Occlusion training instructions: What is behind the fitness trend from Japan and how effective is it for building muscle?

A toned stomach, defined arms andtoned legs– these are the main goals of most fitness fans and strength training enthusiasts. But achieving this requires countless hours in the gym as well as a lot of endurance and willpower. The heavier the weights we lift, the bigger our muscles become - or so most of you believe. Well, what if we told you that rapid muscle growth is possible even with less effort? Does it just sound too good to be true? But that's exactly what the fitness trend from Japan promises us - occlusion training. The training method is also known as “Blood Restriction Training” or “Kaatsu Training” and has become increasingly popular in recent years. But how exactly does it work and can it really help build muscle? Is it dangerous and which are good occlusion training exercises? We will give you the answers to these and many other questions as well as detailed occlusion training instructions below!

Blood Flow Restriction comes from English and means something like “restriction of blood flow”. With the fitness method, the blood supply to the muscles is specifically reduced using special occlusion training bands or bandages. Training has become increasingly popular in Germany in recent years and is also used for therapeutic purposes, for example during rehabilitation after an injury or operation. One of the biggest benefits of occlusion training is the ability to achieve the same results as weightlifting at a lower intensity. This makes it ideal for people who are unable to lift heavy weights due to injuries, age, or other factors. Although occlusion training is also suitable for women, the method is particularly popular among men - after all, no woman wants considerable muscle mass.

Occlusion training was developed by the Japanese doctor Yoshiaki Sato in 1960 and patented as KAATSU Training. The occlusion training bandages are placed proximal to the trained muscle and ensure that the blood flow in the legs or arms is slowed down. By reducing the backflow of blood in the veins, the release of growth hormones is promoted. This blockage of the vein in turn increases the lactate concentration in the blood, i.e. the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, and this causes the body to appear to be under particularly intense stress. In reality, you are training with lighter weights. The lower blood flow leads to significant muscle swelling during exercise. While you are atnormal strength trainingIf you need to train at an intensity of 70 to 80% of your maximum strength, the goal of BFR training is to train at 20 to 30% of your maximum strength per repetition (1 rpm). Or explained more simply - for example, if you perform bicep curls with a weight of 10 kilos, you have to do them with a weight between 2 and 6 kilos during occlusion training.

How does BFR training work?

The doctor Yoshiaki Sato himself proved the success of his method through an occlusion training study. To do this, he slowed down the blood flow in the legs of athletes using special bands and had them perform leg press exercises with less weight. After about 4 weeks, muscle growth in the legs of 10% was noticed. With all of this being said, it is clear that training method should be a key technique in every athlete's armory. But according to the occlusion training instructions, as mentioned, you should train with 20 to 30% of the maximum 1 repetition and perform several repetitions per set.

But to better understand how exactly occlusion training contributes to muscle building, we should know how our circulatory system works. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to muscle, while veins take blood. Occlusion training only restricts blood flow to the veins without blocking the arteries. By allowing blood to enter the muscle and stay there, maximum swelling is achieved. That's why it's particularly important to tie the occlusion training bands correctly and not too tightly.

This is how occlusion training bands are used correctly

Tying your legs or arms while strength training sounds really risky and painful. And it can actually be dangerous if you don't know the occlusion training instructions and the straps are not strapped on correctly. The optimal width is between 4 and 9 centimeters. Scientific studies have even confirmed that an occlusion training cuff with a smaller width significantly reduces the risk of vein occlusion. For occlusion training of the chest or shoulder, the bands are placed as high as possible on the relaxed biceps. On the other hand, if you want to train your legs and thighs, they are strapped close to the knee or hip joint. Make sure that the occlusion training bands are neither too tight nor too loose and only loosen them when you have finished the entire exercise. Fitness experts also recommend wrapping the arms and legs lengthwise in multiple layers rather than in a spiral.

As you already know, correctly attaching the bandages is the be-all and end-all of occlusion training instructions. The blood supply should only be reduced and not stopped completely. So if you feel a slight tingling sensation at the beginning of your workout, consider loosening the cuffs. And if your veins are not visibly prominent, then you should increase the pressure accordingly. To find the optimal pressure, you can buy special occlusion training bands that come with some kind of blood pressure monitor. However, these are still difficult to obtain in Germany and so people often resort to the cuffs that doctors use to take blood. If used improperly, occlusion training could lead to blood clots, bruising, or occlusion of the pulmonary arteries. To avoid possible injuries, it is recommended to train with a qualified trainer for the first 1-2 months.

What are the best occlusion training exercises?

How often should you use occlusion training to get results or are there specific exercises you should know? Whether you carry out a complete occlusion training training plan or just integrate individual exercises into your training routine is actually up to you. Suitable exercises for the upper body include biceps curls and triceps extensions. For the legs and buttocks, it is best to choose leg extensions, leg curls as wellSquat variationsand lunges. Even if you don't have access to external weights, you can benefit from occlusion training. In this case, it is recommended to perform exercises that engage several muscle groups at the same time. So no, there is actually no specific occlusion training training plan. The training method can also be used during endurance exercises, such as jogging on the treadmill or cycling. This promotes muscle growth, strengthens our endurance and improves performance.

Many people think that the training method only allows you to train the arms and legs. But that's not entirely true - the wrapping and the resulting pressure tire our nervous system more quickly. In order for the body to maintain strength and not fail, several muscle groups are recruited at the same time. A study conducted in Japan found that restricting blood flow during occlusion training resulted in a 16 percent increase in muscle mass in the chest. According to the occlusion training instructions, you have to do as many repetitions of the individual exercises as possible - almost to muscle failure. The most common form of training is divided into 5 sets of exercises - 1 set with 30-35 repetitions and the remaining 4 sets with 15 repetitions. In contrast to classic strength training, the break between sets in BFR training lasts a maximum of 40 seconds. The shorter rest times and the high number of repetitions additionally recruit the fast-twitch muscle fibers that are responsible for muscle growth. And as far as workout duration goes, your workout shouldn't last longer than 1 hour.

Occlusion training risks and who is the training method suitable for?

In general, occlusion training is considered safe and harmless. However, the wrong width and placement of the bands, as well as too much pressure, could lead to some complications such as blood clots. Scientific studies have even found that the training method could increase the breakdown of blood clots, provided it is done correctly. There are also no restrictions on participation - occlusion training is suitable for experienced competitive athletes as well as for women or beginners. Due to the low weights used, it is particularly beneficial for people recovering from surgery or an injury. For the same reason, the training method is also ideal for older people who simply want to stay fit. However, if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or suffer or have suffered from cardiovascular diseases, you should avoid the training method.