Promote fine motor skills in children with games and DIY exercises

Fine motor skills refer to all the small and precise movements that we make with our fingers, toes and face. These include everyday movements such as tying shoelaces, buttoning a shirt, eating with a knife, fork and spoon, writing, speaking and the like, but also others of this kind such as playing the piano. Especially in children it is not yet fully developed, which is of course completely normal. Nevertheless, you can promote fine motor skills in children and support and motivate them. And this is possible with very simple games that you can even make yourself quickly and partly using things from around the household. We would like to introduce you to such craft ideas below.

How can I promote fine motor skills?

The best way to develop fine motor skills is through toys or other fun activities. After all, your child should have fun and not lose interest.Suitable for Christmasyou can try these ideas. A triangle is cut out of a paper plate and then holes are punched around the edge. A Christmas tree can then be made with plush wire threaded through the holes.

Crafting with pipe cleaners

If you are currently learning numbers and counting, you can use fine motor exercises to train. Flags with the numbers your child already knows are glued to the top of the pipe cleaner. Then it's the child's turn. The number marked must be on each plush wirePearlsbe threaded. Such precise movement exercises help your children's development.

Crafting with felt for early childhood development

What's great is that there are lots of projects that even beginners can make for your kids, like these strips of felt that are formed into a ring with buttons that can then form a chain. This way you can teach your child the colors and let them sort them.

Color ideas for toddlers

Another great idea for sorting colors is a mat like this, which is also made of felt. The colorful rainbow mat serves as a base for sorting your child's building blocks and other toys by color. Don't forget to help your child in return and praise him at the end.

Alternatively, you can also use colored plastic containers with slits cut into the lids. What is sorted here is not just toys, but rather ordinary, colorful buttons. However, this exercise may be more suitable for elementary school children. There is a risk of choking in small children. Or you can keep your eyes on the children while playing!

Everyone probably has a muffin baking pan and colorful craft paper in the house. Then you can make this simple toy and play with colors again. You can then easily use the mold again for baking. Cut colored circles out of paper and place them in the shapes. Then have your child place colorful pompoms or other random things in the same color shape. You can make the exercise a little more complicated by asking the child to use a spoon or tongs for this.

Of course you should be present for this exercise. Otherwise, how do you know whether your child has chosen the important color? A soft plastic can lid is cut and the cuts are marked with arbitrary colors. Then use the same colors to paint several popsicle sticks. The trick here is not only to recognize the color correctly, but also to hit the slits, which is a wonderful way to develop fine motor skills.

Make your own fine motor skills toys

You can also promote a child's motor development with a self-made labyrinth. There are various ways to do this. It works particularly quickly and easily with building blocks like Lego. A ball or bell must then be balanced by moving the plate from start to finish without the ball falling out. Maintaining balance is a great way to develop fine motor skills.

Train fine motor skills and practice balancing

This game is also about balance. If you don't have any building blocks in the house, you can simply cut hard sponges into small beams for this purpose. Now towers and other buildings can be built. Make a bet on whose tower will be the tallest, without setting any time limits. Carefully stacking them on top of each other improves fine motor skills and is also fun.

Lines and buttons

In addition, many of the ideas are perfect as entertainment and activity at children's parties. For this idea, simply draw any patterns on a piece of paper. The children then have to distribute buttons along the lines. These lines can be designed both colorfully and in one color. The buttons can also be glued on.

Print out designs for crafting

Print out any motifs that you can choose to suit specific occasions and have the children design them with pompoms, buttons or other things. Coloring pictures are also great exercise. You can then use the finished works to decorate walls or the refrigerator and make the children proud.

Thread mini Christmas tree balls

Make a cone out of foam. The children can then turn this into a Christmas tree. Stick toothpicks here and there into the foam and then have the children stick mini balls or bells on them. Please remember that these are sharp and small parts that can be swallowed and are not suitable for every age group. When choosing a game, you should consider the age of the children.

Playing with noodles

Playdough is a great toy. Any figures can be designed, but it is also suitable as a stand for this idea. Sticks are inserted into the dough so that they can stand upright. Then hollow noodles are placed on the sticks. This also works with straws if wooden sticks are too risky for you.

Promote fine motor skills through crafts

If your child is old enough to use scissors, provide various materials such as paper, felt or other materials for the child to cut into circles. The different materials are easier to cut, so the child learns to apply the necessary pressure. The circles are then spread out on a piece of paper until it is covered as much as possible. They can also be glued straight away.

Sewing without needles

A mat with a grid pattern is great for sewing buttons onto. To do this, simply thread cord through the buttonholes and then through the stitches. You can also use the mat without buttons. Yarn can be used to create any motifs and patterns that can help children develop fine motor skills.

Games to recreate

You probably remember this craft idea from your own childhood. Would you have thought that this would also promote fine motor skills? A sheet of paper has several slots at the same distance from each other. You will also need several strips of paper in any color. The child can now weave pretty patterns.

Write and paint in flour

In a high tray or low bowl, spread some flour. The child can then write and paint in it. You can also give your child certain patterns or words to copy or write. You can also use finger paint. This will be even more fun for the kids!