Is it possible that there are actually vitamins for pimples? Science says yes, because it has been discovered that certain nutritional deficiencies can cause the inflammatory skin condition to break through and become visible on the surface of our skin in the form of pimples. Acne is a normal and common skin condition. Particularly in certain groups, for example teenagers, this occurs when skin glands produce too much oil, which clogs the pores and then in the further process bacteria cause inflammation, the pimple. There are countless products on the market to treat these skin problems externally, but is it possible to achieve success by taking micronutrients?
Vitamins for pimples: Which nutrient deficiency causes the inflammatory skin problems?
This article provides information about which micronutrients can help treat and prevent acne. Micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, can help counteract a hormonal imbalance, which can result in a clearer appearance of the skin. They also strengthen the immune system and help the body effectively fight germs and thus prevent and combat the development of pimples and skin blemishes.
Vitamins for pimples: Vitamin A influences the skin structure
Vitamin A is a retinoid, which influences not only the skin structure but also many other processes and functions in the body. For example, it supports the functions of the immune system,the organs of vision, the reproductive system, communication between cells and it also helps the work of the heart, lungs and kidneys. It may be able to reduce the activity of Propionibacterium acnes, which is a type of bacteria that plays a significant role in the development of acne. Vitamin A can be obtained or consumed from plant and animal sources. Further advantages of the vitamin are that it has an antioxidant effect and fights free radicals in the organism, which have a damaging effect on cells and can lead to premature skin aging. It can reduce inflammation in the body, promotes the growth of new cells and protects against negative environmental influences.
Foods high in vitamin A
- Organic beef liver
- certain types of fish such as herring, tuna and wild salmon
- green vegetables like organic broccoli and spinach
- yellow vegetables such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin or carrots
- Fruits such as oranges, cantaloupe, apricots or mangoes
- Organic dairy products
- Vitamin A dietary supplements, which you can find in a wide range in drugstores and pharmacies.
Why vitamin D is so important for healthy skin
Everyone knows about the sunshine vitamin, which is produced and released by the body through exposure to the sun. It helps the body absorb calcium, thereby contributing to good bone health. It promotes effective nerve cell communication and suppresses the spread of germs. In oneStudy from 2016Scientists found that people who suffer from acne have lower vitamin D levels than people who don't suffer from acne. The results of the study indicate that the vital substance can help against acne, but more research is needed. Although the body produces the micronutrient itself through the rays of ultraviolet light, there are also foods that can provide it to the organism.
Foods containing vitamin D
- fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon or tuna
- Organic beef liver
- Cheese
- Bio-Owner
- Mushrooms
- The market also offers a wide range of fortified foods and nutritional supplements.
Micronutrients against pimples: zinc
Zinc is an essential mineral that supports a variety of processes in the body. This affects the function of the immune system, protein synthesis, wound healing, cell division processes and enzyme activity. The trace element has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect and reduces excess oil formation in the pores. It can, applied orally or externally, cause the appearance ofReduce pimples. It is not very difficult to incorporate zinc into your diet, the following foods are a good source of it.
Foods containing zinc
- Seafood oysters, crabs or lobsters
- Organic red meat
- Organic poultry
- Legumes, nuts, whole grain products
- Organic dairy products
- Dietary supplements
Fight bacteria with bacteria: probiotics
Although probiotics are not vitamins or minerals, they deserve their place here to complete the list and also due to their effectiveness as dietary supplements that are helpful in clearing up pimples and acne. Live probiotic cultures promote healthy digestion, boost the immune system and help clear skin by reducing breakouts and acne. According to oneStudy from 2014, published in the Dermatology Online Journal, scientists found evidence that probiotic foods, or probiotic supplements, may be promising and safe remedies for acne. They add that further research is needed, but the evidence so far is promising enoughUse of probioticsto promote intestinal health and combat acne.
Foods that contain probiotics
- Organic natural yogurt (main source of probiotics, can be made from cow, sheep or goat milk)
- Kefir (Bio)
- Organic sauerkraut
- Miso (fermented spice paste)
- BioKombucha Tee(fermented tea drink)
- Pickles
- Organic cheese
- Of course, nutritional supplements are also available in pharmacies, drugstores or online stores. You should always pay attention to high-quality products. These often need to be kept refrigerated.