Core muscles exercises: The ultimate core strength training for a strong core!

Defined arms, slim legs, firm bottom and atight stomach. Everything's fine. However, many people who are active in sports forget to train their core muscles. The stomach, the middle of the body and the torso are the center of strength that holds the body together. Whether during strength training or in everyday life - a strong core makes us more resilient and more efficient. When you think of core muscles, you immediately think of sit-ups and six-pack abs. However, that is far from the truth, because a trained core is much more than that. So it is definitely worth paying a little more attention to this part of the body by incorporating some core exercises into our training routine. Where are the core muscles located and why should we train the core regularly? We'll tell you all of this and everything about core strength training in our article!

Core strength exercises should be the focus of every strength training session. Because our torso suffers! The lack of physical activity and work as well as the many sedentary jobs put a lot of strain on the body and at some point lead to restrictions in mobility,severe back painor even intervertebral disc problems. A strong core is not only important for improving our sports performance, but it also ensures better posture and can reduce pain. All everyday little things like cleaning or even tying shoes put a strain on the core muscles and the stronger they are, the more resilient we become. Core strength training is one of the functional workouts. This means that, in contrast to normal strength training, we do not concentrate on individual muscles, but rather train entire muscle chains at the same time: i.e. several muscles that are functionally linked to each other to enable us to perform certain movement sequences.

What do the core muscles do and why should you train the core?

The core is often referred to as the “core”, which translates from English as “middle” or “core” and that is exactly what core strength training is all about: the middle of the body. The goal of core muscle exercises is to stabilize and train our core. The torso is the central pillar of our body and is anatomically composed of the chest, stomach, back, pelvis and thorax. However, the core muscles include not only the back and abdominal muscles, but also parts of the thigh and gluteal muscles. The torso does not consist of mountains of muscles like other muscle groups, but rather lies in the deeper layers and consists of many small muscles that are responsible for the support and holding function of the body. The core muscles transmit strength from the lower body to the upper body and vice versa and are therefore a basic requirement for almost every movement.

Core strength exercises ensure an upright posture and stabilize the core of the body. Even before we perform a specific movement, the brain sends signals to the core muscles via the central nervous system to activate our muscles. Without “pre-activation” of the torso, we would simply fall forward when extending our arms, for example. To help you understand the importance of a stronger core, we will give you a small example from training. When we do a push-up, the muscles in the core area prevent our pelvis from sagging and causing us to slump. Or, for example, when we do a one-arm plank, the core muscles have to work so that we maintain our balance and don't tip over to the side.

Why is it worth including core muscle exercises in our training plan?

Stable core muscles give us support and a weak core can lead to back problems, poor posture or severe pain in the musculoskeletal system. The torso is, so to speak, the link between the upper and lower body and serves to stabilize the pelvis and spine. In addition, a strong core improves coordination and balance, which is beneficial both during training and in everyday life. Here are the top reasons why you should definitely add core strength training to your workout routine.

  • Core strength exercises for back and neck pain –When we train our core regularly, the lower back also becomes stronger. With strong back and abdominal muscles, we stay more upright, protect the intervertebral discs and compensate for misalignments, which significantly minimizes the risk of back pain.
  • Core strength training reduces the risk of injury –More stability in the core area automatically means more body control. This can prevent any injuries and falls.
  • We are becoming more agile –The stronger the core, the less strain is placed on the individual joints, ligaments and tendons in the lower body. In addition, core muscles are responsible for our coordination and balance and ensure that we are more flexible.
  • They run faster –Yes, runners should also perform core strength exercises regularly. Strong core muscles improve the interaction between the lower back, hips and pelvis, which has a positive effect on our running performance.

These exercises are ideal for effective core strength training

We all know crunches and sit-ups. Sure, these are effective too, but there are actually many other core exercises that are just as good. The best thing about core strength training is that you don't need any expensive equipment or special equipment and you can do the exercises in the comfort of your own home. To strengthen your core in a targeted and consistent manner, choose 5 to 7 of the following core muscle exercises and do them 1-2 times a week. Do 3 sets of each exercise for 12 to 15 reps, resting for a maximum of 30 seconds between sets.

  • One Arm Planks –The plank exercise is one of the most effective ways to train as many muscle groups as possible at the same time. Start in the classic high plank position with your hands below your shoulders. Keep your back straight and ensure your body forms a straight line. Now slowly lift one arm forward and stretch it out without losing your balance. Hold the position for about 30 to 40 seconds and repeat on the other side.
  • Plank Jacks –This is a more effective exercise that is a combination of plank and jumping jack. Start in the classic high plank position with your hands below your shoulders. Keep your feet together at first and quickly jump outwards. Make sure that you do not lose tension in your torso and do not form a hollow back. In this exercise, only the legs are allowed to move while the hips and body remain stable.
  • Exercise ball push-ups –In order to maintain balance, the unstable surface requires multiple muscle groups to be activated at the same time. That's exactly what most people doExercise ball exercisesideal for effective core strength training. To avoid possible injuries, you should always use correct and clean technique. Bend your elbows to the sides and squeeze the exercise ball. Slowly lower the weight of your upper body downwards and keep your head in line with your spine. Breathe out deeply and carefully push yourself back to the starting position of the push-ups.
  • Crunches with exercise ball –Classic crunches and sit-ups aren't challenging enough for you? Then try this variant. Rest your elbows on the exercise ball while keeping your feet on the floor. Now slowly roll the ball forward and hold it for 2-3 seconds. Then slowly roll back again and make sure that your body remains straight and your gaze is directed downwards.

Core muscle exercises for a toned stomach

  • Squat with crunchesis a wonderful oneSquat variation, which allows you to train legs and core strength. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands behind your head. Squat deeply and once you come back up, bring your right elbow and left knee together in front of your body. Then do another squat and repeat on the other side - this counts as one repetition.
  • Side lunges –Start with your feet hip-width apart, tense your stomach and buttocks and take a big step to the side with one leg until you reach a 90-degree angle at the knee joint. Make sure that your toes point forward and your feet remain parallel to each other. Now push off with your bent leg and repeat this on the other side. Aim to do 10 to 12 reps per leg.
  • Toe Touch (Klappmesser)is a great variant of the well-known crunches and trains the rectus and pyramidal abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your hands stretched above your head. The legs, shoulders, heels and buttocks must remain firmly on the floor. Now move your legs and upper body up at the same time and while your legs are perpendicular to the floor, try to touch your feet. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat a total of 12-15 times.
  • Standwaageis one of the best core exercises to improve our coordination. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-to-shoulder and tense your stomach. Now slowly tilt your upper body forward and simultaneously lift your left leg and right arm. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg - this counts as one repetition. Make sure that your back remains straight.
  • Dead Beetle –Lie on your back and keep your arms extended and straight up. Bend your legs so that the knee and hip joints form a 90 degree angle and the lower legs are parallel to the floor. Now move your left arm and right leg downwards, but do not touch the floor. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat on the other side for a total of 10 to 12 repetitions per leg. To increase the difficulty, you can either use leg weights or hold lighter dumbbells with your hands.
  • Side plank with leg raises –Lie on your left side and support yourself on your left arm. Tense your stomach and back and push your hips up until your body forms a straight line. Slowly raise your right leg and right arm about 15 times and then switch sides.
  • Raise your knees while standing on all fours –Start in the classic all-fours position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and slowly lift your knees off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and lower your knees again. To increase the difficulty, try taking a few steps to the left or right.
  • Arm and leg raises in the prone positionis one of the simplest yet most effective core exercises that you can do anywhere. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms and legs. Tighten your stomach, back and buttocks and lift your left arm and right leg straight off the floor at the same time. Hold briefly and repeat on the other side.