Clean a burnt cast iron pan: Get it clean again in 5 steps!

Cast iron pans distribute the heat evenly, are durable and can be used to cook with almost no fat. However, to ensure that the kitchen utensil remains in good condition for years to come, proper cleaning is particularly important. The next guide explains how to clean a burnt cast iron pan.

These foods and cleaning products can damage the burned surface

Cast iron pans have a thin protective layer that should not be damaged when cleaning. The following cleaning agents, foods and cleaning accessories can scratch or damage the burnt surface.

  • Dishwasher: the pan is washed at too high a temperature. In addition, the dishwasher tablets and salt used can remove burnt-in residue. Ultimately, the pan will rust the next time you use it.
  • Abrasive sponges, wire brushes and root brushes will scratch the surface.
  • If you cook with acidic foods such as lemon juice, vinegar or white wine, you should clean the pan immediately after preparation.

Cleaning a burnt cast iron pan: instructions

The best case scenario is to clean the cast iron pan immediately after cooking. Anything that has burned on must be removed as quickly as possible. Here's how to clean it correctly:

1. Take a piece of kitchen paper and wipe the pan with it. You can also put some grapeseed oil on the paper and use it to quickly remove food residue.

2. If the panextremely burntor the food residue is stuck firmly, you can loosen it with a homemade cleaning paste with baking soda. Put a teaspoon in a bowl and add enough water to form a creamy paste. Pour the paste onto paper towels and scrub the pan with it.

3. If there is particularly stubborn dirt, you can then rinse the pan, fill it with water (the water should completely cover the dirt) and bring it to the boil briefly. You can also remove the leftover food with a silicone spatula.

4. After cleaning, wipe the cast iron pan well. Heat the oven to 180° Celsius and place the pan in the oven. After about 5 minutes it should be completely dry.

5. Now is the right time for appropriate care: put some linseed oil on kitchen paper and rub it into the cast iron pan. The pan should still be warm, but not hot.

This is how you remove burnt and rust

If the cast iron pan burns, this is a sure sign that the top protective layer is damaged. In this case, you have no choice but to scrub away the entire protective layer and then re-bake it. Proceed as follows:

  • Use a wire brush to remove the protective layer and any rust that may be present.
  • Rinse the pan thoroughly with warm water. You can also clean the pan with dish soap.
  • Now you need to season the cast iron pan again-

Season a cast iron pan: This is how it works

  • Preheat the oven to 260° Celsius and line the lower rack with aluminum foil. It will catch dripping oil during baking.
  • Put some linseed oil on kitchen paper and rub it into the inside of the pan. The pan has a porous surface that will absorb the oil. However, if oil residue remains, the surface can become sticky after baking. To avoid this, wipe off excess oil with paper towels.
  • Turn the pan over and place it upside down on the top rack of the oven. Let them bake for about 60 minutes and then take them out.
  • Let the pan cool and then rub in a little grapeseed oil again.