Have you ever noticed those little white or yellowish, hard, granule-like bumps on your skin? They typically appear on the skin of the eyelids or under the eyes, on the cheeks or nose and often appear in clusters. These are most likely so-called milia or also known as skin grit. These are small cyst-like accumulations that form under the skin. Their consistency is very hard and resembles a grain of sand. How you can remove milia, which home remedies you can use, when you should go to the doctor or what you can achieve with smart dietary choices: we have prepared some tips for you to help you get rid of the little pests.
Removing milia: the reason why they arise?
The small skin grit formations develop when dead skin cells accumulate under the skin and cannot be drained to the outside. They become small hard balls consisting of a mixture ofdead skin cellsand keratin, a protein that is a normal component of both hair and skin cells. They can grow in size up to 2 millimeters, but usually remain smaller. In contrast to a pimple, this is not a clogged pore, but rather a small sand grain cyst located under the first layer of skin.
Who has milia?
Now you will be surprised, but although the sores can occur in any person, of any age group and race, they most often appear in newborns, where they disappear on their own within a few weeks. Occurrence is possible in any age group, although they persist longer in adults. In general, the occurrence is not considered to be a medical concern, but the cosmetic effect is understandably not desirable.
Remove milia: Where do you actually come from?
Nobody really knows the exact cause of the development of this skin phenomenon, but there are some clues. A distinction is made between primary and secondary formation of milia.
Primary milia
The primary cause is spontaneous development, without any prior external influence on the skin. This form mostly disappears on its own after a while, just as it came.
Secondary milia
Secondary milia can be triggered by several causes. These must be avoided in order to keep the risk as low as possible.
Excessive and incorrect skin care
The secondary development of milia can be caused by too aggressive and excessively frequent facial care and the use of oily and heavy care products.
Skin trauma from burns
A skin trauma, such as a burn, including sunburn, in which the resulting skin flakes do not find their way out during the skin's recovery process.
Taking medication
Or by taking some medications, such as corticosteroids, which are synthetic hormone preparations. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which are used to treat various types of cancer, are also listed as possible causes.
Skin treatments, dermabrasion and tattoos
Other secondary causes can be dermabrasion treatments, in which the skin is mechanically abraded and then has to go through a healing process. Last but not least, tattoos can also cause the formation of grit grains, as they also injure the skin, i.e. traumatize it, and it needs to heal.
When you should go to the doctor
Millia are classified as medically harmless and should go away on their own after some time. In children this takes a few weeks, in adults it takes much longer up to several months. Please refrain from removing the semolina particles from your child yourself. This can easily lead to bleeding, inflammation, scarring or other problems. However, if you insist, take the child to the dermatology practice. Do not press on it yourself or even scratch the skin. If you would like to remove your own, you can look at the tips below or, if in doubt, go to a dermatologist, who will typically remove them manually, painlessly, with a small scalpel or needle.
Rule number one is, and now you will be disappointed, never push the semolina grain yourself. As already mentioned above, the injury, inflammation and theRisk of scarringtoo big. On the one hand, we ordinary people have neither the skills nor the sterilized equipment of a dermatologist that we would need to ensure removal without injury or consequences. However, if you would still like to use home remedies to clear up the skin appearance faster, try the following tips.
Clean your skin properly
Cleanse your face with a mild, paraben-free facial soap. Any product that is not mild enough can cause your facial skin to lose all oils, including those necessary for protection. However, if you use a mild remedy daily, you will reduce the chances of this buildup occurring in the first place. That's how it canProtective barrier that protects your facial skinbalanced and healthy, remain intact. After cleansing, gently pat your skin with a towel. This will prevent injuries or drying out of the skin.
A facial steam bath to open the pores
Sit in your bathroom and fill the sink with hot water. Then place a large cloth over your head and hold your head over the hot water for about 5 minutes. Be careful not to touch the water with your skin. The pores open, so any waste materials can escape more easily and don't accumulate in the first place. Afterwards, rinse your face with lukewarm water to rinse away any impurities. Finally, gently pat dry.
Exfoliate, but not too often
Use a scrub, but don't overdo it. In any case, once a week should be enough. Make sure that you do not use a product that is too aggressive or too coarse-grained. You also shouldn't rub too hard or too hard, as this can damage your skin. When it comes to peeling, it is better not to rely on the motto “A lot helps a lot”. Try a product that contains salicylic acid. Watch carefully for some time how your skin reacts to it.
Use a retinol cream
SomeScientists recommendthe topical application of a retinol cream to treat milia. This contains vitamin A, which has a skin-protecting effect and is essential for your skin health. Make sure you only use a vitamin A cream once a day, after cleansing and blotting your face.
Use light sunscreen
Treating skin with a retinol product makes your skin more sensitive to the damage caused by sun exposure. The use of a mild and light facial sunscreen is therefore highly recommended. DailyUsing a sunscreenis recommended anyway. The right sunscreen should also help prevent milia. Simply because it should protect against damage caused by sunlight, i.e. skin trauma caused by burns.
Remove milia: nutrition, what can you do from the inside
There is evidence that high cholesterol levels and a lack of vitamin A promote the development of milia. What should you change in your diet to reduce the risk of the unwanted skin condition occurring in the future?
What not to eat if you have milia
- Sugary foods such as cake or chocolate and also drinks such as Cola, Fanta, iced tea from the store directly contribute to the cholesterol level in your blood rising. Cholesterol is associated with the formation of semolina grains.
- Fried foods such as French fries, chips and the like, i.e. foods,the trans fatscontain. You should avoid these completely, as they also cause cholesterol levels to skyrocket.
- Spicy foods also increase LDL cholesterol in the blood. You should therefore enjoy these to a limited extent if milia appear on your skin.
- It is better to avoid drinks containing caffeine and carbonated drinks, as these not only increase LDL cholesterol, but also lower HDL cholesterol.
- Salty foods increase blood pressure, which in turn can cause cholesterol levels to rise.
- Red meat, consumed too frequently, is also not helpful in minimizing the appearance of milia.
Foods you should eat
- Fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably organic.
- Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids lower LDL cholesterol and should therefore be on the table every day. Eat fish such as mackerel, herring, wild salmon or red snapper at least three times a week. If you don't like fish, you can use foods such as various seeds (linseeds, chia seeds) or nuts (e.g. almonds or walnuts).
- Foods that contain vitamin D, such as fatty fish, dairy products, poultry meat or beef liver. However, vitamin D stimulation from the sun is best. Spending just 15 minutes a day in the sun provides the body with a powerful dose of vitamin D.
Anti Milia lifestyle, exercise
There are other ways to lower cholesterol levels and thus counteract the appearance of milia. Change your lifestyle for the better and people will see it from the outside. You will see that your health in general will also benefit from it. What lifestyle habits can you change to reduce the risk of semolina on your face?
- Regular exercise has an extremely positive influence on all body processes. Enroll in exercise classes or go for frequent walks.
- Avoid trans fats, such as those found in processed foods or heavily processed foods. Take a cooking class and learn how to make your own healthy meals. This is self-care and is good for you.
- You should reduce or give up smoking and alcohol.
- Avoid strong sunlight and use good, healthy sunscreen. A sun protection factor of 30 or more is recommended.
- Don't use too many oily, heavy cosmetic products that can weigh down your skin.
- Do not use creams that contain steroids.