Back pain during pregnancy: These exercises bring relief

That the pregnancymost beautiful time in lifea woman is not true for everyone. This period can be different for each pregnant woman and while one may feel fine for 9 months, another may feel nauseous the whole time. While symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are typical of early pregnancy, there are also restrictions that accompany women throughout the entire pregnancy. These include, for example, back pain. This affects more than half of all pregnant women. There are actually many reasons for back pain during pregnancy, with the ever-growing baby bump perhaps being the most common of them. But what can you do to relieve this pain? Here are a few simple exercises you can try at home.

How does back pain occur?

During pregnancy, major changes occur in the body that can lead to various restrictions and pain. In the first trimester, hormonal changes can be to blame. From the first day of pregnancy, the body releases increased hormones, including the hormone relaxin, which can lead to back pain, especially in early pregnancy. Some women describe the feeling not exactly like pain, but more like an unpleasant pulling sensation in the back and pelvic area.

Another reason for back pain is the change in statics caused by the growing baby in the stomach. During the second and third trimesters, the baby continually gains weight, which puts pressure on ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the lower back. Posture also deteriorates, which can further lead to tension and pain in the upper back. To avoid lower and upper back pain, you must try to always maintain a straight posture despite your baby bump. But if you have always had weak back muscles, then back pain during pregnancy is most likely. SomeStretching exercises can help you feel better, especially during pregnancy. They also help to relieve back pain.

Stretching exercises offer many benefits for pregnant women. They help you stay fit and relaxed and prepare for birth. More importantly, they can help relieve some of the pain you may experience due to pregnancy.

The better the back muscles are trained, the better they can handle the additional strain. There are some strengthening and stabilizing exercises that can help with annoying back pain. The exercises presented below are generally allowed during pregnancy. However, we still recommend that you talk to your doctor or midwife first, especially if you are already in the third trimester.

Cat-cow yoga exercise

This exercise gently strengthens the lower back, which can help relieve hip and back pain during pregnancy.

Equipment needed: Yoga mat

1. Start on all fours with knees under hips, hands under shoulders, fingers facing forward, and abdominal muscles engaged to keep your back straight.

2. Pull in your abdominal muscles and lift your back towards the ceiling like a cat's hump, letting your head and butt relax gently downwards. Do not bring your elbows together and only move your back as much as possible.

3. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Be careful not to arch your back. It should always return to a straight, neutral position. The spine can sag a little.

4. Do this slowly and rhythmically 10 times so that your muscles work hard and you move your back carefully.

Relieve back pain during pregnancy with a foam roller

The pain you feel in your lower back can be relieved with a simpleExercise with the foam rolleralleviate. This massages the lower back.

Equipment required: foam roller, yoga mat

1. Sit on the floor and place the foam roller behind you.

2. Raise the body and position the roller slightly above the buttocks. Support yourself on the floor with your arms, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your fingers pointing towards your body.

3. Now use your arms and leg strength to carefully and slowly move your back over the roller - from the buttocks, over the lumbar spine to the base of the ribs and back.

You can find a few more foam roller exercises to relieve pain during pregnancy in the video.

position of the child

This resting pose is great for gently stretching sore hips, pelvis, and thighs. They also stretch the spine, particularly the lower back.

Equipment needed: Yoga mat

1. Start on all fours on the mat with your knees directly under your hips.

2. The big toes touch each other. This gives your stomach room to slide between your knees and not put strain on your hips. You can also spread your toes slightly if they put pressure on your knees when touching them or if there isn't enough room for your stomach.

3. Breathe in and feel your spine lengthen.

4. As you exhale, lift your butt onto your heels and lower your head toward the mat while resting your chin on your chest.

5. Rest in this position with your forehead on the floor. You can also fold a blanket or use a yoga block and rest your head on it if the floor is too far away. Keep your arms extended.

6. Hold the pose for at least 5 deep, even breaths.

The stretched triangle

This exercise strengthens the back and spine while stretching the hips, hamstrings, and pelvic area. If done correctly, it can still improve digestion and strengthen the pelvic floor.

Equipment required: yoga block (optional)

1. Stand with your feet wide apart, your right foot facing outward, and your right heel on the arch of your left foot. Raise your arms to shoulder height and outward with your palms facing the floor.

2. Bend forward from your hips over your right leg and place your right hand on your shin, ankle, or a yoga block as you extend your left arm toward the ceiling, palm facing forward. Turn your head to look at the ceiling.

3. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.

Piriformis stretch on the chair (modified half pigeon)

The pear-shaped muscle (piriformis) is a small muscle located deep in the glutes that can spasm during pregnancy. This can often cause back and leg pain due to its close relationship with the sciatic nerve. Gently stretching this muscle can help relieve tension and pain. This stretch is also helpful for people with lower back pain or sciatica.

Equipment needed: Chair

1. Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

2. Cross one foot over the other knee like the number “4”.

3. As you exhale, slowly lean forward and keep your back straight until you feel a stretch in your lower back and buttocks. Remember to lengthen your spine rather than hunching your shoulders toward your lap.

4. Hold position for 30 seconds.

5. Repeat on the other side.

Which exercises should I avoid?

There are some exercises and postures that can be harmful to you and the fetus. So, during pregnancy (and especially in the second and third trimesters), you should avoid the following:

  • Lying on your stomach: Avoid any stretching exercises that require you to lie on your stomach.
  • Long supine position: Avoid stretching exercises that require you to lie flat on your back for more than a minute or two, as this position can reduce blood flow to your uterus and lead to low blood pressure and lightheadedness.
  • Abdominal positions: As your uterus grows, your abdominal muscles begin to separate and become weaker. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid boat pose and abdominal crunch position during pregnancy.
  • Twists: Avoid any poses that involve excessive twisting, as you can put too much strain on your growing belly and restrict blood flow to your uterus.

Tips for preventing and relieving back pain during pregnancy

Here are a few tips that can help you prevent or relieve annoying back pain in everyday life.

  • Bend your knees and keep your back straight when picking something up from the floor.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Move your feet as you turn to avoid twisting your spine.
  • Wear flat shoes to distribute your weight evenly.
  • When shopping, try to distribute the weight evenly between 2 bags.
  • Keep your back straight and well supported when sitting at work and at home. Try a pregnancy pillow.
  • Get enough rest, especially later in pregnancy.
  • A massage or a warm bath can help.
  • Use a mattress that supports you properly. You can place a piece of hardboard under a soft mattress to make it firmer if needed.

Back pain during pregnancy: when to see a doctor?

The pain in the back and pelvic floor is unpleasant, but in most cases it is harmless and is no reason to call the doctor straight away. In some situations, however, a visit to the doctor is absolutely necessary. Although many women experience back pain in early pregnancy, you should inform your doctor about it. These symptoms can indicate some complications, such as an ectopic pregnancy. To rule out this condition, you need to schedule an ultrasound scan with your gynecologist. If the back pain persists and is very severe later in pregnancy, you should also see your doctor.