Many people assume that you have to invest in membership in the gym or a device for at home to start strength training. But that's not the case! There are many exercises that you can do at home without devices that tighten your muscles and help you build strength. If you want to achieve and keep your target weight seriously, you have to find time for sports. The good news: You can benefit from the advantages of sport in just five minutes a day. In the morning or in the evening! Because a daily 5-minute workout is so easy to make at home!
Can a 5-minute workout be effective?
Rob Fletcher, the creator of “America's Next Great Trainer (Anggt)”, says that a simple 5-minute training routine can make a big difference. In an interview from 2015, he said that he invited his customers to a seven-day “jump start” challenge, where he asked her to take only 5 minutes for her training every day. He said that this simple obligation contributed to changing healthy habits and strengthening self -confidence.
Burned calories in a mini workout
So how many calories can you burn during a five -minute training? It depends on how hard you work. Experts say that they can burn up to 20 calories per minute with a highly intensive interval training. However, the actual benefit only results after training. An intensive 5-minute workout can help you burn more fat all day. The “afterburning effect” continues up to 48 hours after intensive training.
Sports physiologists call this oxygen consumption after training. To put it simply, this means that your body after the hoursan intensive trainingMore oxygen consumes and more fat and calories burn. Even after a 5-minute workout, fat burning continues for the rest of the day.
Set up your 5-minute workout
There are some things you should do to prepare your 5-minute workout for weight loss. First of all, you should make sure that you are healthy enough to move intensively. Contact your doctor if you have not trained for a while if you have injuries or worry about your health. Next, you should make sure that you are properly equipped for your fitness level.
No special equipment is required for a mini workout for burning fat for beginners. Most exercises can be carried out as resistance with your own body weight. However, if you make progress and become fitter, experts, medicine balls, dumbbells or resistance tapes recommend that you further increase your fat burning.
1. Run the push -up with wide hands
Start in the plank position, whereby your palms lie flat on the floor and are wider than your shoulders. Show your fingers forward or slightly to the side. Bend the elbows and lower your chest towards the floor. Stay when your chest is slightly under the elbows. Press back into the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times. ((You can do this exerciseWand by sinking to the knees and performing the push -up from there).
2. Simple exercise: leg lifting
Place your back on the floor and tie your abdominal muscles while lifting your legs straight up to the blanket. Start slowly lowering your legs until you are a few centimeters above the floor. (You can only lower your legs up to an angle of about 45 degrees to ensure that your abdominal muscles remain tense and you do not overstretch your lower back.) Lift it back into the starting position. Make sure that your lower back always stays flat on the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
3. Make triceps dips at home
Sit on the floor and bend your kneesso your feetFlat on the floor in front of them. Place your hands behind, the palms lie flat on the floor and show the fingertips to the buttocks. Press yourself into the ground to raise your butt in the air. Bend the elbows to lower the body towards the ground and then press through the palms to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
4. Execute the side plank
Slowly turn your upper body in the plank position and put your feet on the mat with the right edge of the right foot. Turn the entire body further to the left so that you balance on the right hand and the edge of the right foot. Leave your legs stretched and stretch your left hand straight up to the ceiling. Keep position for 10 seconds before changing the page (so that you balance on your left hand and the edge of the left foot).
5. Make a cup crouch
Stand with your feet hip width, with the toes pointing slightly outwards. Give the palms together in front of the chest and angle the elbows. Test your abdominal muscles and look ahead as you push your hips backwards and bend your knees. RememberThe back straightTo keep while you further lower your buttocks until your hip is under your knees. Position the elbows so that you are in your knees before pressing down through your heels to get up again. Repeat the exercise 10 times.