Did you know that there are foods we eat every day that are actually slowly killing us? For most of us, they are on the menu every day. Some of them lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and even cancer. Don't forget about obesity and all the anxiety and depression that can come with it. And yes, we know we constantly write about the harmful effects of these foods, but we won't stop until we eliminate them from our menu or at least drastically reduce them. So, take a look at some of the most harmful foods for your body to avoid an unhealthy diet.
Avoid an unhealthy diet
Among nutrition enthusiasts, this is said to be the root of all evil when it comes to health. While these foods seem relatively harmless compared to the rest of the list, they are the most dangerous when consumed regularly - and for many people, this is the case. They also play a large role in many highly processed foods. If you avoid these and check the ingredients, you will naturally avoid the most dangerous ones. Your health and waistline will thank you.
While many people have oneMaintain a health-promoting diet plan, others fail to do this by consuming ice cream and donuts quite often or even daily. These unhealthy cravings can also contain extreme amounts of sugar and carbohydrates and contribute to poor fat retention in the body. So here are some examples of unhealthy eating caused by the following foods.
Canned tomato sauce
Canned tomato sauce can be a masked killer if you use it constantly in different dishes. This is a hidden source of sugar and can lead to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even tooth decay. To avoid these problems, you can prefer to consume fresh tomatoes with which to prepare your sauce. A tomato paste with no added sugar or salt would also be a healthier alternative, although you can also add your own spices.
Carbonated drinks
Drinks scented with different fruits and flavors, which flow so pleasantly down our throats in summer and cool us down, can become our worst enemies. They negatively affect some organs in the body, such as skin, blood sugar levels, hormones and mood swings. Forget the marketing and labels that say these drinks are good for you or contain nutrients with vitamins. All they have is a bunch of sugar, colors and preservatives. The so-called “sugar-free” versions are no better either, as they contain harmful artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Buy a blender or juicer and make your own juice. And if you miss the bubbles so much, you can add sparkling water to the fruit juice.
Lots of sugar and sweets
If you love jam, there are plenty of healthier ways to satisfy your desire. Sugar is highly addictive and, in addition to increasing glucose levels and fat production, can lead to heart disease. Avoid as much sugar as possible to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease and more. Enjoy a fruit bowl or add honey to your recipes.
Processed meat
Meat products like salami, ham and others are full of nitrates, sodium, preservatives and additives. All of these substances can do thatRisk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even behavioral problems and learning difficulties in children. To reduce these negative effects, you can choose meat from the local butcher instead of the supermarket, or better yet, learn to avoid these products altogether.
Grilled meat
It's hard to resist the smell of a grill, but please try. The chemicals that leach into the meat during the process are linked to a risk of pancreatic cancer and breast cancer. If you can't resist, try limiting your intake of grilled meat and consider adding rosemary to grilled meat to reduce the amount and number of carcinogens. This spice, as well as thyme, ginger and cayenne pepper or a marinade made from onions and garlic, have an antioxidant effect and neutralize some of the dangerous substances when grilling.
vegetable oil
Some vegetable fats are part of our cuisine and we don't even think about the impact they can have on our health. However, some of these oils are made from genetically modified plants and we still have no idea what long-term effects these products may have on us. Vegetable oils also contain dangerous trans fats, which can cause cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. For this reason, check above all the information written on the label. If the oil is refined, it's best to stay away from it as it contains free radicals that can promote cancer growth, accelerate aging, and cause other problems. Choose healthy alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil.
Marketing is once again responsible for the major misconceptions surrounding margarine. This is one of the unhealthiest foods, so remove it from your menu. Margarine is like a very bad version of butter with hydrogenated vegetable oils and is much more artificial than you think. This product is almost pure chemistry. So you are probably wondering what would be so bad about it. These are trans fats that can damage the heart and blood vessels and disrupt cholesterol levels. Go for oil for a healthier alternative. Other healthy alternatives include olive oil and avocado oil.
Sausages and hot dogs
Sausages or the so-called hot dogs, as well as smoked and processed meats, contain many preservatives that can be harmful to your health. The effects of consuming such a meat product are compared to the negative effects of smoking. If you are not yet convinced, you should know that hot dog is high in sodium and toxins that increase the risk of cancer. However, if you can't resist, at least make sure the sausages are free from organic butchers or come directly from farms.
Potato chips and fried snacks
All fried foods contain a dangerous substance called acrylamide. Potato chips are no exception. Acrylamide increases the risk of colon, breast and prostate cancer. So avoid potato chips or make a healthier version at home. Drizzle some olive oil on thinly sliced potatoes, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and bake in the oven. We promise the taste will be incredibly good.
Salad dressing
Bottled salad dressings are includedartificial colorsand corn syrup as well as a high sugar content. It is better to avoid such ready-made products and bottled salad dressings and instead use lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar together with a little olive oil for a healthy salad dressing.
Artificial sweeteners
No, sweeteners are not better than sugar, as most manufacturers claim in various commercials. In fact, they are often worse. Although they contain fewer calories, they can increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and metabolic syndrome. You may not have noticed, but many sugar-free gummies contain aspartame, which is considered the most dangerous substance in the world. Sugar has healthy alternatives such as honey, maple syrup, agave and others.
We're sorry to break this news to you, but alcohol has no health benefits. The popular liquid substance is extremely high in calories and can cause dehydration, liver damage, weight gain, depression and skin problems. Not to mention the bad decisions you make when you're under their influence. So if you want to harm your body, from the brain to the liver to the skin, you should believe in marketing and drink alcohol every day. Otherwise, avoid this one.
White bread and refined flour
Grain crops are good and nutritious, right? According to this knowledge and logic, white bread should also be a healthy food. Well, this only applies if it is not made from refined flour. White flour is free of fiber, minerals and vitamins, and all you get from it is grain waste mixed with chemicals to give it a beautiful white color. However, there is a risk of weight gain, thyroid and organ damage. Instead of choosing just white bread as an unhealthy diet, opt for whole grains.
Dairy products
Yes, milk is the first food we consume when we come into this world. But breast milk is very different from cow's milk. We also develop an intolerance to lactose as we age. Dairy products are associated with low nutrient absorption, migraines, arthritis, cancer, allergies and asthma. So once again, forget about these clever marketing tricks. Choose a healthier alternative in the form of coconut or almond milk, which taste just as good and won't slowly make you sick like cow's milk.
Fast food
Fast food is also considered an unhealthy diet. As the name suggests, it is relatively cheap and can be found almost everywhere. But what makes it so delicious? These are the same things that can slowly make you sick: trans fats, sugar, salt, preservatives, additives, colorings and other chemicals that improve the appearance and taste of the food. Fast food can affect the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, mood disorders, weight gain, metabolic disorders, etc. At least try to reduce the quantities.
Wheat contains carbohydrates that suddenly and significantly increase blood sugar levels. This leads to high insulin production and weight gain. Over time, the pancreas becomes overworked and insulin resistant, and then you can get diabetes. High blood sugar levels also lead to the formation of compounds that can accelerate the aging process and give the skin a wrinkled appearance.
Breakfast cereal
Here, too, we can blame marketing. Breakfast cereal isn't as harmless as its bright colors might suggest. They actually contain sugar, artificial colors, preservatives and genetically modified products that often provide no nutrients at all because they have lost them after processing. Instead of sweet cereal flakes, try a porridge with fresh or dried fruits. You can change the taste as you like and this breakfast is really good for your health.
fruit juices
Don't believe the big and bright labels that say 100% fruit. Commercial fruit juices often contain sugars, colors and preservatives and can lose nutrients during pasteurization. It's best to find a reliable local juice bar or make your own fruit juice at home. You can also experiment with new flavors.
Lots of salt
Salt intake plays an important role in regulating our blood pressure. If you consume too much salt, you are likely to develop high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. But do not completely remove salt from your daily menu, as your body needs it. Just limit the amount and watch the sodium content in the processed foods. Just 3.75 grams of sodium per day is sufficient and safe. Anything over 6 grams poses a serious health risk.