Dealing with bed bugs in your luggage is something that you have to do at some point if you like to travel. But when bug strikes, they hit hard and if they are not careful, they can bring them home. If you spread out in your household, the only way to really get rid of you is the payment of high sums of pest control companies.
But don't worry, because if you know how to deal with parasites, you can easily get rid of them. In this article we show you how you can get rid of house bugs from your luggage, your clothes and elsewhere so that you do not spread out in your household.
What do bed bugs look like?
Haus bugs have large bellies, six legs and two front antennas. Male and female house bugs differ in their appearance, with the female small and rounders appearing, while the male are longer and slimmer. They are usually brown/yellowish colored, and next to the black feces that you can find everywhere, you can also see white/transparent eggs that look like tiny rice grains.
Prevent a spread
Schritt 1: Place your clothes in sealed plastic bags
If youare on vacationAnd have just discovered bugs, the first thing to do is to narrow down the problem to prevent spreading. Turn to the hotel management first, inform you about the problem and ask for another room. Before you change the room, try and remove as many insects as possible from your luggage, your clothes and other objects.
Next, you should get a few plastic bags and adhesive tape in a local supermarket. Garbage bags are completely sufficient. Put your entire clothes into the plastic bags, seal the ends with tape and put everything back in your suitcase. If you have a few more days on vacation, separate the clean clothes from the used and try to store your luggage for the rest of the trip on a shelf or in a closet. It is best to pack all your things in the plastic bags and buy new clothes that are sufficient for the rest of the trip.
Step 2: When you come home, keep your suitcase in a safe place
When you have finally arrived at home, keep your suitcase in a safe place outside your apartment, e.g. B. on the veranda or in a dandruff. It is also a good idea to take off all of your current items of clothing, put them directly in the washing machine and take a shower to avoid home bugs get into your apartment.
Wash your clothes and suck suitcases
Step 3: First treat your clothes
First of all, you should free your clothes from bed bugs. This is easy to do if you have a washing machine and a dryer. Open your plastic bags, put the clothes in the washing machine and dispose of the plastic bags in a dump. Do not throw the empty sacks into your personal trash can!Wash the clothesat the highest temperature that is possible. This process kills most insects, but not all. Then dry your clothes for 20-30 minutes at medium or high temperature. This is enough to kill all remaining insects and all eggs.
Read too:Prevent the bed bugs & get rid of these important tips
Step 4: Suck your suitcase thoroughly
If you have cleaned all clothes, some bugs and eggs remain in your luggage. To get rid of them, suck your suitcase completely. Use the tiny adapter to reach all bags and cracks, especially around the zippers.
Eliminate all remaining bed bugs in your luggage
Step 5: get rid of the rest with a hot/cold treatment
Vacuuming is not enough, because there are still some bugs and their eggs in the severely accessible cracks. You can kill house bugs with a pesticide or hot/cold treatment. If you have no problem with pesticides, spray the entire suitcase with a spray that is intended for the killing of parasites and wait a few minutes until it works. You can buy them in most shops.
Treat bed bugs in the luggage with cold
However, if you want to use something more natural, you can kill the bugs with hot/cold applications. If it is summer and you have a greenhouse or car where it gets over 120 degrees hot during the day, you can wrap your suitcase in a large plastic bag, close it with tape and leave it at high temperatures for a few hours. And if you have a sufficiently large freezer, you can put the infected suitcase in there. However, it takes a while for them to be killed by cold treatment. They start to die at 0 degrees Celsius, but it takes weeks for them to be killed. At a temperature of - 20 degrees Celsius, it takes four days to freeze to death.
Destruction with steam cleaners
Another popular treatment is killing parasites with steam cleaners. At about 50 degrees Celsius hot steam, house bugs immediately die. Not all steam cleaners heat up so strongly, so you may have to rent a professional steam cleaner to achieve the goal. If you slowly and carefully steam your entire suitcase until the surface is damp but not quite wet, all hidden house bugs and your eggs are killed.
Step 6: Sow all dead bed bugs and carry out one last inspection
If you have killed all the remaining insects, suck the suitcase off one last time to remove all the dead bugs and eggs. Examine the suitcase thoroughly to check whether you have removed everything. When you're done, dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag by throwing it into the garbage can in front of your house.
Which home remedies are effective against bugs,Find out here!