15 Side Plank variants for a tight abdominal muscles and strong middle

Only a few exercises are as good for the middle of the body as thatside plank. Nevertheless, this exercise is often overlooked in favor of the standard variant. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you integrate the lateral forearm support into your training program, train several muscle groups at once and strengthen your middle of the body without strain your back. In addition, the exercise is ideal for the side abdominal muscles, which can only mean one thing: goodbye hip bacon! If you would also like to benefit from the advantages of the exercise, try this side plank variants.

Side Plank variants for an effective workout

Just likeThe normal plank exerciseThe side variant also offers many variations of execution. For example, the exercise can be made more strenuous with offset knees or more strenuous with other movements or weights. Here we have put together many Side Plank variants for beginners and advanced users that you can take over in your training plan.

One of the advantages of the planking is that there are no devices and no additional equipment for these exercises. That is why we have divided the variations of the Side Plank exercise into two parts. First we show you variants of the exercise where no additional aids are used. In the second part, weights, gymnastics balls and other fitness equipment are used to increase the intensity of the workout.

Important: Don't forget to repeat all exercises on both sides.

Bodyweight Side Planks

Side plank for beginners

If you have just started the exercise, you may find it a bit difficult. If you can not keep the position for longer than a few seconds, you'd better build up the power of your sloping abdominal muscles by starting with this less demanding variant of the exercise.

Lie on your side and base yourself on the forearm and knee instead of on your feet. Test the middle of the body and hold a straight line from the knees to the head, not hanging the hips.

Raised Side Plank

This variant of the exercise is often preferred to the classic execution. The starting position is changed a little by not supporting yourself on your elbow, but on your hand. The hand surface of the retaining hand must lie directly under your shoulder and your fingers show away from them, otherwise hand and wrist will be unnecessarily loaded. For more balance you can stretch your upper arm up to the ceiling.

Side Plank mit Hip Dips

Start in the starting position with outstretched legs. Instead of just keeping the position, lower your hips slowly and controlled and then lift them again until the body returns to the starting position.

Side support with Side Crunch

This variant of the exercise with a crunch can be carried out in two things. Try both variants and decide for yourself which best suits your training plan.

With a side plank with side crunch, take the position for a seamstress and pull together the upper elbow and the upper knee to make a side crunch. Make sure that the knee shows the ceiling and not forward.

Side Plank and Crunch (2nd variant)

Stand in the side plank, support yourself on the left forearm and guide your right arm behind your head. Bring the right elbow to the stomach and the left knee. Then return to the starting position. That is a repetition.

Side plank with rotation

Adding a rotation to your side plank helps you to activate your shoulder muscles, lumbar muscles, gluten muscles and abdominal muscles in addition to your sloping muscles.

Start position in the traditional Side Plank - either on your knees or with her legs outstretched. Lift your upper arm over yourself. Then lower your arm and turn your core as you lead your upper arm under your upper body. Stay when your shoulders are almost parallel to the ground. Get your arm out and return to the starting position. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions and then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Side Plank with leg lifting

This is another way to make the lateral plank exercise more challenging. By lifting a leg (also of an arm), other muscles are included and the middle of the body has to work harder to keep the balance.

Start in the starting position with outstretched legs. While you stretch your spine and keep your abdominal muscles tense, raise your upper leg a little higher than the upper hip. Then slowly lower it back to your lower leg. Make 3 sets with 15-20 repetitions.

Raized Side Plank with leg lifting

In contrast to the previous exercise, this variation is carried out on the hand instead of on the elbow.

Side Plank March

Start in a side plank position on the right forearm with crossed legs. The left leg should be at the front, with the weight on the underside of the foot, and the right leg should be in the back, with the weight on the outer edge of the foot. The left arm is behind the head.

Lift your right knee towards the chest and let it fall down again. Lift the left knee to the chest and stretch it out again. Repeat this pattern rhythmically for 10 repetitions. Run back to the starting position and let yourself down on the floor to rest. Then make 10 repetitions on the other side.

Side Plank variants with additional equipment

Weights and other fitness equipment can make the workout even more effective. If you want to make your side planks a little more challenging, it is worth trying this side plank variants.

Gymnasticsball Side Plank

Place your supporting arm on a gymnastics ball. The additional instability makes it more difficult to keep the position. So you have to use your fuselage muscles to check the wobbling.

Side plank with the Bosu ball

If you are your feet or elbowssupport on a Bosu ball, the exercise becomes more difficult, which lists the challenge for your middle of your body without it being a tough variant as the gymnastics ball version.

However, if you have both at hand, you can really increase the use by supporting your elbow on the gymnastics ball and your feet on the Bosu ball or vice versa.

Lateral plank lifting lifting with dumbbell

Lie on your side and support yourself on top of each other on the lower elbow and forearm with your feet. Grip a light dumbbell with the upper hand and hold it on the upper hip. Then lift the hip so that your body forms a straight line from the head to the heels. Slowly lower your hips and gently touch the floor with it. Perform further repetitions and then change the pages.

Side Plank mit Reverse Fly

Adding the reverse fly exercise to your side plank not only challenges the abdominal muscles, the back of the shoulder also fits. Press your inner thighs for additional stability.

Start in a side plank on the left, holding your weight in your right hand and the right arm is parallel to the floor. Exhale and pull your abdominal muscles to the spine to stabilize your fuselage while lifting your right arm to the blanket. Don't let your hand hike behind your shoulder. Lower the weight back into the starting position to complete a repetition. If you feel unstable in this position, spread your legs and bring your right leg forward to stabilize yourself. Make 10 to 15 repetitions before changing the page.

Setide with a fitness band

Fitness straps are ideal for functional trainingAnd can also be used in the planking. Here we show a variant for this.

Protect your body in the side plank position. The lower knee is discontinued and the upper leg stretched so that the lower elbow, the lower knee and the upper foot touch the floor. The resistance band should be above their knees. Lift your upper leg against the resistance of the band. Keep your body straight and tighten your gluteal muscles. Return to the starting position. Perform all repetitions on one side and then switch to the other side.

Side Plank for advanced on the dumbbell bench

The Copenhagen Side Plank is one of the toughest variants of the exercise. You do not need any additional weights, but a dumbbell bench that significantly increases the intensity of the exercise.

Place on your side and put your feet directly under the bank. Place the upper foot on the bench and support your weight on the tension (make sure that the bank is padded, or put an additional cushion under your foot). Place the lower elbow and forearm directly under your shoulder and press the fist tightly together. Lift the hip from the floor by pressing your upper foot into the bank. Lift the lower leg until it touches the underside of the bank. Breathe in and through your mouth through your nose and concentrate on the feeling of your abdominal muscles and slant muscles. Keep the position for 10-30 seconds and then repeat the exercise on the other side.