Save shrunken laundry: With these tips and tricks you can save your favorite clothes!

You reach into the laundry basket and without realizing it, put your favorite sweater, jeans or dress in the dryer on the highest setting. When the garment comes out, it is a few sizes too small, too short, or completely misshapen. Even if you're an expert at doing laundry, it's inevitable that at some point in your life you'll accidentally shrink an item of clothing that belongs to either you or a loved one. Below you will discover how you can save your shrunken laundry - even if it was washed too hot.

What makes clothes smaller?

The main reason a garment shrinks is due to the type of fiber. Natural textiles are more susceptible to the effects of shrinkage due to their ability to absorb moisture. Examples of such fabrics are cotton and linen. Wool and cashmere are two examples of natural animal hair fibers that also absorb moisture. However, once wet, the threads become permanently entangled, making a garment look smaller than before. This phenomenon is sometimes confused with shrinkage.

Save shrunken laundry with hair conditioner or baby shampoo and vinegar

Since the fibers of cotton and wool are relatively easy to relax and stretch, you can quickly save your clothes with the following trick. Although denser weave fabrics such as silk and synthetics (polyester) do not stretch as easily, it is worth a try, especially if the initial shrinkage was relatively small. Just be careful not to pull too hard and end up over-stretching the laundry! By following this guide, you can make your tried-and-true garments both more comfortable and more figure-flattering.

Saving a dress, sweater or T-shirt – instructions

  • Pour some warm water into a large, clean bucket or unclogged sink. Add about a tablespoon of mild hair conditioner or baby shampoo per 1 liter of water and swirl until you see a few bubbles. For better results you canalso 1 tablespoon of vinegaradd per 1 liter of water. The same effect that conditioner has on hair, making it soft and relaxing, can also be transferred to the fibers of clothing, allowing them to stretch.
  • Place the garment completely in the lukewarm water and then let it sit undisturbed for half an hour to an hour.
  • Remove the garment from the water, then wait a minute to allow the excess water to drain back into the bucket or sink. Do not squeeze or rinse the garment, but allow the hair product to sit inside the garment so it can further relax the fibers.
  • Lay the garment completely horizontally on a large, absorbent bath towel. Then roll up the towel like a roll. Let this roll rest for 10 to 15 minutes. The clothing should not be dripping wet, but should still have some moisture. If your dress, sweater, or t-shirt is too dry, you can try misting the garments with water and conditioner/shampoo solution using a spray bottle, or you can use the steam from an iron.
  • Place the items of clothing on a second, dry bath towel spread out on a flat surface.
  • Now focus on a specific part of the garment. Using a firm but gentle grip, pull on opposite sides of that area of ​​the garment that has shrunk, holding each piece for a few seconds after pulling it to its full length. For example, you can resize the waist by grabbing the two side seams at the bottom hem of a garment, or you can lengthen the arm of a long-sleeved sweater by pulling on the shoulder and wrist. Work very carefully so that the garments not only stretch but also maintain their proportions.
  • Once you have reached the desired size, lay the area flat on the towel, then immediately place a weight, such as a book, on that area to lock in the stretch.
  • While air drying, hold the books over clothing until the fabric is completely dry. The clothing is then completely ready to wear. The stretched garments should not feel hard or soapy - if you notice that the texture has changed a bit, you shouldwash before use. This time, check the care label on the inside of the garment to make sure you don't repeat the same dryer mistakes that caused the first shrinkage.

Save shrunken laundry with fabric softener

One of the recommendedCare measures for garments, which tend to shrink, is the use of fabric softener. Not only does it ensure that the fabrics retain their softness, but it also relaxes the fibers, preventing the garment from shrinking beyond its typical dimensions.

What you need:

  • 250 ml fabric softener
  • 1 liter of warm water


  1. Mix the fabric softener and warm water in a bowl.
  2. The shrunken garment should then be soaked in this mixture.
  3. After soaking it for a whole day, you should rinse it afterwards.
  4. Next, place the garment in the sun without wringing it out and wait for it to dry to see whether it has returned to its original size or not.