Clean the oven with shaving foam: You can use this home remedy to remove burnt-in items and stains

Everyone loves life hacks that save time and effort. In today's article we will tell you how you can clean the oven with shaving foam.The home remedy can remove stubborn dirtand remove burnt-in items quickly.

Cleaning the oven with shaving foam: instructions

You can use shaving cream on glass and metal. Therefore, you can clean the cooking chamber, the oven door and the buttons. Proceed as follows:

First, apply plenty of shaving cream to the surface you want to clean and then use your hands to spread it evenly over the surface. Tip: To make it go faster, you can simply put some shaving foam on your hand and spread it directly onto the surface.

Next, let the shaving foam work for 15 minutes, or 30 minutes for stubborn dirt. Now you should carefully collect the shaving foam with a plastic flour scoop. Then use a kitchen sponge to thoroughly rub in the remaining shaving foam. You will quickly notice that it has little or no effect on grease, but it can quickly and reliably remove burnt-in stains.

Next, you should remove any shaving cream residue in the oven cavity with a clean, dampened kitchen sponge. If there are no grease stains, you can then dry the glass with a soft cleaning cloth.

Remove grease stains with baking soda and vinegar

Againststubborn grease stainsA paste made from baking soda and apple cider vinegar helps. Proceed as follows:

  1. First remove the pizza level, the oven thermometer, the wire rack and other accessories.
  2. Then put about 100 g of baking soda in a small bowl and mix well with 3 tablespoons of water to form a paste with a creamy consistency.
  3. Use a clean grill brush to spread the paste evenly throughout the cooking space. Take your time with this task and make sure you have applied paste to all greasy areas. Do not apply paste to the heating elements.
  4. You will notice that the paste turns brown.
  5. Leave the paste on for several hours or, ideally, overnight. Leave the oven door open.
  6. In the meantime, you can clean the accessories.
  7. The next morning, wet a dishcloth and wipe off any baking soda residue.
  8. Pour apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle and mist the surface. Wipe off the resulting foam with a damp dishcloth, polish the oven and leave the door open for a day.

Clean the grid with dishwashing tablets

Grease and burnt foodon the grid can be removed quickly and without much effort using dishwashing tablets. Proceed as follows:

  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a pot and bring it to the boil briefly.
  2. Pour the hot water into a deep, clean container.
  3. Add a dishwashing tablet.
  4. Stir the water until the tab has completely dissolved.
  5. Submerge the dirty grate in the water. The water should cover it completely. If necessary, you can boil more water and fill it into the container.
  6. Leave the tab on for at least 4 hours. If there is particularly stubborn dirt, you can leave the grating in the water overnight.
  7. The next morning, remove the wire rack and rinse it.
  8. Put some dishwashing liquid on a kitchen sponge and use it to clean the wire rack.
  9. Then rinse the grating thoroughly and let it dry.

You should never clean these surfaces with shaving foam or other household products!

Unsuitable cleaning agents can damage certain surfaces. These include, for example, the glass cover of the oven lamp, the seal, the cover of the heating elements,the ceramic fieldsand the rotary handles or knobs. Follow the manufacturer's care instructions.

Our tips:

1. If you are using oneHome remedies to clean your ovenIf you want to use it, you should first test its effect on a small area and only then clean the oven with it.

2. After cleaning, always leave the oven door open so that the cooking chamber can dry well.

3. If the smell of vinegar bothers you, you can dilute 1 tablespoon of citric acid in 1 liter of water instead.

What else you can clean with shaving foam,read here.