Poor posture and little movement not only leadAdults to back pain.According to studies, children in school age also suffer more and more. Children between 10 and 14 years are particularly affected. In this age group, almost half of the respondents complain about back pain. The good news: parents and adults can do something about it and prevent or counteract back damage. What are the effective exercises for back pain for children? We'll tell you that in the article.
Exercises against back pain in children: weak back muscles must be strengthened
Back pain is the first sign of a weakened back muscles. Especially in children it is above alllack of movementdue to. Possible causes include:
- When the child sits at the desk for hours.
- If the child has a wrong sitting position that also contains the back muscles.
- Too large or too heavy school bag can also favor the wrong attitude.
- When the child moves less than 1 hour a day and spends his free time at home.
- Everyday stress
What can you do about it? If the child complains of back pain, then you should definitely get advice from the pediatrician. In rare cases, back pain could be the first symptom of a serious illness. Even if this is not the case, the pediatrician can assess whether the child has to take additional vitamins or that another therapy is necessary.
After consultation with the pediatrician, you can then take the following preventive measures:
- Aergonomic chairBuy with adjustable backrest. Be sure to make sure the child is in the right position and his back is supported.
- The parents should make sure that the child has more than an hour a day. Children have a high urge to move and look forward to new opportunities to do sports or to take long walks with their parents.
- Just pack the most important thing in the school bag. Only textbooks, ballpoint pen and booklets that the child really needs during the day are allowed in the backpack. So you can avoid overload. Try to distribute the weight more evenly on your back using chest straps.
- Set clear limits in terms of media consumption. Make sure that the child does not play your cell phone for more than 2 hours a day or sits in front of the TV. If the child currently learns at home because of the corona crisis, this time can be shortened by 1 hour. So not only the back, but also the eyes are spared.
“Animal Moves” Exercises for the back: Children love to move like animals
With “Animal Moves”, a wide collection of differentExercises for childrendesignated. Various gaits of animals are imitated by this type of exercise. The majority of itForm stretching exercisesand gymnastics exercises against back pain. It is important that the children warm up first so that they do not hurt their muscles afterwards.
Exercises against back pain in children: Warm up first first
The shoulders and the neck tense when the children for hoursat the desklearn. Simple exercises to warm up help to loosen the tension gently and to activate the back muscles. Examples of funny exercises for warming up for children:
1. The children stand on one leg for 20 seconds. The children jump on one leg.
2. Jump like a frog: The children first go into a deep crouch and then jump as high as possible.
3. grow like a flower: there is a narrator who usher in every phase of the exercise.
- At the beginning of the exercise, the children crouch down and make themselves as small as possible.
- "A flower grows under the warm sun rays" - the children get up.
- “The flowers open” - the children stretch out their arms.
- The narrator says that a butterfly flies past the flower. The children breathe in and out and circle their arms backwards.
- "A snake creeps past the flower". The children put their palms together and lead their arms up in winding movements and then down again.
- "A snail comes, it is startled and pulls back into her snail house." The children sit down and pull their arms and legs against the stomach.
- "It will be evening and all the flowers, insects and animals go to sleep." The children stand up and “sleep in”.
Simple exercises against back pain in children: bear
The starting position for this exercise is a four -footed stand (your knees shouldn't touch the floor!). The children begin to move by first bringing the right hand and right foot and then your left hand and left foot forward.
Exercises for strong back muscles in children: the crab
The children occupy an inverted sacking position, the belly, the chest and knees point upwards. The children begin to move their arms and feet one after the other, just as the crab moves.
Back pain in children: The exercise “donkey” loosens muscle tension
The starting position for this exercise is the same as the bear: a four -footed stand in which the knees and the elbows do not touch the floor. The children support themselves on their hands and jump as high as possible with their feet that stretch them back.
Exercises against back pain in children: the giraffe
The “giraffe” is a stretching exercise for the upper back and shoulder area, in which the children stand upright and imagine that they are a giraffe. Just as the giraffe stretches its long neck up to reach the tree leaves of a high tree, the children stretch their arms up over their heads. Then they lean their body slightly to the side, slowly return to the starting position and lean their body to the other side.
Exercises for back muscles and better balance in children: the flamingo
The flamingo is an exercise that improves the balance and at the same time trains the back and thigh muscles. The children run through the room to music. When the music suddenly stops, they carry out the “Flamingo” figure. They stop on one leg and hold the leg stretched back with one hand. The other arm is stretched over the head.
Which exercises help against back pain in children? The duck
The children first go into a deep crouch and must maintain this starting position during the exercise. Then move through the room, bent your arms like wings and move the elbows to the side and then move back to the body.
Gymnastics exercise against back pain in children: The shark
The “shark” is a gymnastics exercise for toddlers who can loosen muscle tension. It is important, however, that the children are warmed up and have already done a few other exercises for the back. The “shark” can then be done at the end of the training. In principle, this exercise is a stand -up pagat in which the leg is first stretched out while sitting. Then the children get up, grab the foot under their right leg and then carefully stretch the leg up. You can stick to your parents with the other hand or support yourself on a wall. They continue until they are in a standing patient. The standing act is a complicated gymnastics exercise that the children should best learn in a ballet or gymnastics school. Only then can you make them yourself at home.
Exercises against round back in children over 10 years: diagonal in the four -footed stand
The next exercise is well suited for children who spend a long time on the computer. It improves posture, strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and stresses the muscles around the cervical spine. The children are twice as much fun when they do this exercise with their parents.
The starting position is a four -footed stand in which the knees touch the ground. The children rely on their hands. The head is initially kept in extension of the spine. Then the right leg becomes back and the left arm - stretched forward. At the same time, the head is raised and the children look ahead. Keep your position for a few seconds and then repeat the exercise with your left leg and the right arm.
Exercises against lumbar pain: the seated rabbit
The next exercise strengthens the muscles along the spine and improves posture. The children put their right leg forward and push the left leg as far as possible. You support yourself on the knee of the right leg and slowly push your hips and upper body forward.
Yoga exercise that helps with lumbar vertebrae: The Kobra
The Kobra is a classic yoga exercise that increases mobility and is perfect as a completion of the training. (Depending on the request, this exercise can be done at the beginning and end of the training). The children first lay flat on their stomach and stretch their arms forward and their feet backwards. The hands touch the ground. The head is upright, but the forehead also touches the floor. Then the children raise their upper body from the ground as they support themselves with their hands. Keep the cobra position as long as possible (about 15 seconds are enough for beginners) and then return to the starting position.