No matter how regularly you clean your oven, each of us has probably asked ourselves one question: “How do I remove burnt-on food in the oven?” It happens all the time - you invited guests over and took the food out of the oven just before the party. What's left, however, is grease and oil, which will be difficult to clean the next day or even the next week. Fortunately, there is a home remedy that removes fat deposits safely and quickly.
Remove extremely burned-on items in the oven with baking soda and vinegar
Baking soda is perhaps the most effective home remedy when it comes to burnt-on grease. You can combine it with other home remedies to improve its effect. Especially when it comes to extremely burnt things, the solution of baking soda and vinegar is ideal. Not only can it reliably remove grease and oil, but it also neutralizes odors.
Vermengen Sie Backsodaand water in a ratio of 2 to 1 until you get a creamy and slightly sticky cleaning paste. Then apply them to a kitchen sponge and rub them onto the walls and floor. Pour white wine or apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the walls and floor with it. Leave the home remedy to work overnight. Then the next morning, wipe off the dissolved dirt. If there are still small pieces of dirt left, you can also spray them with vinegar and remove them.
Clean burnt-on oil in the oven with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
Removing burnt-on oil can be particularly difficult. Try the next home remedy. Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. The combination of dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide is particularly effective against grease. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the oven with it. Then put 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice in the oven and leave the home remedy to work overnight. You can remove particularly large amounts of dirt with a spoon the next morning.
Clean sticky oven door: Use pumice stone to remove burnt-on residue from the glass
You can also use the homemade cleaning pastes for the oven door. Apply the home remedy to the dirty areas with a soft kitchen sponge and leave it to work for at least 15 minutes. The exposure time in this case is a maximum of 3 hours. Glass is less porous compared to the other surfaces in the oven and dirt and grease cannot penetrate deep into the material but stick to the surface.
By the way, you can also use pumice stone to clean the oven. To do this, soak the pumice stone in vinegar and leave it there to soak for about half an hour. Then take out the pumice stone and put some baking soda on it. Then rub the glass with it.
Degrease the baking tray without chemicals: dip in baking soda
Even if the inside of the oven is clean, debris can still build up on the baking sheet. Grease splashes can be removed with baking soda. All you need to do is fill water into a clean bucket and add a packet of baking soda to the water. Then dip the baking tray into the water and wait about 3 hours. After the exposure time has ended, take the baking tray out of the water. The deposits should be easy to wipe off. For particularly stubborn grease stains, you can put 1 tablespoon of baking soda on a damp kitchen sponge and rub the household remedy onto the tray. Apply pressure while doing this. Then let the baking tray soak in the water overnight and then wash it the next morning. A third, also very effective variant is to put baking soda on the baking tray and then place the baking tray in an oven preheated to 90 degrees Celsius for a few minutes. Then take the tray out of the oven and let it cool down. Then you can rinse off the household remedy and wipe the sheet dry.
Remove incrustations from the oven rack with homemade cleaning paste
To remove food residue and incrustations from the oven rack, you need a cleaning paste made from baking soda and water. Add a sachet of baking soda to 100ml of water and wait until foam forms. Then moisten a kitchen sponge with it and rub the home remedy on the oven rack. Then apply some vinegar essence to the dirty areas and let the home remedy take effect for about an hour. Then check whether the food residue can be removed. If so, wash the oven rack with detergent and let it dry. If no – repeat the process.
Baking soda is a very effective home remedy that has numerous uses in the household. It is also perfect forRemoving dirt and greasefrom the oven. For a good result, you should first let the oven, including the baking tray and oven rack, cool down. Immediately afterwards you should remove the grease stains.