Triceps exercises without equipment: How you can train the muscle that makes beautiful arms without any equipment

Hanging arms? No, not this summer! Do I have to take out a gym membership because they have all the necessary equipment? The answer is: no. We have put together triceps exercises without equipment for you that you can start with today. There is something for all training levels.

If you are a beginner, take the first level variation. Choose an exercise or step variation that allows you to just manage 8-12 repetitions cleanly. Do 3 to 4 series of these, with a one to two minute break between repetitions. After 5 to 10 training sessions you can switch to the next level of difficulty. Warm up before training with in-place jogging, shoulder circles, and forward and backward arm rotations. And buy some muscle shirts, umthis summerto flex properly. Have fun training!

Level 1 is suitable for beginners: dips on the floor

  1. Do this exercise on a flat surface. Sit with your knees slightly bent and your arms alongside your body, palms on the floor, fingers pointing in the same direction as your feet.
  2. Now lift your butt off the floor as if you were preparing for a round of crabbing. This means that your knees are bent at a right angle, your arms are outstretched, your hips are in the air, as if you want to form a table from your knees to your shoulders. Hold your head as an extension of your spine, looking forward.
  3. Now bend your elbows down as far as you can. Then push yourself up again. 8 to 12 repetitions. Do not change your knees, hips or shoulders position while performing the exercise; the movement only takes place in the elbows.

Stage 2: If you did the previous exerciseplayingdo more repetitions

  1. Go to your couch or a park bench, something at that height that has a firm footing.
  2. Sit down and grab the bench with your hands on either side of your body so that your hands are placed in a vertical line under your shoulders.
  3. Now walk your feet forward until they form a straight line from your knees to your hips to your shoulders.
  4. Bend your elbows and push yourself back up. 8 – 12 clean repetitions

Level 3: Intensification for advanced users

  1. Same as step 2, only make your legs straight.
  2. If you need to intensify further, put one leg in the air. This level only applies if you can hold and perform the position safely and correctly.

Exercises for toned arms: diamond push-ups

Diamond push-ups, that sounds more adventurous than it actually is. Diamond refers to the position of the palms on the floor while performing the exercise. Bothclassic push-upsYour hands are shoulder-width apart, positioned under your shoulders. In this push-up variation, which targets the triceps, the two thumbs and both index fingers touch each other, so that a rhombus or even a diamond forms between them.

Level 1: Diamond push-ups on knees for beginners

  1. Have a folded towel ready to place under your knees. Get on your knees. As described above, form a diamond formation with your hands. Place your hands on the floor so that they are below the shoulder-to-shoulder line. Her arms are outstretched.
  2. Now move your knees back until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your hips to your shoulders. So don't stay on all fours. Your head forms an extension of your spine.
  3. Now perform the diamond push-ups by bending your elbows and going down and then pushing yourself back up with your triceps. Your weight rests on your knees and hands. Don't let your hips sag; if in doubt, lift your butt slightly upwards.

Level 2: Medium trained

  1. Lift your knees off the floor so your weight is on your feet and hands. Tighten your body and maintain the line from feet to head throughout the entire number of repetitions. Don't let your hips sink.
  2. Perform the push-ups. The feet can be together, hip-width apart or shoulder-width apart.

Level 3: Advanced

  1. Intensification 1: Like level 2 only you take one foot in the air.
  2. Intensification 2: Place your legs elevated, for example on a bench.

Triceps exercises without equipment: Dive bomber push-up

This push-up variation comes from martial arts training and not only strengthens your triceps, but the entire front and shoulder and arm muscles including the triceps.

Level 1: Beginner

  1. Get into child position, sitting on your calves with your chest on your knees. HerArms are stretched forward, touch the floor with your palms. The hands are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Now tense your body and, bending your elbows, slide your head and upper body as close to the floor as possible between your two hands until the end of the movement, where you push yourself up again with your arms.
  3. Start the next repetition from the child position.

Level 2: Medium trained

  1. Start the push-up variation from the downward dog position, in which you form an A-shape with your body with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart on the floor and looking downwards. The bottom is the highest point.
  2. Now slide your head and chest as close to the floor as possible by bending your elbows and pushing yourself forward between your hands.

Level 3: Advanced advancement

  1. Intensification: Same as level 2, except that you alternately perform the exercise on one leg.