What is the benefit of salt before training and why should athletes eat more salt? Here are the answers!

For most of us, salt is in the same category as sugar - it tastes good, but too much of it can have a negative impact on our health. It has been claimed for several years that we should keep salt levels low in our diet. But that's not entirely true and our bodies rely on potassium and sodium for numerous important functions. Many sports enthusiasts are constantly looking for the best tips and tricks to accelerate muscle building. The solution could be quite simple. Have you ever thought of taking salt before training? More and more athletes swear that higher salt consumption has a positive effect on our training performance. Is this true or just another myth about exercise and nutrition? Should athletes eat more salt and how much salt before training is acceptable? We'll tell you the answers below!

Salt, also called sodium chloride, consists of around 60% chloride and 40% sodium and is an indispensable part of our diet. The mineral plays an important role in digestion, water balance and bone structure. If you're a fan of "Strongman," you may have seen Brian Shaw consuming many times the recommended daily allowance of salt. Fitness trainer Jason Ferrugie also swears by salted cucumbers as a power snack before training. Below we would like to explain to you why salt could probably be the missing component in your diet plan.

Why are electrolytes important?

Salt is an electrolyte and belongs to the same group as magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphate. Electrolytes are particularly important for regulating metabolism and water balance. Since these cannot be produced ourselves, we have to get them through our diet. Endurance athletes in particular should pay attention to replenishing their electrolyte stores. Our body is made up of 60% water and when we sweat during exercise, we not only lose water but also many important minerals. This increases the risk of dehydration and, in the worst case, hyponatremia can occur.

Hyponatremia is an increased level of sodium in the blood and the most common symptoms include nausea, headaches, loss of energy, muscle weakness and cramps. In order to prevent electrolyte deficiency and continue to achieve the best possible results, many athletes consume some salt before training.

Salt before training accelerates muscle building

If you want to accelerate muscle building, you should go for oneprotein-rich dietset – we all know that by now. However, sodium also plays a very important role and salt before training can actually have a positive effect on muscle building. To get into our bloodstream and to our muscles, amino acids need sodium. So if you increase your salt consumption to an appropriate level, you will have more energy and blood circulation will also be stimulated. This in turn improves our training performance and we train much more efficiently. The result? A toned and defined body!

Sodium increases blood volume

During intensive training sessions or sports such as HIIT andCrossfit exercisesour blood volume drops in just 3 minutes. To get the most out of your workout, fitness experts recommend taking pre-workout supplements and salt before your workout. This means that the blood volume is better distributed and the available oxygen is better utilized. Blood plasma and red blood cells help transport glucose, hormones and amino acids throughout the body. Increased blood volume is one reason for higher performance and enables improved muscle blood flow.

How much salt before training is healthy?

It is not possible to say in general terms how much salt you should take before training. The daily dose for adults recommended by the German Nutrition Society is 6 grams, which corresponds to 1 teaspoon. However, every person is different and depending on age, size and training intensity, some need more salt than others. Depending on how intensely you train, you lose between 1 and 2 liters of sweat during training. Although sodium needs are higher for athletes, some caution is still required.Too much salt consumptioncan have a negative impact on health and unfortunately the opposite is achieved. To reap the benefits of salt pre-workout, add approximately 1/2 teaspoon of salt to your breakfast or protein shake.