How many steps a day are optimal for health? A study breaks the myth of the golden 10,000

You not only hear that movement and sport is important for our health, it is also aware of it. Lack of movement is even one of the most common causes of diseases. However, not everyone has the time for extensive sports units, which is why experts always recommend, at least dailygo for a walk. The recommendation is well known that 10,000 steps a day are the minimum size (depending on the step length 5 to 8 km), but there is no evidence of this, because this number originally comes from a simple advertising campaign, but not from medical studies. So how many steps a day should you try to withdraw in order to be able to speak of a sufficient movement?

Walking isGood for the cardiovascular system, for the back, strengthen the muscles, lowers the cholesterol level and supplies the body with plenty of important oxygen. This reduces the risk of a wide variety of chronic diseases. It is important to integrate walks into everyday life, no question. But if you only have limited leisure time, you will find it difficult and wonder how much movement it should be at least. Anyone who only focuses on the step is done according to a study ofThe LanceNot necessarily right.

How many steps a day are optimal depends on various factors - age, other sports units and nutrition, for example, play an important role. For example, if you ride a bike for 30 minutes, the 3000 steps get the same. In theory, they could delete them from their daily 10,000. Likewise, even 20,000 steps will not bring you anything if you eat unhealthy.

The WHO recommends a moderate, physical activity of 150 to 300 minutes a week and this can also be achieved through other sport - without the mentioned step. “How many steps a day” is not necessarily the right question. Nevertheless, we summarize the results of the study below:

The study on the optimal steps depending on the age

That walking is one of the simplest methods to go for moreMovement in everyday lifeTo worry is very practical. You don't have to be an experienced athlete or fitness fan to go for a walk. It is for nothing. In the study ofThe Lancethe researchers of the university in Massachusetts examined the connection of the daily step and causes of death through various causes. How many steps a day proved to be ideal?

The researchers analyzed the health data of over 18-year-olds from all over the world. The result showed that 6000 to 8000 steps can already be sufficient - depending on their age. For example, older people have different needs than younger people, so it would not be right to give a specific number. The investigations showed that the risk of premature death in over 60 year olds decreased significantly if they complied with a daily step in the interval mentioned above. However, more steps a day showed no additional advantages.

People under 60, on the other hand, lower their risk of early death by a daily step of 8,000 to 10,000.

The role of speed

Anyone who previously believed that the pace is also of great importance is also wrong, according to the study. Instead, the results show that the walking speed is irrelevant - it is more important to find a pace that suits you.

How many steps a day are optimal - conclusion

In principle, the big goal is to spend less time sitting and more time in motion. This is necessary toCirculation in motionto bring and promote health. The more, the better, clear, but in the end less than 10,000 steps bring health benefits, as well as more than 10,000.

Tips for more exercise in everyday life

However, if you want to increase your step because you are below the recommended target brand, you can achieve this with a few tricks - and often without having to restructure your everyday life:

  • Use the stairs. Some have the habit of using the elevator or escalator. If you choose the stairs instead, you automatically increase the daily step (and even with a slightly higher intensity than when going normal). Are you wondering how many steps a day to lose weight are necessary? This is also not to be specified. However, by climbing stairs, they strengthen their thighs and gluts muscles and muscles, as they know, also to burn fat.
  • Walk in the lunch break. Of course you should also eat something, but do this better in the park or in a different place to which you naturallygoinstead of using the car. If you wear unfavorable work shoes at your workplace, have comfortable sneakers ready for lunch.
  • Movement before and/or after work. There is a lot of time to train in everyday stress. Therefore, use the time before and after work. Avoid the car if there is not too far away or combine walking by bus/train. Or take a short walk as soon as you have arrived at home. As a reminder: You can reach a total of 2,000 steps in 15 minutes.

Those:The Lancet(March 2022): "Daily Steps and All Cause Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of 15 International Cohorts", Amanda E. Paluch et al.