Removing stains from tablecloths: The best tricks to easily eliminate the most common of them

From the first glass of red wine to the last bite of chocolate mousse, the holidays can be tough on table linens. Any festive meal can leave unsightly stains, some of which seem to last well into the new year. But don't worry! With a few tricks and home remedies, even the most stubborn stains can be removed from the tablecloth.

How to easily remove stains from tablecloth?

Festive occasions can lead to a lot of mess. Here are our top stain removal tips for some of the most common holiday culprits, including candle wax, chocolate, red wine and lipstick. A small stain doesn't have to ruin the entire tablecloth. With these simple tricks you canstainsRemove in no time and look forward to the good times again as quickly as possible.

Clean red wine, whiskey or brandy stains

During the holidays, everyone enjoys a glass of warming wine or brandy. Unfortunately, these dark alcoholic drinks leave visible stains. It is best to treat such a stain immediately. Soak up the wine with absorbent paper and add some salt until the stain is completely covered. Under no circumstances should you rub it, just let the salt absorb the liquid.

To eliminate the stain you will need:

  • Mild detergent
  • White distilled vinegar
  • Clean towels

Use a mild detergent that does not contain bleach or alkaline ingredients. Add 1 teaspoon of laundry detergent to a cup of lukewarm water. Dip a cloth into the mixture and gently blot the area until most of the substance is transferred to the cloth. To avoid smudging the stain, do not rub or scrub in circular motions. Mix one part vinegar to two parts water and blot the stain with another clean cloth to rinse it out. Repeat the process if necessary until the stain is completely removed. Allow the area to dry.

Remove candle wax stains from the tablecloth

Lighting candles is an easy way to create a festive atmosphere, but wax drips and splatters are often an unfortunate result.Around melted candle waxTo remove from a tablecloth, warm the wax with a hair dryer and wipe off as much as possible with a clean cloth. Blot the oily residue with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. Wash the textiles as usual.

Oils and Sauces: Another classic

Oil or sauce stains are another classic at any meal. Drips that fall when you refill your food, residue on the cutlery, the dripping gravy boat... in these cases it is best to apply talcum powder, leave it for 24 hours and brush it off before washing.

For dry stains, you can apply a mixture of 1 tablespoon dish soap, 2 cups water, and 1 tablespoon ammonia to rub in before putting the tablecloth in the washing machine. Or you can also use a degreaser like the ones you regularly use in the kitchen, or a solution of water, vinegar and alcohol.

For tomato stains, you can apply some baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and leave for 30 minutes before putting the tablecloth in the washing machine.

Remove chocolate and coffee from the fabric

To remove chocolate stains, you can apply a solution of 1 part dish soap to 2 parts 3% diluted peroxide and leave for 30 minutes before washing off.

For coffee stains, you need to soak up the excess drink with paper towels and pour carbonated water over the stain. Re-absorb the stain with paper towels and repeat these steps several times until you see the stain lose strength.

Remove stains from the tablecloth: cranberry sauce

Cranberry is a shade of red you don't want to see on your tablecloth. This crimson-colored berry can leave permanent stains if you don't act quickly.

Scrape any remaining cranberry sauce particles from the fabric with a spoon. Hold the tablecloth under cold running water. Apply a small amount of dish soap to the stain and let it sit for 10-20 minutes. Machine wash the tablecloth with warm water and detergent.

Simply clean lipstick stains with home remedies

If your guests' party glamor has smeared lipstick on your tablecloth or napkins, first treat the stain with liquid detergent. Work it in with a toothbrush and let the detergent work for at least 15 minutes. Wash the fabric on hot water and repeat as needed. Wait until the stain has completely disappeared before drying the fabric.

Remove blood stains from fabric

Find out here how to remove blood stains easilyremove from the tablecloth or clothingif someone accidentally cuts their finger during a meal.

You need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Paper towel or clean cloth
  • Mild dishwashing detergent
  • Ammonia
  • baking powder
  • Soft toothbrush

Test the hydrogen peroxide on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't discolor the fabric. Drip hydrogen peroxide onto the blood stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Blot the stain with a clean cloth, working from the outside to the inside.

Repeat the process if necessary. Once the stain is removed, wash the fabric.

If the stain is still there, try the following: Add a few drops of dish soap to the stain and gently rub it. Drizzle it with ammonia, then sprinkle it with baking soda and let the two soak for a few minutes.

Gently scrub the stain in a circular motion with a toothbrush until it disappears. Rinse with cold water and wash the fabric.