If there is anyone who can make time stand still, it is certainly Jennifer Lopez. There are many reasons to love and admire the pop legend. She's won two Grammys, given us plenty of great songs to dance to like "Jenny from the Block," and starred in some of our favorite comedies like "Monster-in-Law" and "Manhattan Love Story." Although the Latina is now 51 years old, she is in great shape and undoubtedly looks like a 30-year-old fitness model. Her toned abs, strong upper body and of course that iconic butt are the envy and admiration of people all over the world. Although we obviously think all bodies are beautiful, we have to admit that it is not easy to achieve this level of fitness and suchto get a defined stomach– no matter what age! So what's JLo's secret to that killer body? We'll tell you in our article what Jennifer Lopez's fitness routine looks like and how the singer eats to look so young and fabulous!
Rock-hard abs and a super toned body - JLo still looks like she's in her mid-30s and makes even models and amateur bodybuilders green with envy. But if you thought the singer's body was the result of good genes or the occasional Pilates class, then you're sorely mistaken. In order to look her age, the Latina not only invests a lot of money on personal trainers and private chefs, but also time. There is no such thing as being lazy for her - she follows a strict diet and fitness plan from which she almost never deviates. Whether she's on tour or at home, JLo's training plan includes no rest days and she gives 100 percent every time she hits the gym.
What does the Jennifer Lopez fitness routine look like?
Jennifer Lopez always reminds us that age is just a number. “I 100 percent believe that training is part of what makes me so happy. Dancing has always been a very important part of my life. The key to my happiness is taking the time to move my body and do something that is good for me. I truly believe that you can take better care of those you love by taking care of yourself and continually working to stay healthy. So training is definitely a priority for me.” – that’s what the pop legend said in an interview for “Womenshealth”. In principle, the Jennifer Lopez training routine is based on four pillars – planks, crunches, squats and endurance training.
The Latina has two personal trainers who are responsible for her being in top shape. When she's in Los Angeles, she trains with Tracy Anderson using the Anderson Method, which other stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Cortney Cox use to stay in shape. In New York, JLo trains with David Kirsch and she loves that they have very different training methods. Kirsch is a big fan of planks, push-ups, boxing and short interval training, while Anderson prefers freestyle workouts. This means less weights and lots of butt and leg exercises that also work the abdominal muscles. Because of her hectic schedule, JLo's workout routine is always early in the morning.
And here is the JLo workout routine for rock-hard abs
The Latina's toned stomach is a real dream. Anyone who is into fitness knows how hard it is to get perfect six pack abs and that abdominal exercises aren't all that fun. A common misconception is that abdominal training is the be-all and end-all for defined abdominal muscles. Cardio, squats, shoulder and back training also put a lot of strain on the stomach. Therefore, it is no wonder that fast sprints, boxing and cardio units as well as yoga exercises to stabilize the muscles are an integral part of Jennifer Lopez's fitness routine. The JLO abdominal training plan consists of 3 sets and looks like this:
Set 1:
- Hanging leg raisesfor the lower abdominal muscles is one of the most difficult abdominal exercises ever. To do this, hold onto a pull-up bar firmly with both hands and keep your upper body, legs and arms as stretched as possible. Now breathe in deeply and lift your legs as high as possible without swinging. Slowly return to the starting position and perform 50 repetitions without rest.
- Plank exercise –All sorts of thingsShelf Variantsform the second pillar of the JLo fitness routine. The two exercises that David Kirsch likes to torture the Latina with are the side plank and plank walking. For the first variation, get into the classic side plank position and dynamically raise and lower your hips. To do the walking plank, start in the low plank position and move from left to right and back on all fours. Do 50 repetitions of one variation.
- Sit-ups with kettlebells –We all know that sit-ups and crunches are some of the most popular abdominal exercises. Adding weights like dumbbells and kettlebells is a great way to increase the difficulty of your workout. Lie on your back and hold a kettlebell (at least 4 kilograms) in front of your chest. Tense your stomach and perform a sit-up. Make sure your back stays straight. Raise the kettlebell over your head with your arms outstretched, hold for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position.
Set 2:Perform all exercises from set 1 with 35 repetitions per exercise.
Set 3:Do the above exercises again, but this time only do 21 repetitions. Oh, and one more important thing - Jennifer Lopez doesn't take breaks between exercises. So you have to really try hard!
And here's the secret to that toned butt: Jennifer Lopez's lower body fitness routine
Early in her career, JLo was rejected several times because of her curvy body and was told hundreds of times that she needed to lose weight. But these days her incredible curves and tight butt are admired all over the world. To ensure your body never gets used to a particular exercise and to keep things more interesting, Jennifer Lopez changes up her workout routine every 1-2 months. And yet there are some exercises that are always included in the JLO training plan.
- squat –Like millions of other women around the world, Jennifer Lopez also relies on the good old squat exercise for her butt. Here she varies with or without weight and does different ones every weekSquat variationsthrough. David Kirsch's absolute favorite exercise, which he always integrates into the JLo workout routine, is the so-called sumo squat walk. To do this, get into the classic squat position and place your feet slightly wider than hip-width. Point your knees outwards and clasp your hands behind your head. Then take 20 steps forward and 20 back - your thighs are guaranteed to burn, we promise!
The pop legend owes his toned bottom to these exercises
If, like us, you admire the singer's body and would like to have such toned legs, then we have a few more exercises from the Jennifer Lopez workout routine for you!
- Lunges with dumbbells –3 sets of 50 repetitions per leg
- Beinpresse –3 sets of 20 repetitions each and 10 kilograms of weight
- Lunge to the bridgeis a slightly more complicated exercise that also requires a little coordination. Start in the classic lunge position with your right leg bent forward and your left leg bent back. The right hand is on the right thigh and the left hand is on the floor. Now pull your left leg through to get into a bridge and stretch your right arm up towards the ceiling. Flip left leg over to return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 25 reps per side.
- Squat Jumps with Jump Box –Stand in front of a jump box or a box at least 50 centimeters high and hold a 10 kilogram kettlebell in front of your chest. Now squat slightly and jump onto the box with both feet with a swing, returning to the squat position. Return to the starting position and perform a total of 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
And what does the JLo diet look like?
While being consistent in the gym and regularharte Workoutsare the key to staying so fit at this age, Jennifer Lopez also believes that a healthy and balanced diet is just as important. The singer only eats unprocessed food and everything should be organic. She always starts the day with a delicious smoothie made from yogurt, fresh fruit, honey and protein powder from her own brand Bodylab. A typical lunch, for example, consists of salmon with salad and lots of steamed vegetables. Kale recipes with grainy cream cheese and roasted pumpkin seeds is one of her favorite dishes. In the evening, try other protein sources such as chicken or pork fillet with quinoa or baked sweet potatoes.
All in all, Jennifer Lopez is said to consume around 1,400 calories every day. That's about 500 calories less than what a woman her age could theoretically consume without gaining weight. The pop diva is also consistent with her choice of drinks - she hasn't drunk coffee or alcohol for years. Instead, she drinks at least 2-3 liters of water per day. No wonder, after all, she has to supply her body with enough fluids for the next sweaty JLo training plan. And while for most of us, snacking means a packet of chips or a bar of chocolate, Jennifer Lopez isn't tempted by junk food. Instead, she opts for between mealshealthy snacksand always has fruit and raw nuts with her.