What are hip dips and can you get rid of them? Here's everything you should know about it!

Beautiful, round hips and a firm and firm bottom – that is every woman's dream. We women often criticize our bodies and are far too strict with ourselves - either our stomach isn't flat enough or our arms are a bit flabby. No matter which girl you ask: each of us has something to complain about about ourselves. Social media and all the fitness influencers with their perfect bodies make it pretty difficult for us to accept ourselves as we are. As much as we would like to have the perfect “hourglass silhouette”, unfortunately for some women this is impossible or difficult to achieve. Have you ever heard of hip dips? If so, then you have probably already googled what these are and whether you can get rid of them. We'll tell you the answers to these questions as well as some of the best exercises to include in your training routine in our article!

What exactly are hip dimples?

Hip dips, known in German as “hip dips”, are actually something completely normal and most women have them. These are essentially the bulges between the thigh and the pelvic bone and the dents in the hip. In some women they are more pronounced than in others and are often viewed as a type of “flaw”. The fact is, however, that the hip curve is completely normal and depends primarily on our pelvis and hip bones. And unfortunately we cannot influence our bone structure. There are dozens of forums on the Internet where women ask what they can do about hip dimples and some even solve the alleged problem with cosmetic surgery. Of course, there are some exercises that could help make the curve less visible, but wouldn't it be better if we just embrace the small dent? This exact opinion has been circulating on Instagram for several months! Body positivity is increasingly coming into the spotlight and just a quick scroll through the hashtag #hipdips reveals thousands of images of women celebrating and proudly showing off their hip dimples.

What are the most common causes of this and can you get rid of them?

As already mentioned, hip dimples are something completely natural and every woman has them. But why are these more pronounced in some than in others? Below are the 3 most important factors that can influence them.

  • The bone structure –They depend primarily on our anatomy and unfortunately that cannot be influenced. For some, the distance between the pelvis and the thigh is naturally slightly larger and for some it is smaller. If this is the case for you, you will not be able to get rid of hip dimples completely.
  • The body fat percentage –Do you tend to gain weight on the outside of your thighs and above your pelvic bone? This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it means the dents aren't as visible.
  • The gluteal muscles –The butt is made up of 3 muscles each, and if the butt muscles are not trained enough, this increases the effect of hip dimples.

And now the bad news - since hip dimples are mainly related to our bone structure, it is very difficult to get rid of them once and for all. Although you can tone your body and buttocks, unfortunately you cannot change your bone structure. To make the hip dimples less visible and “fill out” a little, you need to regularly train the thighs, butt, hips and stomach. By building muscle in these areas it should be possible to minimize the dents. If you still can't, then try to learn to accept and love your body as it is.

These are the best exercises

Do you want to get rid of your hip dimples? Below we have some of the most effective exercises for strengthening your thighs and glutes. To achieve the best possible results, we recommend that you perform 4 to 6 of the following exercises at least 2 times a week. Aim to do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps each.

  • Fitness band Knee braces –When it comes to effective butt exercises, isthe squatTHE classic. Adding a resistance band puts additional stress on the outer thighs and hips, which can help minimize bulges. To do this, place the resistance band directly above your knees and stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now push your bottom back, tense your stomach and squat deeply. To increase the difficulty, combine the squat with side leg raises. To do this, squat again, straighten your body and then lift your left leg straight to the side. Do another squat and lift the other leg - this counts as one repetition.
  • Fire hydrant kicksis one of the best exercises to strengthen the thighs and hips. Get into the classic all-fours position and position the fitness band directly below your knees. Make sure your hands and knees are shoulder-width apart. Tense your core muscles and spread your right leg to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Perform the movement slowly and in a controlled manner, making sure not to move your hips.
  • Bulgarian Split Squatgets the back of your legs burning and is a great way to work the leg and glute muscles at the same time! Advanced users can also do the exercise with dumbbells. To do this, place one foot on an elevated object and take a large step forward with the other leg. Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and slowly lower your body until your front leg forms a 90 degree angle to the floor. Make sure that your knee does not extend beyond your toes. Now slowly return to the starting position and do a total of 10-12 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat.
  • Back lunges –With this variant, the buttocks andthigh musclesclaimed. Place your feet about hip-width apart and tense your buttocks, stomach and back. Take a deep breath and take a big step back, pulling your back knee toward the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position. Now perform the movement with the other leg - this counts as one repetition. Use dumbbells or a resistance band to increase the difficulty.
  • Pelvic bridge with fitness band –This is a classic butt exercise that turns into one of the best hip dip exercises with the use of a resistance band. Place the resistance band over your knees and lie on the floor. Position your feet hip-width apart and then push your hips upwards until your upper body forms a straight line. Hold the position for about 5 seconds and open your legs slightly outwards. Slowly lower the pelvis again and repeat.
  • Side walks with a fitness bandare probably one of the most effective ways to train the obliques. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and position the resistance band above your knees. Now tense your stomach and squat slightly. Then take a few small steps outwards while keeping the fitness band under constant tension. When performing, always keep a large distance and never close your feet.
  • Hip Thrust Exercise with Weight –Hip Thrust is another and more demanding variation of the classic glute bridge and an absolute must for anyone who wants a firm butt and wants to get rid of hip dimples! Sit on the floor and lean your shoulder blades against an elevated object or exercise bench. It is important that the lower part of the shoulder blades is on the edge of the training bench. Place a dumbbell on the crease of your hips and place your feet hip-width apart, with the toes and knees pointing slightly outwards. Tense your whole body and stretch your hips towards the ceiling. Make sure that the glutes are maximally contracted in the upper position and the shin remains perpendicular to the floor. Then lower your body in a controlled manner and repeat.
  • Sumo weighted deadlifttrains both back extensors as well as the front and inner thighs. Stand in front of a barbell with your legs spread wide apart and your feet turned slightly outward. Tense your stomach and arch your lower back slightly. Then bend your legs and grab the barbell with both hands. Exhale and at the same time stretch your legs and upper body upwards until your legs are almost completely stretched. Then lower your upper body forward again and bend your knees. Guide the barbell down close to your legs. When performing the exercise, always ensure that your lower back remains in a slightly hollow back position and your upper body remains straight.