Many of us love to play sports. Physical activity contributes to our general health and makes us feel fit and alert not only physically but also emotionally. Breathing is very important when exercising. We give basic tips and techniques on how to breathe correctly while jogging.
When we breathe in we actively use our breathing muscles and when we breathe out we relax them. Filling the lungs requires more force and time than exhaling, in which the diaphragm simply relaxes to expel air. Use these simple and effective strategies to breathe easier and more efficiently while jogging. It's not difficult and you just need a little time to get used to these techniques.
Basics of breathing
Essentially, we breathe to supply our bodies with oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide. This is the basic principle of breathing. When running and during physical exertion, our bodies are put under strain and it is more difficult to absorb oxygen. By breathing more efficiently, you can save yourself the effort and properly oxygenate your body. How do you breathe correctly while jogging? Here are some tips for better breathing while jogging that will help you feel better and not lose motivation to exercise.
Diaphragmatic breathing to take in more air while running
Diaphragmatic breathing is particularly important. This is a proper breathing technique while jogging. Deep abdominal breathing strengthens the muscles that support breathing and allows you to breathe in more air. This allows you to use oxygen more efficiently. You can also use diaphragmatic breathing in daily life. You may feel tired at first, but over time the technique should become easier.
How to do it:
- Lie on your back.
- Inhale through your nose and fill your stomach with air.
- As your stomach expands, push your diaphragm down and out.
- Lengthen your exhalation so that it is longer than your inhalation.
- Practice breathing daily for 5 to 10 minutes over a period of a few days. Then you can use it while jogging and you will find that doing sports is easier than before.
Breathing rhythmically is very important
How do you breathe correctly while running? With rhythmic breathing, you take in more oxygen and put less strain on your body. Rhythmic breathing allows you to relieve pressure on your diaphragm. Therefore, it is important to learn to breathe rhythmically. How do you proceed?
- Exhale alternately with your right and left foot.
- Follow a 3:2 pattern, striking alternately with your right and left foot as you exhale. Breathe in for three foot strikes and exhale for two. Count each inhale and exhale to make sure the duration is even. Alternatively, you can choose a word or short phrase to repeat with each inhale and exhale.
- Practice daily and in a few weeks you will have mastered rhythmic breathing.
How to breathe properly while jogging: practice deep breathing
To promote proper breathing while running, learn to breathe deeply. Deep breathing can help you feel more relaxed and focused. It helps relieve shortness of breath by preventing air from becoming trapped in the lungs and helping you breathe in fresher air.
Follow these steps:
- While standing or sitting, pull your elbows back slightly to allow your chest to expand.
- Now breathe in deeply through your nose. Count to 5 and hold your breath.
- Breathe out slowly through your nose.Repeat the exerciseseveral times a day, even when you are at work.
Try alternate nostril breathing
Alternate breathing comes from yoga practice. This technique is known to reduce stress and improve cardiovascular function. It is a simple method that can be carried out in a few simple steps:
- Raise your right hand, press the first and middle fingers against the palm, and keep the other fingers extended. As you breathe out, close your right nostril with your thumb.
- Inhale through the left nostril, close it with the little finger and ring finger, and release the thumb from the right nostril. Exhale from the right nostril and inhale again.
- Now close your right nostril and then release your left nostril, inhale and exhale.
- Repeat this cycle for up to 5 minutes every day.
Breathing with pursed lips
This technique slows breathing by keeping the airways open longer to allow oxygen to enter the bloodstream more easily and to flush out carbon dioxide built up in the muscles. Follow these steps,to try the exercise:
- Inhale through your nostrils.
- Purse your lips and breathe out as slowly as possible. Exhaling should take twice as long. Practice several times a day.