Cleaning the oven door inside and out can prove to be a difficult task. These expert tips make your work easier.
Cleaning the oven door inside and out: the expert tips
It's a task that even the cleaning professionals would like to put off until tomorrow: cleaning the oven door is not easy. Traditionally, twice as much dirt accumulates in the oven and refrigerator as in the rest of the kitchen appliances. This is because they come into contact with food every day. And while a dirty hotplate is more or less noticeable, something burnt on the oven window goes unnoticed for weeks. Ideally, the dirt should be removed once a month. The owners of a Pyrolise oven often resort to self-cleaning. The oven heats up quickly so that any remaining fat can burn completely. The process is anything but pleasant because it takes a long time and strong smells are released. After a pyrolytic cleaning you have to ventilate for a long time.
However, self-cleaning can only clean the dirt on the walls, floor and ceiling. The oven door is an element that should simply be scrubbed by hand. There are many hard-to-reach places, such as the intermediate oven door, where grease and food residue has dripped or burned on.
Remove leftover food and grease from the oven door
To remove all dirt, you need a combination of commercially available cleaning products and home remedies, which you should use in a specific order. As accessories you will need 2-3 microfiber cloths and a soft kitchen sponge. The necessary materials are as follows:
- 1 Pack of Backsoda
- 1 pack of liquid glass door cleaner
- 1 bottle of apple cider vinegar
- 1 bottle of kitchen cleaner containing grease remover
- 1 roll of kitchen paper
- Razor
Clean the outside of the oven window
If food residue or liquid gets on the outside of the oven window while the oven is working, simply wipe it off with a dry microfiber cloth. Do not attempt to clean the hot window. First let them cool down and spray them with the kitchen cleaner to loosen grease and dirt. If there is any burnt residue, remove it with baking soda and liquid glass door cleaner. Put some of the cleaning agent on a kitchen sponge, sprinkle some baking soda over it and rub the household remedy onto the window pane. Then wipe it off with a damp cleaning rag.Polish the doorwith apple cider vinegar solution (dissolve 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water).
Clean the inside of the oven door: These home remedies will help
Mix baking soda and water to form a creamy paste. Then apply the paste to the cooled oven window and leave it to work for a quarter of an hour. Then wipe with a damp kitchen sponge - baking soda leaves a film, so you will have to rinse or wipe the window several times. Prepare a solution of vinegar and water (1 to 4 ratio) and soak a microfiber cloth in the solution. Then wipe the glass pane with it.
You can then use the razor to scrape off the dirt while the window is still wet. The razor should be at 45 degrees so that it does not scratch the surface.
Clean the oven intermediate pane: scrape off any deposits
Getting a dirty window clean is much more difficult than just wiping the inside and outside. Before you try it, be sure to contact the manufacturer. If the guarantee is still valid, cleaning measures should only be carried out by specialists. But even if the warranty has expired: you can damage the oven,when you try cleaning. Better safe than sorry, so always ask the manufacturer first and describe the planned cleaning measures. If he allows cleaning, you can try the razor trick. But really only in this case!
First, apply plenty of kitchen cleaner to the dirt. Use pumice stone to rub the product into the window. Apply as little pressure as possible. Then fill a plastic bottle with water and use it to thoroughly rinse off the cleaning agent.
Regular cleaning saves time and effort
After you have cleaned the oven window from all sides, you will certainly not want to repeat the whole thing after a few weeks. You can save a lot of time and effort if you clean the oven regularly. For this purpose, take a clean microfiber cloth and give itsome cleaning agenton it and wipe off the dirt every 3-4 days. Then wet another microfiber cloth and wipe the surface dry.
You can also wipe the outside of the window daily. If you need to remove the oven door to clean it, it's best to call a professional and have them do the job.