Removing warts with home remedies: How to get rid of viral skin infection naturally?

Warts are benign growths on the skin. They are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Warts are contagious. They can go away on their own, but this can take weeks, months or years. Conventional treatments include chemical peels, surgery, icing, and laser surgery, but these treatments can be expensive and cause skin irritation. You can also have wartsremove with home remedies. Here you will find a list of popular natural remedies. For some of them there is still no medical evidence. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult your doctor first if you face such a problem.

Why certain home remedies can work

Natural remedies to eliminate warts include foods, plants or other products that have either antiviral or acidic properties or enzymes that inhibit the HPV virus. Natural antivirals can help suppress the virus that causes the warts, while natural acids can help remove the infected layers of skin.

Remove warts with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an acidic substance made from fermented apple juice. It is believed to act like salicylic acid, a common wart treatment that...infected skinpeels off and the wart is finally removed. Vinegar also has natural antimicrobial properties that could help fight HPV, but more study is needed. To try it, mix 2 parts apple cider vinegar and 1 part water. Soak a cotton ball with this mixture. Place it on the wart and cover it with a bandage. Leave it on for three to four hours. Always dilute apple cider vinegar with water. The acidity can cause irritation and chemical burns. Also, do not use it on open wounds.

Garlic is used for viral infections

Garlic has long been used to cure skin diseases such as psoriasis, keloid scars and corns. It is also used for bacterial, fungal and viral infections such as warts. In an older 2014 study conducted by Trusted Source, garlic extract eliminated warts within four weeks. The warts didn't return. Allicin, a major component of garlic, has antimicrobial effects and is often studied for its antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

To treat warts with garlic, crush 1 clove and mix it with water. Apply to the wart and cover with a bandage. Repeat the application daily for three to four weeks. You can also apply garlic juice or rub the wart with a clove.

Orange peels are an inexpensive option

Aanother popular remedyagainst warts are orange peels. It is a cost-effective option, but there is no scientific data to support it. This remedy involves rubbing an orange peel on the wart once a day. Supposedly the wart changes color, becomes darker and then falls off. This may take two weeks or longer.

Dandelion herb has long been used in medicine

Many people think of dandelions as a nuisance weed. However, in ancient Chinese and Middle Eastern medicine, dandelion is used for its medicinal properties. Dandelion has antimicrobial properties that could be useful in fighting warts, but more research is needed to confirm this. To try this method, break open a dandelion and squeeze out the sticky white sap. Apply it to the wart once or twice daily. Repeat this for two weeks. Never use dandelions that have been sprayed with chemicals.

Remove warts with aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is often used for skin diseases such as burns and psoriasis. If your wart is itchy or painful, the gel can provide relief. Aloe vera gel is also known to fight pathogens, including viruses. To use aloe, take a leaf from an aloe vera plant and cut it open. Apply the gel to the wart. Repeat the application daily.

Aspirin helps thanks to salicylic acid

Aspirin is made from salicylic acid, a common ingredient in over-the-counter wart medications. Salicylic acid heals warts by exfoliating infected skin. Over time, this will remove the wart. The suggested method is to crush aspirin tablets and mix them with water. Apply the paste to the wart and cover it with a bandage overnight.

Vitamin C for healthy skin tissue

Vitamin C has immune-boosting properties and is important for wound healing andhealthy skin tissue. An older study from 2003 based on trusted sources suggests that higher vitamin C consumption is inversely associated with persistent HPV infection, but more reliable evidence is needed. To try vitamin C as a topical treatment for warts, crush a vitamin C tablet and mix it with water. Apply the paste to the wart, cover it with a bandage, and leave it on overnight. Repeat the process daily. Some people claim that lemon juice and vitamin C make a more effective paste. This could be due to the acidity of the lemon juice. Lemon juice can cause skin irritation, so it should be used with caution.

Vitamin E for a healthy immune system

Another home remedy for warts is vitamin E. This nutrient is important for a healthy immune system. It is thought to improve your body's response to HPV, but there are no studies to support this claim. You can pierce a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil to the wart. Protect the wart with a bandage and leave it on overnight. Repeat the process daily for two weeks.

Bee propolis is effective against warts

Honey bees produce the resin-like substance called propolis. It consists of plant substances, beeswax, pollen and bee enzymes. Propolis contains a special compound called pinocembrin, a flavonoid that acts as an antifungal. Thanks to these anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, propolis is helpful in wound healing. Research suggests that propolis promotes skin cell production. It is used to treat acne, wounds andthe herpes simplex virus. These benefits can also help heal infected skin and fight HPV. To use propolis, apply it to the wart. Apply a bandage and leave it on overnight. Repeat the process daily.

Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties

Castor oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and is used as a natural remedy for warts, ringworm, dandruff and other skin diseases. Apply castor oil to the wart every day. It may take two or more weeks for the wart to fall off.

Tape removes infected skin

Adhesive tape is one of the most popular home remedies for warts. It's inexpensive and easy to find. Tape is said to remove infected skin over time. To use tape, place a small piece on the wart. Remove it every three to six days. Soak the wart in water and scrub it with a pumice stone or emery board. Leave them uncovered for 10 to 12 hours. Repeat the process. If you have sensitive skin, use tape with caution. It can cause redness, irritation and bleeding.

Remove warts with home remedies: tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties andbecomes treatmentused for skin diseases such as acne and athlete's foot. Researchers are currently studying whether the oil's antiviral properties can also help eliminate warts. Some methods suggest applying tea tree oil to the wart, but undiluted oil can cause skin irritation. You should therefore always dilute it first. To do this, mix 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil with 12 drops of a carrier oil, e.g. E.g. almond oil or castor oil. Put 3 to 4 drops of this mixture on a cotton ball. Place it on the wart for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this two to three times daily. If you experience irritation, you may need to dilute the oil even more.