Sirt Diet – nutrition program builds muscles and strengthens the immune system

The Sirtfood program was developed by nutrition experts Aidan Googins and Glen Matten. The weight loss concept not only promises a slim body in three weeks, the so-called Sirtfoods are also intended to promote muscle building and strengthen the immune system. The new method is based on the activation of sirtuins (enzymes that take part in the metabolic process) by certain foods. In contrast to other slimming diets, the Sirt diet even allows chocolate and red wine. Healthy and slim with enjoyment - we'll tell you how it works!

Sirt Diet – the new nutrition plan at a glance

Sirt, abbreviated from sirtuins, are enzymes with life-extending and stress-repellent effects. In order for the body to enjoy the positive effects of these enzymes, foods containing Sirt must be consumed daily. These include chili, soy foods, buckwheat, shrimp, blueberries, strawberries, green apples, various citrus fruits, walnuts, kale, capers, turmeric, parsley, ginger, celery, green tea, coffee or dark chocolate with 85% cocoa content, olive oil and red wine.

Ketogenic diet – lose weight healthily by avoiding carbohydrates

The nutritional doctors Googins and Matten developed exactly on the basis of these 20low-calorie superfoodsa three-week plan that promises a weight loss of 3 kilograms per week. The Sirt diet runs in two phases - in the first three to four days the calorie intake is reduced to 1000, after that you should limit yourself to 1500 calories a day.


Slim overnight - concept and summary of the insulin diet

“Slim overnight” – that sounds too good to be true. But with the revolutionary diet from nutrition expert Dr. Detlef Pape makes the fairy tale a reality. We explain what the diet is about, what you can eat and why insulin plays such a central role in metabolism.

Day 1 – Day 4 /1000 calories/
Smoothies three times a day, one meal
Day 4 – Day 7 /1500 calories/
Smoothies twice a day, two meals
Day 7 – Day 21 /1500 calories/
Three meals
Every morning, about half an hour before breakfast – smoothie
One – three snacks

After the third week, the diet is basically over. To ensure that the yo-yo effect doesn't occur afterwards, the experts advise continuing to consume 1 smoothie and two Sirt meals a day and recommend a suitable cardio fitness program in combination with strength training exercises.

Healthy and delicious recipes for connoisseurs

In their book, Googins and Matten not only describe the basic principles of the sirtuin diet, but also offer many recipes that anyone can prepare at home. With a little creativity, ingredients in other recipes can be replaced with Sirtfoods, so everyone can design their own menu according to their own needs and preferences. So that you have a better onePresentation of the nutrition planAs an example, we offer you three of the most popular recipes - smoothie, snacks and salad.

Smoothie for a refreshing start to the day

Green smoothies have long been known as vitamin bombs, but the power drinks can also prevent cravings and support fat digestion.

Ingredients: 75 g kale, 30 g rocket, 5 g parsley, 2-3 stalks of celery, half a green apple, lemon juice, 1 teaspoon matcha tea
Preparation: Finely puree the kale, rocket and parsley, then mix the celery, apple and lemon juice for 30-40 seconds. The smoothie can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Matcha tea is used unheated so that the phytochemicals are not lost, simply add 1 teaspoon directly when serving and stir well.

Delicious snack with chocolate and walnuts

Whether for a celebration with family and friends, or simply for in between – a delicious afternoon snack should not be missing from the menu. Googins and Matten recommend walnuts - they contain omega 3 fatty acidsregulate blood pressure levelsand lower cholesterol levels, folic acid increases concentration and magnesium protects against muscle cramps. In various combinations with other Sirt foods, they can be creatively integrated into the everyday menu.

Ingredients: 30 g dark chocolate with 85% cocoa content, 250 g dates, 120 g walnuts, 1 tbsp turmeric, 1 tbsp cocoa, 1 tbsp vanilla essence, 2 tbsp water, 1 tbsp olive oil.
Preparation: First puree the chocolate and walnuts finely, then add the other ingredients and mix. Form 20 chocolates from the dough and leave them in the fridge for 2-3 hours. The snack can be stored in the refrigerator for about 5 days.

Salad with steam-cooked chicken breast fillet as a main course

Not just a side dish - the salad plays the main role in the Sirt diet. With ingredients like chicken and a delicious dressing, the salad is now suitable for the main course.

Ingredients: 100 g chicken breast fillet, 75 g Greek yogurt, 1 tbsp coriander (finely chopped), 1 tbsp turmeric, ½ tbsp cury, 6 finely chopped walnuts, 1 date, 20 g red onion, 40 g rocket.

Preparation: Place the chicken breast fillet in a preheated combi steamer and bring it to a core temperature of 90 degrees in 20 minutes at 160 degrees. Mix the other ingredients (except arugula). Serve the fillet on a bed of rocket leaves and pour the sauce over it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Sirt diet

The new trendy diet from Great Britain is enjoying great popularity - stars such as singer Adele, top model Jodie Kidd and professional boxer David Haye have all successfully lost weight. The plan allows a certain degree of freedom in designing the daily menu, is well suited even for allergy sufferers and vegans, the food can easily be found in the supermarket, and the recipes are usually very easy to prepare and take no more than 20-30 minutes. The well thought-out concept includes all food groups and thus prevents the yo-yo effect. At the same time, great importance is placed on health. And if you want to lose weight quickly, you can see for yourself - losing 3 kilos per week should be realistic.

Opponents of the slimming diet doubt the effectiveness of Sirtfoods and believe that losing weight results from the limited calorie intake. All the more so - since the nutrition plan only allows 1000 calories in the first three days and 1500 calories thereafter, these ultimately have to be counted again and again. The diet itself has a quick effect, but if you want to keep your dream figure, you have to exercise diligently and change your diet in the long term.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.