Did you find a bottle or can of beer from the previous evening? Even if it's no longer good enough to drink, here are some amazing ways you can use up leftover beer.
There's nothing worse than finding a few half-drunk beer bottles in the kitchen after a party. Instead of pouring the valuable drink down the drain, you can recycle the leftover beer and simply use it in the household. Find out what else you can do with beer in this article.
Using beer leftovers: 7 surprising uses
There's no good reason to waste beer just because it's no longer fresh. Don't throw away the beer leftovers, because beer is a versatile drink that can be used for a number of things, from household cleaning to enhancing your favorite foods. Here you will find some surprising ways to put beer leftovers to good use.
Brown spots on the lawn
If you have a small brown spot on your lawn, simply pour a cup of beer on it to solve the problem. Due to the fermented sugar and nutrients in the drink, the Bietr acts like a long-term fertilizer. The soil simply absorbs the nutrients and eventually fresh, green grass sprouts. You may want to repeat the process a few times to achieve the desired results.
Polish wooden surfaces
Although you may think that spilled beer on the table can ruin the wood, this type of alcohol can be used to freshen dull wood. The versatile drink can restore the color of the wooden surface and give furniture a new shine.
This is due to the nutrients present in beer. Simply take a clean cloth, soak it in the beer, and rub your wooden furniture until you make it shine. Then buff with a dry cloth to complete the cleaning.
Fertilize houseplants
Your houseplants can also benefit from a sip of beer as the sugar content provides them with nutrients. Pour a little beer around the base of the plant, wait a few days and if it has a positive effect, you can incorporate it into your plant care as a fertilizer.
You can also use leftover beer for shiny leaves on green plants by soaking a cotton swab in the drink and wiping the leaves with it.
Use beer leftovers: remove stains
The alcohol in beer can remove fat very easily. If you moisten a cloth with beer residue, you can easily remove oil and grease stains on floors or windows.
The drink can also be used to remove stainsused on carpetsby pouring some liquid onto stubborn coffee and tea stains and rubbing it in with a cloth. Repeat the process if necessary until the stain is completely gone.
Remove rust with beer
An excellent way to store your tools and other metal surfacesto remove rust, is the use of beer. The acidic properties of beer simply break down the rust and it is easy to scrub and remove.
To try this amazing utilization of beer, you can choose any of the following methods, all of which are effective.
- Soak a rag in beer and scrub the rust until it comes off.
- Soak the affected item in beer for a few hours and then scrub it.
- Make a paste of equal parts beer and baking soda, apply it to the rusty area, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub the area.
Pickle meat with beer
Another way to use leftover beer is to pickle meat, which makes it much juicier and tastier. You can use any type of beer for this, but dark beers work best.
Best of all, numerous studies have found that marinating with beer reduces the formation of harmful hydrocarbons during grilling.
Simply poke a few holes in the meat, place it in an airtight container, and pour the beer over it. Leave it in the fridge overnight before making it the next day.
Make your hair shine
The versatile drink has been used as a hair conditioner for years. The vitamin B and sugar in beer give hair shine and volume.
Wash your hair as usual and then pour some beer over it. Distribute it evenly, leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse the hair thoroughly with clean water. Repeat the process regularly and you will soon notice an improvement in the health of your hair.