Squat Variations – The Squat Exercise for Effective Full-Body Training at Home!

It's not for nothing that the squat is an indispensable part of an effective full-body workout. This is a compound exercise that works a number of muscle groups at the same time. These primarily include the gluteal muscles, the quadriceps, the upper and lower legs as well as the back and abdominal muscles. In addition, it bringscorrect squat executionhas many benefits for our physical and mental health. This improves our performance and coordination, strengthens our bones and can also help relieve back pain. And although the effectiveness of the classic exercise cannot be denied, there are also many other squat variations that target different muscles. In this article you will find lots of great ideas to improve your training and keep things more interesting.

While the squat is considered a classic exercise for the lower body, the many variations train different muscles. For example, if you place your legs further apart, the hamstrings and glutes will be used slightly more than the quadriceps. Plyometric squats get your heart rate up and are great for a HIIT training plan. When it comes to adding equipment, you can really use anything - anything from mini resistance bands to barbells or water bottles goes. All of the variations you will find in this article can be done with or without weights - depending on how much fitness experience you already have.

Squat variations provide more variety in your training routine

  • Goblet squat exerciseis one of the most popular squat variations with weights, which is suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. In addition to the legs and buttocks, the shoulders are also trained. To do this, hold a free weight such as a dumbbell, kettlebell, or 3-liter water bottle in front of your chest. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees and toes pointing slightly outward. Tense your butt and stomach, push your hips back and then squat as deeply as possible.
  • Squat variations with pressing downare a wonderful plyometric exercise that primarily targets the inner thighs and buttocks. Do a classic squat, but instead of immediately returning to the starting position, move slightly up and down.

Squat exercises train multiple muscle groups at the same time

  • Pistol squat exerciseis a single-leg squat and one of the most effective bodyweight exercises. This will improve your coordination, balance, strength and endurance. Shift your weight onto one leg and stretch the other forward without touching the floor. Then squat as low as possible until your buttocks almost touch the floor. Slowly push yourself back up. By extending your arms forward, you provide better balance.
  • Squats with lungesfor slim legs and a firm bottom. Depending on how much experience you have, you can perform this squat variation with 2 dumbbells. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and squat down. Return to the starting position and take a large step forward with your left foot, pushing your body slightly downward. Then do another squat followed by a lunge with your right leg.
  • Squat walk exerciseis a wonderful addition to oneHIIT Training Planfor home. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your toes and knees pointing forward. Tense your stomach and buttocks and perform a deep squat. Hold the position and then take 5 steps forward and then back without getting up from the squat. Another option would be to run sideways. If this is too easy for you, you can use weights or mini fitness bands.

Thanks to the many variations, it never gets boring

  • Eagle Squat Variations –Anyone who has ever taken a yoga class will probably already know this exercise. And anyone who thinks squats are boring and monotonous will simply love this challenge. Stand with your feet close together and stretch your arms forward. Now cross your thighs and place your right leg over the left. Do the same with your arms - bring your right elbow under your left and place your palms together. Then squat down as low as possible and slowly push your body upwards.
  • Squat with kickbacks –Open your feet slightly wider than hip-width and tense your abdominal and core muscles. Do a classic squat and step back with one leg as you stand up. Place your leg on the floor and squat down again. Repeat the movement with the other leg. Another variation that targets more of the thighs is the side leg squat. It will be even more strenuous and effective if youexercise with a fitness bandcarry out.
  • Sumo Squatsare among the most popular squat variations. The legs are placed wider apart, with the toes and knees pointing outwards. Now tense your stomach, stretch your back and squat deeply. When performing, ensure that your knees and hips remain parallel. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. The wide leg position stresses the inner thighs and glutes. Even more muscle groups are targeted by using free weights in the form of dumbbells or a kettlebellTraining for homeadd. Sumo squats with jumps, on the other hand, get your heart rate up and are particularly popular with HIIT training.

Plyometric squats are real calorie burners

Plyometric exercises have become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts lately. This is a full-body workout with dynamic jumps or forward, backward and sideways movements. Plyometric exercises improve our strength and coordination and get our heart rate up, making them great to add to any cardio workout.

  • Start with a classic squat and finally jump up as high as possible with a lot of force. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can also perform side jumps.
  • Squat with jump on the sofa –The exercise is a little more complicated and incorrect execution can lead to permanent injury. Therefore it is only suitable for advanced users. Stand either in front of the sofa or in front of a large, sturdy box. Perform a classic squat, but instead of returning to the starting position, you jump up and land directly on the box in a squat position. Jump backwards and repeat.
  • Jumping Jacks Kniebeugetake your home training to the next level! Place your hands behind your head and place your feet close together. Push your hips back and jump your feet outwards. Stay in the squat and then quickly jump back to the starting position.
  • Wall sit exerciseis a static squat variation that particularly stresses the legs and the bo. Although it looks pretty boring and easy, the challenge is to stay in the position for as long as possible. Lean your back against a wall, place your feet hip-width apart and turn them slightly outwards. Then slide down until your knees form a right angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Try to hold the position for at least 60 seconds.
  • If the classic version isn't challenging enough for you, you can increase the difficulty by doing the wall sit with one leg. Place your right leg over the left. Then repeat with the other leg.

Bulgarian squats are a real all-rounder when training with your own weight

The Bulgarian squat, also known as the Bulgarian squat, is one of the most effective and demanding squat variations. In addition to the buttocks and thigh muscles, the trunk and back muscles are also strengthened. The Bulgarian squat is a classic unilateral exercise - meaning that the center of strength is only on one leg. This in turn improves our coordination and balance. Advanced users can do the exercise with dumbbells.

  • Bulgarian Squat Execution –Stand with your back about 1 meter in front of a chair or sofa. Straighten your back and place your legs hip-width apart. Now bend one knee and place the back of the foot of the same leg at the end of the sofa. Place your other foot on the floor as far away as possible from the sofa. Then bend the front knee joint until it forms a 90 degree angle and the other knee lightly touches the floor. When performing, make sure you keep your shoulders back and don't turn your knees outward. Try to do at least 15 reps and repeat the process with the other foot.