application of Himalayan rock salt
The use of pink rock salt goes far beyond the diet. It is used in various areas such as skin care, inhalation, bath salts and air filtering. Below we summarize the diverse possible uses.
Food preparation
Himalayan salt, as a popular type of salt, is of course used in cooking to season dishes. It is therefore a good replacement for classic table salt. In terms of taste, the taste of pink rock salt is more intense and very aromatic. However, the difference to normal household salt is not that big and it is usually difficult to distinguish it when eating.
Drink salt water
Himalayan salt water is now considered the new super drink that should do a lot for our health. The pink water is for a deep sleep,beautiful, supple skinand recommended as a real energy supplier. The drink is called brine and is drunk in the morning. Whether the salt water solution in the morning is really healthy has not yet been proven. However, since we consume more salt than recommended in our everyday lives, additional salt intake is not recommended.
Beautiful skin
Anyone who has dry skin, eczema, psoriasis or acne can solve their skin problems with Himalayan rock salt. Because of the high salt content, inflamed areas on the skin heal faster. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of the salt in a bowl of warm water and then apply to your face and décolleté. If you use the solution twice a day, your skin should feel softer and smoother after a week.
Air purification
Have you ever seen the interesting Himalayan salt lamps? However, these are not just beautiful lighting fixtures. The crystal stone lamps are known for their health-promoting effects. They are primarily used to purify the air and should reduce positive ions and electrosmog at home. In addition, variousSalt furnituremanufactured.
Salt plates
Salt slabs are also made from the Himalayan salt crystals. These can be used cooled, frozen or warmed. Fruit, vegetables or fruit can be placed on a cooled plateArrange the cheese, whereas the frozen one usually presents desserts. Dense salt blocks have good heat distribution and are perfect for sautéing vegetables, shrimp or meat.
Bath salts
A brine bath ensures relaxation and beautiful skin. To do this, fill the bathtub with warm water, approximately 37 degrees. Then add 300 grams to 1 kilogram of Himalayan salt into the water. The optimal bathing time for a brine bath is around 15-20 minutes.