Making butterflies: 9 magical ideas with craft instructions

If you are looking for craft ideas for children and adults, you can make unique butterflies. There are so many ways to reflect the beauty of amazing insects.Here you will find tons of inspiration and some of the best and simplest ideas using different materials and techniques.

Photo: Instagram/@lifeskillscreations

Making butterflies: 9 simple ideas to imitate

Foto: Shutterstock/ OnlyZoia

Butterflies, with their delicate wings and bright colors, are perfect for crafting with children, as little ones can use their creativity and imagination to design and paint them. Bring the beauty of nature into your home with the following unique craft ideas.

Make your own from paper plates

Photo: Instagram/@hugmyndabanki

You can make beautiful butterflies with simple paper plates and pompoms. All you need is small paper plates, pompoms in different sizes, black pipe cleaners, googly eyes, paint, brushes, scissors and glue.

  • Paint a paper plate to your liking and let it dry completely.
  • Cut it in half and shape the butterfly's wings.
  • Attach the two wings with the glue and then glue the pompoms in the middle to form the body.
  • Cut a pipe cleaner in half and bend them to form the antennae.
  • Attach these on top and add the googly eyes on the first pompom and you're done!

With sticks and paper

Photo: Instagram/@oceanchildcrafts

Collect some sticks from the garden or park, add wings and create these cute butterflies. They are perfect as spring decorations or as unique gifts for friends and family.

Necessary materials:

  • sticks
  • Color
  • Paint brush
  • Marker
  • Craft paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes
  • Hot glue gun

Step-by-step instructions:

  • First, take a stick, paint stripes in colors of your choice and wait for them to dry completely.
  • Draw a circle on the construction paper, cut it out and fold it into a fan.
  • Then fold it in half to create a butterfly wing.
  • Repeat this process, making sure to fold the second wing the other way.
  • When the wings are finished, attach them to the sides of the stick. To do this, use the hot glue gun to glue the paper to the wood.
  • Draw a smile with the marker and glue the googly eyes.

Make from pipe cleaners

Photo: Instagram/@kawaii_arts.and.crafts

Another very simple craft idea that only requires a few pipe cleaners!

Use two different colored pipe cleaners, cross them in the middle and twist them a few times to keep them together. Shorten the two lower ends slightly so that the lower wings are smaller.

Twist each end into a spiral to form the four wings.

Cut the third pipe cleaner in half and use half to form the body. Wrap them around the middle and bend the ends for the feelers.

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Use wooden spoon

Photo: Instagram/@4plusmama

Use a few wooden spoons to create unique butterflies, bees and ladybugs. Paint the spoons the color you want and add polka dots, dots and stripes. Cut out wings from paper and antennae from pipe cleaners and attach them together with the googly eyes to complete the cute insects.

Butterfly made of toilet paper rolls and spoon

Photo: Instagram/@bimbi.creativi

Even small children can make this simple craft project with a little help.You should only have one roll of toilet paperCut lengthwise and then cut out a butterfly. Paint and decorate it with palettes, glitter or rhinestones and attach a painted spoon in the middle. Glue googly eyes and antennae made from pipe cleaners onto it and voila!

Handprint butterfly

Photo: Instagram/@anna_p_illustration

Handprint butterflies are really fun! If you make a lot of them, you can decorate the whole room.

Draw your child's handprints on glossy paper and cut them out. Glue the two together and decorate them with colorful fingerprints. Cut out the head, body and antennae and glue them on. Draw the mouth and attach the googly eyes. Use different colors to create a playful design.

Also read:Crafting with Jam Jars: Creative DIY Projects and Cool Ideas on How to Reuse Them!

Make colorful butterflies

Photo: Instagram/@vera.mavriki

These colorful butterflies can be attached to various places in your house thanks to the clothespin and used as spring decorations.

Necessary materials:

  • 1 clothespin
  • 2 small paper plates
  • 4 pompom buntes
  • 1 white pipe cleaner
  • Googly eyes
  • Color
  • Paint brush
  • Hot glue gun

This is how it's made:

  • First, paint the paper plates using two different colors. Then let them dry completely.
  • Then fold each paper plate in half twice to form the wings.
  • Attach the two wings to the two sides of the clothespin and glue the colorful pompoms to the front.
  • Now all you have to do is add the googly eyes and make antennae out of half of the pipe cleaner.

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Creative craft idea with coffee filters

Photo: Instagram/@prekpages

Bring the spring vibes with these colorful coffee filter butterflies! They're super easy and all you need are materials you probably already have on hand - a few coffee filters, markers, clothespins, pipe cleaners and a spray bottle.

  • Cut the edge of the coffee filters and color them with the markers using any design or pattern you like.
  • Then spray some water on it to mix the colors and let it dry completely.
  • Attach the clothespin and pipe cleaner feelers to the center of the filter.

Stamping with paper roll

Photo: Instagram/@lulu__make

Gather a sheet of construction paper, a toilet paper roll, paints, pompoms, and two dried wheat stalks. Press the paper roll lightly and stamp the wings on the paper with pink ink. Color these in and make white polka dots with a large brush. Attach the wheat stalks and pompoms in the center. Experiment with colors and decorations of your choice.

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