Growth hormones for building muscle – useful information and pros and cons

It is well known that hormones influence almost every process in our body. Above allStrength athleteshow interest in theGrowth hormones for muscle buildingand see this as a good opportunity to optimize your performance and achieve your goals more easily by increasing growth hormone levels. In today's article we will give you useful information about growth hormones. Below you will find out what growth hormone is, what it really does and the advantages and disadvantages of taking it.

The growth hormones HGH (Human Growth Hormone), also called somatropin, and testosterone are responsible for growth and muscle building. They are produced by the organism in the pituitary gland and take part in the growth processes in the body as well as in the regeneration of the entire organism. Over the course of life, the production of the hormone HGH decreases, which is why body pictures sometimes use growth hormones from an injection. The growth hormones forBuilding muscle makes your muscles grow, help burn fat and strengthen bone structure. Taking somatropin also boosts the athlete's performance enormously. However, growth hormone therapy is only used in medicine if the body produces this hormone in insufficient quantities. It is brought to normal levels by injection. If growth hormones are taken to build muscle when there is no deficiency, uncontrolled side effects and consequences can occur, which in the worst case can endanger life.

Effects and side effects under the microscope

Somatropin is said to be a true miracle for the body. But can you actually become stronger and slimmer by using growth hormones to build muscle without putting your own health at great risk? As already mentioned, HGH builds muscle and reduces fat. Body imagers know well that building muscle does not happen at the same time as losing fat. It is precisely on this point that high expectations are placed on somatropin. After all legal products, such as protein powder and pills, users see this as a good way to put muscle building into high gear. Growth hormone is usually used in combination with other hormones such as testosterone, although it has not yet been proven which component actually contributes to the desired effect. However, the reality usually differs from the attributed effect of growth hormone. Studies have shown that HGH has a positive effect on metabolism only when the hormone is missing in the body. Despite expectations, muscles are not built magically. If muscle mass is increased due to an overdose, serious side effects can occur, such as cardiovascular diseases and enlargement of the organs.

The growth hormones for muscle building are used by athletes as a remedy after injuries and during related surgical procedures. Anyone who has suffered from joint injuries knows that recovery and regeneration are lengthy processes and can be psychologically stressful. In order to compete as quickly as possible, many athletes turn to growth hormones. Somatropin should also protect against injuries. In the event of a whiplash injury or concussion, the pituitary gland is affected. This affects both physical and mental well-being, which is why high expectations are placed on HGH.

The use of this hormone is approved for traumatic brain injuries, but must be discussed with a doctor. To date, no clear results have proven that this accelerates regeneration. There is also no clear and meaningful evidence that the growth hormones rejuvenate the body with anti-aging therapy with HGH. Possible side effects include headaches, poor eyesight, skin discoloration, habituation and disrupted hormonal balance. Of course, these side effects do not occur for everyone or are relatively mild. Taking artificial growth hormones, like other artificial procedures, involves certain risks.

Natural measures and remedies that increase somatropin levels

Fortunately, there are natural ways to increase the HGH level in the body without any side effects. If you want to optimize your HGH levels, hard strength training and intensive endurance sports are a legal and reliable method. Whether jogging or rowing, endurance training increases growth hormones. It is not the duration but the intensity of the training that is crucial for the desired success. For example, include two cardio workouts per week, each lasting 45 minutes.

The pace should noticeably challenge you. Do high-intensity strength training sessions using various equipment orPerform exercises alternately, without taking breaks. Sport and daily exercise are without a doubt the most effective means of maintaining healthy HGH levels. A sufficient amount of sleep is also essential for the increased release of growth hormones for muscle building. Somatropin production is strongest in the first half of the night.

Foods that contain growth hormones for muscle building

Also pay attention to your diet. Preferably consume fruits and vegetables and avoid processed carbohydrates. Healthy fats from olive oil, nuts and avocados are part of a conscious diet and help you lose weight. Eating some foods can also increase the production of growth hormones. For example, consuming pineapple before bed will improve sleep quality due to the increased levels of melatonin and serotonin, thereby increasing the production of the hormone. The vitamin-containing goji berries are responsible for the increased L-glutamine and L-arginine and thus for the growth hormones. Watermelons contain large amounts of L-citrulline, which are transformed into L-arginine in the body and have a positive effect on hormone levels. Thanks to the peptides it contains, the delicious parmesan also has the same effect on the hormonal system.

Coconut oil also has positive effects on HGH, is easy to digest and also has few calories. Those of you who like to indulge in chocolate can also benefit from the positive properties of raw chocolate. Chocolate provides tryptophan, which stimulates the pituitary gland and stimulates the production of growth hormones for muscle building. The raw chocolate also improves the quality of your sleep. Raisins also contain amino acids that stimulate the production of growth hormones. All nuts, especially Brazil nuts, contain L-arganine, which stimulates the production of growth hormones. Alkaline foods such as beetroot and lemons protect our bodies from acidification. Good PH values ​​are an important prerequisite for the proper functioning of the endocrine system.

If you use growth hormones to build muscle, it is always advisable to consult a doctor and get advice about whether such therapy would make sense for you personally. It is not advisable to purchase the HGH hormone online because its origin cannot be guaranteed.