Chest training for women: The best exercises for an effective chest workout at home!

Having a beautiful and toned body is probably the most common reason why people exercise. From hula hoop to fitness bands toVibration plate exercises– most women tend to focus on exercises for the stomach, legs and buttocks or pursue the goal of losing fat. Chest training is often neglected or not included in our training plan at all. We have to make something clear: training the chest is not just important for men, because strength training is about building strength throughout the entire body. The truth is that breast training for women results in tissue tightening and actually gives you the shape you have always wanted. So add some of the following exercises to your workout routine to give your upper body a little more oomph and definition. No equipment or gym? No problem, because here you will find great ideas and tips for an effective chest workout at home.

Many women are conflicted about breast training. On the one hand, we want more toning, but at the same time we are worried about our feminine curves. Regardless of whether you use your own weight or weights – strength training tones the body and gives it a certain definition. Targeted exercises can achieve incredibly great effects, especially on the female breast. Especially women with sagging breasts, for example after onePregnancy, can with exercisesChange this condition for the better through effective chest training. Whether with your own weight, fitness bands or dumbbells - here you will find the best chest exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Does breast training for women make breasts smaller?

Many women forego breast training because they fear it will make them smaller and make them feel less feminine. However, this fear is completely unfounded - regular training of the chest muscles does not reduce the size of the breasts. The opposite is actually the case - targeted exercises actually tighten the breasts and make them look bigger. The female breast consists of three types of tissue: connective, glandular and fatty tissue. While the glands and connective tissue remain unchanged unless a woman is in menopause or pregnant, the fatty tissue depends on body weight and body fat percentage. When we train with weights, a growth stimulus is provided for the muscles, which causes the muscles to grow. This results in the breasts being raised. However, the situation is different when it comes to losing body fat. Unfortunately, we cannot influence where we lose fat and if we lose a lot of weight, our breasts may become slightly smaller. Unfortunately, there is no specific workout for this, because building muscle and losing fat are two completely different processes and you can only promote fat burning in certain areas. So the answer is no, breast training for women itself does not make the breast smaller. Rather, it depends on the overall calorie balance.

These are the best exercises for effective chest training for women at home

No matter whether for men or women - when it comes to effective exercises for chest training, the good old ones are the bestPush-upsthe ultimate classic. The numerous variants are ideal for a varied and super intensive workout, which is crucial for our training success. For optimal results, you should try to train your chest twice a week. Choose 5 exercises from the list below and perform them one after the other without rest. Repeat the chest workout for women a total of three times, resting for 1 minute after each round.

  • Bear crawl with pat on the back –Bear Crawl is a super effective and very difficultPlank Variant, with both knees in the air. The body therefore has to use more force to remain stable. Get into the classic all-fours position on the balls of your feet, keeping your knees a few centimeters off the floor. Keep your back straight and tense your stomach. Then tap your right shoulder with your left hand and repeat on the other side - this counts as one repetition. Do between 12 and 15 repetitions.
  • Mountaineer push-up –This push-up variation is a combination of strength and endurance training and is ideal for an intensive chest workout at home without equipment. Start in the classic high plank position and perform a push-up. Then quickly pull your right knee toward your chest, return to start, and quickly do the same with your left knee. Continue alternating, doing four mountain climbers in total—that counts as one rep. Do between 12 and 15 repetitions.
  • One-arm push-ups –To do a good chest workout at home, you don't necessarily have to have dumbbells or other equipment. You can strengthen your upper body even without equipment and push-ups are ideal for this. With one-armed push-ups, the body weight is shifted to one side, which increases the muscle stimulus even more. The exercise requires a lot of strength and coordination and is therefore only suitable for advanced users. Take a thick book or similar object and place one hand on it. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and do between 8 and 10 reps before switching sides. To avoid injuries, it is important to ensure clean and correct execution.
  • Bench press with dumbbells –This is probably the most classic exercise that should not be missing from any chest training session at home with dumbbells! Take a dumbbell in each hand and lie on your back, either on the floor or on a bench. When lying on the floor, bend your knees slightly. The head, shoulders and bottom should remain firmly on the floor or bench throughout the exercise. Now tense your stomach and press the dumbbells upwards using the strength of your chest muscles without any momentum. Make sure that your arms are not fully extended, but remain slightly bent at the elbows. Then bring your elbows down to the sides of your chest and lower the dumbbells. Do between 12 and 15 repetitions.

Chest training woman at home with dumbbells

  • Chest press for triceps extension –This compound exercise is ideal for strengthening the chest and at the same timeTrizepsto train. Kneel on an exercise mat with your knees slightly wider than hip-width. Hold a dumbbell with both hands and extend your arms directly in front of your chest. Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbell toward your chest. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly bend your arms back and behind your head. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position - this counts as one repetition. Do between 12 and 15 repetitions.
  • Seated Arnold Press –While the classic Arnold press is more of a fitness exercise for training the shoulder muscles, this variant places more emphasis on the chest. Sit on the floor with your upper body leaning slightly backwards, your legs stretched forward and slightly bent. Take two dumbbells and lift them with your arms bent so that your palms face you. Now position your upper arms as close to your upper body as possible and press the dumbbells upwards while turning your wrists outwards. Hold for a few seconds and lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
  • Butterflyis one of the most popular exercises for chest training at home with dumbbells. Stand upright and hold two dumbbells in each hand, with your legs slightly shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight and tense your stomach. Then bend your arms to the sides so high that the elbows form a 90 degree angle at the height of the shoulders and the upper arms are parallel to the floor. Slowly squeeze your arms together to return to the starting position and perform a total of 12 to 15 repetitions.
  • Renegade Row Übung –This is a great plank variation that works the entire body at the same time. Start in the classic high plank position with two dumbbells directly under your shoulders. Tense your stomach, bend one arm and lift the dumbbell to your obliques. The other arm must remain stable and the body rotates upwards minimally during the movement. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the floor and repeat with the other arm - this counts as one repetition. Do a total of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Effective chest training at home with fitness bands

Don't have dumbbells and need some ideas for a chest workout at home without equipment? Small, compact and super effective – fitness bands are real all-rounders in the fitness world and ideal for chest training for women!

  • Resistance band arm impulses –If you suffer from back pain or need to work on your posture, then this resistance band exercise is for you! Make sure the band remains under tension throughout the movement. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and place the resistance band around your wrists. Keep your back straight and pull your shoulders back and down. Raise and extend your arms to chest height and pulse to the sides. Perform the exercise for about 60 seconds.
  • Push-ups with fitness band –As already mentioned, arePush-up variationsperfect for chest training at home. The exercise becomes even more strenuous and effective if you work with a fitness band at the same time. Place the band over your back and secure the ends firmly to the floor with your hands. Get into the classic push-up position and make sure that your body forms a straight line. Then perform a push-up and then slowly push yourself up against the resistance of the fitness band. Try to do between 10 and 12 repetitions.
  • Butterfly mit Thera-Band –Place the resistance band behind your back and grab the ends. Bend your body slightly forward and extend your arms forward at chest level. Do a total of 12 to 15 repetitions.