Clean windowsill: Remove dirt and mold in a few simple steps and with natural means!

Are you worried about your guests noticing all the dirt, dead bugs, and other really gross things lurking in the tracks on your windowsills? Or do you move your children's toys away from the window sills because you're worried they'll get dirty? Then this article is just right for you. Stay tuned and we'll tell you how to clean any window sill and get the cleanest window sills in the neighborhood.

We'll show you how to clean a window sill - easily and inexpensively. We talk about window sill cleaning tools, products to clean, and techniques you need to use to keep your window sills sparkling. Below we will also discuss mold on window sills and how to get rid of it. You can do this twice a year or more often, depending on how often the climate in your area allows you to open the windows.

What you need:

Dirty windowsill
Cleansing toothbrush
Spray bottle filled with water
Microfiber cloth
Vacuum cleaner
A drop of dishwashing liquid or 1 tablespoon of baking soda

Instructions for cleaning window sills:

In general, it's a good idea to remove as much dry dirt as possible before using a spray bottle. Water and dirt form sludge, which is difficult to remove.

You should vacuum first so you can remove larger debris. Use compressed air to spray out the dust and then vacuum up the residue. If you have a very powerful vacuum cleaner, you can use it to remove the dust.

Then, for additional cleaning, add a drop of dish soap or 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the spray bottle, mist the windowsill and let it sit for a few minutes. Brushthe windowsillwith a cleaning toothbrush to remove the stuck-on dirt.

Once you've thoroughly brushed the area, take a microfiber cloth and wipe away any remaining residue. Wrapping the cloth around your finger allows you to get into the corners and easily scrape off excess dirt. If your exterior window sills get dirty very quickly, consider applying a coat of floor wax to protect them. Because your exterior windows are exposed to the elements, they accumulate a lot of dirt.

Remove mold from the windowsill

If you see a black deposit on the sides and track of the window and it is not dirt, then you have a mold problem. How do you get rid of black mold on window sills naturally? There are various home remedies you can use to treat mold on your windowsills. It is important that you follow safety measures when removing mold from your windows.

1. Vinegar
Vinegar is a common household item that is easily accessible and effective in removing mold from windowsills. The acidity of white vinegar kills over 80 percent of allTypes of mold. Fill a container (preferably a spray bottle) with white vinegar and generously spray the moldy windowsill.

Allow the liquid to sit on the mold for about an hour to completely dissolve the mold components. Then scrub it gently with a brush and warm water. Then wipe the window sill with a clean, dry cloth and leave the window open to dry. You can use white vinegar to remove mold on porous and non-porous surfaces.

2. Baking soda
For additional effectiveness, especially on difficult types of mold such as black mold, you can mix vinegar with baking soda. Mix one part vinegar and water with two parts baking soda. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you get a smooth paste.

Using a brush, spread the paste generously over the moldy areayour windowsilland let them dry. When the paste is completely dry, gently scrub it with a brush and warm water, then wipe it off with a dry cloth.

3. Teebaumöl
Tea tree oil is a natural mold control agent that is gentle on people but tough on mold. It is ideal forCleaning and removalof mold at the root so that it does not grow back.

Mix about ten drops of tea tree oil and half a glass of water in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture thoroughly until the oil and water are well mixed, then spray it onto the mold. After an hour, wipe off the liquid with a dry cloth and leave the window open to air dry.

How to prevent mold growth on window sills

Once you've finished cleaning the mold on the windowsill, it's best to take the time to eliminate the cause, otherwise the mold will return in no time. Here are some ways to prevent mold from reappearing on your windowsills

  • Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners in hot and humid climates and humidifiers in winter to reduce condensation.
  • Make sure the exhaust fans in your kitchen andyour bathroomfunction. If you don't have exhaust fans, consider installing them to improve ventilation.
  • Open your curtains and windows occasionally to let in fresh air and help ventilate the entire home. You can do this for about five to fifteen minutes every day to help with airflow.
  • If you use air conditioning, keep the drain pan clean and make sure the drain pipes are not clogged.