Life goes by too quickly and the older we get, the more important it becomes to make the most of every day. No matter whether we are in our mid-30s or 50s, we all want to be fit and look good. And at the latest with the onset of menopause, the topic of losing weight comes up for women, because women over 50 in particular are more likely to struggle with weight gain due to hormonal changes. But that doesn't have to be the case. After all, age is just a number and being fit doesn't depend on how old we are, but rather on how well we take care of our bodies. And ifJennifer LopezIf you can look like a fitness model, you can too! While self-acceptance and a positive body image are important, a healthy diet and adequate exercise are just as important. Would you also like to be strong, healthy and happy and feel 10 years younger? Then you've come to the right place! We have put together lots of helpful tips and the best exercises for women over 50!
According to a survey by the World Health Organization, around 55 percent of German women and more than 70 percent of men over 50 develop itObesity in old age. As estrogen levels fall, women of a certain age can accumulate pounds much more quickly than usual. In addition, the body produces less somatotropin during menopause - a hormone that is very important for building muscle. Yes, losing weight becomes more difficult with age, but not impossible! However, regular exercise and the right exercises for women over 50 can help you counteract this problem and stay fit and healthy. Additionally, physical activity can reduce some of the symptoms of menopause, such as difficulty sleeping, hot flashes, and joint pain. If you've exercised before, that's great. But even if not, it's not too late to start.
Exercises for women over 50: What are the benefits of training in old age?
Regular exercise is important at any age, but after 50 it becomes even more important. However, it's no longer about big biceps or flat abs, but rather about maintaining a strong and healthy body that is less prone to injury and illness. According to a study by Harvard University, 40 minutes of strength training twice a week is sufficient for adults to build muscle mass. Not convinced yet? Then find out a little more about the benefits that theExercises for womenfor health after 50.
- Increased bone density –Unexpected falls send several people to the hospital every year. Bone loss begins as early as the age of 35 and the decrease in bone density increases to up to 5 percent annually after menopause. Regular exercise strengthens bones and helps reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
- More muscle mass –No, this doesn't mean you'll build huge mounds of muscle, just that you'll become strong enough to confidently perform everyday tasks like carrying shopping bags.
- Reduces body fat –No matter your age, maintaining a healthy weight is important to prevent many diseases.
- Psychological well-being –With aging comes a higher rate of depression and therefore loss of self-confidence. Exercises for women over 50 are a simple and great way to strengthen your body and your brain at the same time.
Fitness tips for sport in old age
The truth is, the older we get, the more our bodies need exercise - for a healthier heart, a strong immune system and better organ function. To make you feel better and alsostay healthy and fit as you age, you should follow our fitness tips for exercise in old age.
- Walk more often –If you don't have the energy for regular exercises for women over 50 or you simply don't have the time for it, then we have the solution for you! Walking a lot and for long periods of time is the perfect way to incorporate enough exercise into your everyday life without putting in too much effort. So ditch the car and walk to the supermarket or take the dog for a long walk in the park.
- Perform core exercises –Healthy core muscles are important for improving our posture and can also relieve severe back pain or disc problems.The strong coremakes our joints more mobile, significantly reducing the risk of injuries as we age.
- Increase your protein intake –A protein-rich and healthy diet is important at any age. However, with the onset of menopause, the body can no longer use proteins as effectively as before. Or to put it another way – the quality and variety of the proteins you eat are now particularly important.
- Find an activity you love –It can be difficult to find an exercise routine that you can stick to for long periods of time. Therefore, it is very important to choose something that you enjoy. Strength training and weight lifting aren't for you? Then how about swimming, cycling or Pilates? The selection of sporting activities is now so large that there is certainly something for everyone.
Exercises for women over 50: The ultimate training program to stay fit as you age
Regular exercise not only makes you feel and look younger, but it can also slow down the aging process. And while exercise in all forms imaginable is healthy, strength training is what creates the real anti-aging magic. Many people believe that weightlifting is only suitable for younger people or is not safe for adults. However, the truth is that we can maintain or even improve our strength at any age. So if youstay fit as you get olderIf you want to, it's finally time to grab some dumbbells and do the following exercises for women over 50. The following training plan can be completed in two different ways.
- As 10 minutes of AMRAP training (as many rounds as possible) –Set a timer for 10 minutes. Perform a total of 10 reps of each of the following exercises, repeating as many times as possible within the 10 minutes. Take short breaks if necessary and be careful not to overexert yourself. If you feel pain, you should stop training immediately.
- As circuit training –Do 10 reps of each exercise and repeat again for another 2 rounds.
- Low Plankis perfect for all beginners. The plank is a classic isometric exercise that works all major muscle groups at the same time. It also reduces back pain and improves your endurance. Lie on an exercise mat and place your elbows shoulder-width below your shoulders. Tense your stomach and use your forearms and toes to lift your entire body until it forms a straight line. Make sure your hips don't sag and hold the position for at least 30 seconds.
- Modified push-up –Push-ups are a classic in bodyweight training and are among the most popular and effective exercises for women over 50. Lie on the floor and support yourself from the floor with your arms almost straight. Position your hands under your shoulders and bend your legs while keeping your knees together on the floor. Tense your stomach and back and slowly lower your body downwards. Hold for 2-3 seconds and slowly push back up. When doing this, make sure that your back remains straight and does not form a hollow back.
- Classic squat –No training plan would be complete without the good old onesSquatreally complete. The classic version is ideal for all beginners and can be done with or without weights. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and your hips and toes pointing forward. Tense your buttocks and stretch your buttocks back as if you were sitting down on a chair. Keep your knees behind your toes and your back straight.
- Lunges with Bicep Curls –Lunges are another excellent oneExercise for womenFrom 50 and in combination with biceps curls, you can train your entire body at once. Take a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Tense your stomach and back and take a big step forward with your left leg. Lower your hips until your left leg forms a 90-degree angle between your upper and lower legs while simultaneously bending your arms up to your shoulders. Lower your arms again and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
- One-legged bridge –Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your bottom up until your body forms a straight line. Extend your left leg straight towards the ceiling, lower your body and raise it again. Repeat a total of 10 times and repeat with the other leg.
- Deadliftfor a strong back. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the dumbbells on either side of your feet. Squat down and grab the dumbbells. Straighten your body and bring the dumbbells as close as possible to the sides of your legs. Make sure you do it slowly and evenly and keep your back straight.
- Bench pressis one of the best exercises for women over 50 for everyone whotrain the chestand want to strengthen. Lie either on the floor or on a flat bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Press the weights upwards slowly and in a controlled manner, without fully extending your arms. Hold for a few seconds and lower again.
- One-arm rowingstrengthens the biceps and the sides and upper back. Place your left knee and left thigh on the bottom of a chair and bend your body forward. Rest your left arm on the chair and take a dumbbell in your right hand. Breathe in deeply and move the short handles down the outside of the chair, breathe out and pull them back up. Make sure that your back remains straight and that the dumbbell is held as close to your body as possible.
- Crunches with outstretched arms –Lie on the floor with your legs bent and stretch your arms backwards above your head. Exhale and lift your chest off the floor and towards your knees. Then inhale and lower your body backwards, but do not completely lie on the floor. To increase the difficulty, try performing the exercise with a dumbbell.